Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 321 Ultron's Vent

Chapter 321 Ultron's Vent

The loud noise spread rapidly along with the earthquake-like waves, causing smoke and dust to fly up Ultron's factory.

At this time, Ultron is commanding his legion to take away everything here, trying to avoid Tony Stark's revenge.

Although his plan developed unexpectedly, the components of the steel fortress were launched into the sky, and when someone just realized it, the fortress had been connected, covering a small half of the sky, and after that, most of the army was thrown into half the earth In the war where components from various parts of the world were launched into the air, although the superheroes responded quickly, the result did not change, and the momentum was overwhelming.

That's enough to make it exciting, and it would obviously be even better without the big trouble of Tony Stark.

"Hey! Is anyone there? Purple Man? Oh! I'm so sorry, you're not Purple Man now, well, Ultron, come out quickly, let me see your little steel face, hey hey hey! You miscellaneous soldiers don't come here."

The explosive rumbling sound and the provocative sound spread to every corner of the factory under the action of the amplifier, and naturally also reached Ultron's ears.

The words that directly tore open his scar mercilessly told him about the body transformation that he had always cared about, and even sprinkled a handful of salt on it, making the wound even more painful.Ultron wished he could go out immediately and smash Stark's disgusting face to death, but regardless of whether he could do it, just to continue this plan, he couldn't be caught here.

He thought so, but the most fundamental reason was that he was not strong enough, at least he couldn't deal with the huge machine outside that slaughtered the Ultron Legion. He could only escape, and he had to escape secretly.

The factory where Ao Chuang made components directly opened a big hole under the heavy punch of the huge and slightly inflated anti-Hulk armor, and many steel suits were quickly broken through under the operation of Jarvis, an artificial intelligence with strong field control ability The obstruction of the small number of Ultron Legion poured into it.

"Jarvis, have you found Ultron?" Tony Stark manipulated the anti-Hulk armor and randomly knocked out the Ultron Legion soldiers who rushed up, and asked Jarvis.

"It wants to escape, but I have locked him up."

Just as Jarvis's unhurried voice fell, the pillars on one side of the factory were suddenly broken by a huge force, making a clicking sound, and the three-storey building suddenly fell to one side, with a bang, billowing smoke and dust.

"What's going on?!" Tony Stark was at a loss, and quickly activated the thrusters to knock the heavy and huge anti-Hulk armor out of the building.

"Sir, the steel suit is still inside, and No. 11 and No. [-] can no longer maintain their work." Jarvis counted the loss report immediately.

It's just that Tony Stark really didn't pay attention to it. The detection system of the steel suit directly locked the target on a container flying fast to the distant sky. Under the ejector formed by the deformation, it flew far and far at high speed, and he didn't know that it was the controller locked by Jarvis.

I was eager in my heart, and immediately chased after him without hesitation.

"Jarvis, follow up with the working steel suit, hurry up!"

The energy in several new energy arks was running at the same time, and the conversion rate was directly raised to the highest. The huge anti-Hulk roared and chased towards the sky at a speed that did not conform to its size.

After a lot of tossing, the three-story building completely collapsed, and dozens of figures broke through from the billowing smoke and dust, followed Tony Stark, and soon turned into a few inconspicuous black spots on the horizon.

People went to the building, and the masonry and rubble gradually revealed a miserable posture in the smoke and dust that gradually settled down.

After a while, the smoke and dust had completely returned to the earth.A place in the ruins suddenly trembled, and then the tremor became bigger, arching a bulge in the ruins, pushing away a vaguely visible wall, revealing the things below.

The container, which is not much different from the container taken away by Ultron, slowly squeezed out of the ruins. The iron wall rubbed against the rubble and made a frowning sound of grinding teeth, gradually revealing the overall posture.

The bottom of this container was also brought up by the transformed ejectors of four Ultron robots, and it broke away from the ruins without lingering. It kept a certain distance from the ground and flew at a low altitude but flew in a completely opposite direction at an extremely fast speed.

"Hmph! Stark, no matter how smart you are, you still won't be fooled by me after all."

"You think I haven't noticed that I'm being watched, haha, I've noticed it a long time ago. It's thanks to you. Thanks to you, I can be like this."

"You smart idiot, you still want to use me to help you build the Iron Fortress, hahaha! Okay! I built it! But I just don't know if you can bear the consequences! Humph!"

An ordinary Ultron who looked like a miscellaneous soldier followed behind the container. There was a scarlet cold light in the round eyes, and the metal mouth was pressed together, as if a crack had arisen out of nowhere. The hoarse words full of strong hatred in bursts of urns made people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

The reason why Ultron talks to himself is because he really has no one to talk to. Although the Ultron Machine Legion is a legion, in fact, all Ultron itself is Ultron itself, and there is no distinction between you and me, but he also He couldn't help holding back the joy in his heart, so while talking to himself, venting, he flew quickly and changed positions.

However, his words were not without audiences. Although they didn't hear all of them, they heard most of them.

On the container, a man was lying on it casually with his legs crossed, holding a red apple with tender green leaves covered with morning dew in his hand. It floated away quickly like an arrow with a short section of rhizome leaving the string.

The high-speed flight tore through the air, forming a howling wind, as if the anger of an ancient giant beast, but this kind of influence was completely absent from this person, as if the entire space and time had nothing to do with him, as if he was not It should be here, but it's here again.

The sun was shining brightly, and Harry pushed the hair in front of his eyes with his hands, and there seemed to be a stream of orange flowing in a pair of light blue eyes.

He took a bite of the apple lightly, it was very crisp, with the coolness of the morning, the taste was indeed better, the mouthful was full of sweetness.

Hearing Uo Chuang's hoarse voice full of hatred and joy, he couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said with a smile: "It's such a big resentment."


Ultron could hear Harry's faint words clearly with his mechanical ears. He yelled in panic, and the mechanical face also showed a look of horror.

Such a situation, Harry did not expect.

"Hey!" Please sighed, and took another bite of the apple, a wave like water suddenly came out from him, filling the whole world, and suddenly, the world became quiet.

 Dismal! Dismal!But after the book is finished, the book must be finished, it is absolutely reasonable, and it will not break its promise.But it’s going to be a holiday soon, because I have to review now, so as not to fail the subject, so it’s a little less, and I must finish it quickly after I’ve been busy.

  And thank you to the few remaining supporters!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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