Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 301 Easy Gambling

Chapter 301 Easy Gambling

Sometimes evil thoughts may not end up with evil results, and evil original intentions may not necessarily become the beginning of evil. Of course, if it is to be shaped by human power, it must go through some correct methods.

But the current situation really needs some means to complete it.

No one knows Ultron's idea, but since he attacked Stark Tower and took away the design of the Steel Fortress, his purpose must be on the Steel Fortress, so even if Ultron might have any purpose, but This aspect is still something they must guard against, and if Ultron's real purpose is to build a steel fortress and use it as a weapon to destroy all mankind, then they have the opportunity to use it in reverse, not to mention, Tony Stark also said another thing that surprised everyone.

All the rare materials in the Stark Tower that he tried his best to collect to build the fortress disappeared strangely after Ultron's attack.

Hearing this news, even if you are stupid, you can easily think that Ultron stole the materials.At the same time, those precious materials mentioned by Tony Stark are very rare. Even he spent a lot of money to get so much, but it is only enough to build a steel fortress.

It’s just that the situation is already the case, so we can only do the opposite. Since Ultron wants to replace them to build a steel fortress, let him do it. As for who will benefit in the end, anyway, Harry has confirmed that it must be him This side is up.

Regardless of the situation or other obstacles, his idea finally won the approval of everyone. In fact, they have no other way, but there are still differences on the matter of finally taking the Iron Fortress from Ultron. After all, if this is done according to the plan, then they are a group of people who pushed the future of the earth to the cliff. It is good to succeed, but if they fail, then they are the sinners of the earth.

It's just that the situation forced them. Even if they tried their best to retrieve the materials robbed by Ultron, and then they built the steel fortress, time would still be a problem.

In this way, the problem of the loss of Stark Tower data can be regarded as a solution. Although the fate of the earth is a bet, with the cooperation of this group of superheroes, there will be no doubts about the result.

The next day, in response to the attack on Stark Tower, the Avengers reunited and appeared in the media.

In the latest major newspapers, most of the Avengers appeared in front of the Stark Tower after being attacked and repaired a few times.Except for the most conspicuous Tony Stark's scapegoat-like face, other people also have obvious seriousness and anger, but even so, as the main force in this large-scale attack The character Tony Stark still hasn't explained anything, even though everyone knows that it was the robot army created by Stark that attacked the Stark Tower, but even so, the gathering of the Avengers still shows the truth of the situation. Seriousness, at least the internal situation is much more serious than the public knows.

So various speculations and various compilations began in the report. These stories can almost be connected into a long novel. However, those superheroes don't care much about this situation, and at most they just use it for a laugh. .

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!

The sound of water droplets falling into the stagnant water kept ringing, although it was slow, it was continuous.

In the dirty underground pipes, this kind of sound is really common, even this kind of normal is already extremely quiet. After all, in such a place, it is very normal for a big dirty mouse to pass by at any time.

However, this kind of silence didn't last long. After a few slapping sounds and the splashing of water, and then the sound of falling again, such a ticking sound is really not so clear, especially in the This broke the silence that followed the whining that followed.

"Oh! God! What did I step on? Disgusting! This is the only battle uniform I have left, and now as a jobless agent, I really mean to say that ordinary people without jobs live in New York City Go on, then money is really a ****!"

Before the half-self-deprecating and half-complaining words fell, a few laughs sounded clearly, echoing in the dark underground pipe.

"Hahaha! Clint, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Of course, if one day you run out of money and come to me, then I will definitely take care of you." A grinning voice responded .

"That's really great! Harry, you are one of the richest people in the world. With you as a rich man, I don't think I have anything to worry about in my future life. Don't say I have no ambition. After all, I am also a family waiting for dinner." Hawkeye responded to Harry with a smile.

"Hey! Gentlemen! Now is not the time to joke around." The Black Widow spoke with a hoarse voice of natural temptation, expressing her dissatisfaction with Harry and Hawkeye.

"Okay!" Harry curled his lips helplessly, and then turned on the light source in his hand, illuminating the dark and dirty tunnel clearly.

Seeing this, the black widow didn't say anything anymore, she turned her head to look at the stern and cool man beside her, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although the planned action this time was originally just an action to dispel the opponent's suspicion rather than to eliminate the opponent, and the team's emphasis on the situation is only as long as they protect themselves when they meet, but even if the action is planned in this way, Winter The warrior's stance still satisfies her experienced, almost fixed-minded agent.

"Natasha, Stark has sent a coordinate point, we can move forward." A young woman's voice sounded, and then the darkness behind her was slightly illuminated, which was a faint red light of strange energy.

"Hmm." The Black Widow nodded to Little Scarlet, the youngest member of the group, who joined the Avengers not long ago, and then said to the others: "Although this action is to confuse Ultron, we can't take it lightly."

Harry and Hawkeye nodded nonchalantly, just like Natasha said, this action is just to confuse, as long as this is done, it is enough, and if this is done, the team composed of them will also Just enough.

(End of this chapter)

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