Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 300 Reminder

Chapter 300 Reminder
The long-awaited Avengers finally assembled again, but this time they were not as unanimous as before.

That afternoon, some people gradually entered the Stark Tower, which is the headquarters of the Avengers.

Inside the building, on the same round table, not many people came this time, but all of them were important figures in the alliance.

Captain America, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Quicksilver and Scarlet followed behind, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and even Dr. Banner, who had no news, and Thor, who was far away in God's Domain, all rushed here.

Of course, there are Harry, Tony Stark, and Mister Fantastic. As for the other people who also belong to the Avengers, they are not qualified to appear here. Because the people here obviously have a deeper understanding of the world than other superheroes, and some things are better explained.

"Tony, did you call me from God's Domain just to let me see your black face here? Haha!" Lei Shen casually placed Mjolnir on the round table of the meeting, and laughed heartily.

However, no one responded to his laughter. Tor left to look around, only to see that everyone's faces were a little serious and a little dark.

"What happened? Stark." Captain America first looked at Harry, and then at Tony Stark who was sitting there without any movement.

Tony Stark, who said nothing, had a dark face and just sat there without speaking, but it was precisely because of his behavior that he felt very uneasy, feeling that something dangerous was about to happen.

His feeling is obviously very accurate, but in fact he also guessed some things wrong, those dangerous things have already happened!
"Ahem!" Tony Stark suddenly coughed twice, and at the same time, he glanced at the armored Thor with a strange but somewhat evasive look.

He stood up, a trace of confusion appeared on his serious face, but he finally spoke.

"Sorry! Everyone, I am very sorry!"

As he spoke, he directly bent down and bowed to everyone.

Tony Stark's attitude was really sudden and unexpected, which stunned everyone for a moment, but soon some people with flexible minds turned their faces black.

What Stark wants to express is obviously not a good thing, not only is it not a good thing, but it is definitely extremely dangerous and has already happened!
"What the hell happened?" Even Thor, who had muscles in his head, realized from the atmosphere that something was wrong.

Tony Stark didn't speak, because he knew what Ultron's purpose was, yes!It's Ultron!After he told Harry everything before, Harry had searched for the purple man telepathically, but there was no response. After thinking about it, there was only one answer in the end, and this answer was exactly the same. He explained where the artificial intelligence that could make Jarvis lose also came from, but he shuddered a little at the thought of this, because he knew that this time he met a ruthless person.And such a crazy person has obtained the design information of the Steel Fortress, any idea he has must be dangerous and crazy.

"This time, I need the help of all of you." Mister Fantastic said suddenly, and then stood up, saying: "Some things were lost when Stark Tower was raided, the most important of which is Mr. The design information of the Iron Fortress."

Speaking of Stark Tower, everyone paid attention.Although the Iron Fortress plan is the product of the cooperation of various governments, it is still a favorable decision for the protection of the earth, and Captain America has explained this matter after the Civil War not long ago. Everyone present Except for Thor, who did not participate in the superhero civil war, and Bruce Banner, the Hulk, who has no news, they are very clear about this matter and support it, but now it is obvious that something else has happened. .

"Steel Fortress? What is that?" Thor asked immediately, frowning slightly when he heard something he had never heard before.

"Steel Fortress is a layer of shield mentioned by Stark that prevents the earth's defense system and the attacks of dangerous forces outside the earth." The Falcon next to Thor glanced at Thor, and said in a flat tone: "Block Everything beyond Earth, including you Asgardians, of course."

Upon hearing this, Thor immediately showed dissatisfaction on his rough face, turned his head to look at Tony Stark, stood up suddenly, and said loudly: "The earth has always been brought by us Asgard. Guardian, you have no right to do this!"

Although Thor is the prince of Asgard, the earth is equivalent to his second hometown, not to mention that there are people he loves on the earth. It has always been his pursuit, but now the Atrium Midgard in his eyes began to break away from Asgard's protection when he didn't know it, which made him feel insulted.

"Hey!" Harry stood up at this time, interrupted the questioning suddenly, looked at Thor and said, "It seems that no one has given you Asgardians such rights, even if you are the future master of Asgard, but That is only limited to Asgard, not to mention you are not the master of Asgard, no! Hehe, in fact, the chances of you becoming the master of Asgard are not great, after all, the current Odin is not... ..."

The words were not finished, but Harry didn't want to continue talking.

Harry's voice was not loud, but it reached Thor's ears, which was obviously a provocative tone.

"What do you mean?" Thor stretched out his hand and raised Thor's Hammer on the table, staring angrily.

Harry smiled and said, "There are many things you don't know. After all, even Asgard is not invincible."

After walking around half of the round table, Harry came to Thor's side, patted him on the shoulder, then reached out to grab the hammer he was holding tightly, and said, "Thanos is about to come to the earth, this time I just want to tell you That’s all, after all, what we are about to face is a problem that belongs to the earth, you know about Thanos.” In the end, he repeated it emphatically, and at this time his hand has already reached out to Mjolnir .

Thor was obviously a little dazed when he heard Harry say the name Thanos, but at this moment Harry stretched out his hand and slapped Thor's palm numbly, and he slapped Mjolnir extremely quickly. I got it in my own hands.

Thor's Hammer Mjolnir was made from a planet, so it was extremely heavy, but for Harry, who was in a special situation, it was not a problem to hold it.

Thor was still in a daze, but when Harry shook and shook the majestic hammer, he suddenly reacted.

His sight was attracted by the small and even slender hand that grabbed Mjolnir's handle.

"You? How could you be able to hold my hammer?" Thor's entire face immediately became panicked, and he said in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible." With these words, Harry put the hammer back in Thor's hand.

He shook his hand vigorously, Mjolnir belonged to the domain of the gods after all, the rune magic on the hammer fixed its holder as Thor, the prince of the domain of the gods, even though Harry now possessed the ancient power of the phoenix and was With the energy of the Infinity Gem, the ability of the Black Emperor can also allow him to bear the weight while absorbing and reflecting it into a powerful force, but this can only make him shake the hammer twice, and now his wrist is sore .

"It seems that you know Thanos." Harry glanced at the expression on Thor's face, and continued: "Then it is also possible that Thanos will come here."

"Because of what?!" Thor asked loudly, but there was a slight tremor in his voice, obviously even he was very afraid of this name.

"He shouldn't be interested in this place, he..., could it be?!" Thor shook his head unwillingly to say something, but when he thought about what happened on the earth, he immediately understood, Thanos If this destroyer who traversed the universe set his sights on the earth, then he would only be interested in the Infinity Stones.

"It seems that you already know." Harry chuckled, returned to his seat and sat down again, and said, "How many Infinity Stones have appeared on Earth, I think you can know even in God's Domain."

The guardian of the God's Domain Rainbow Bridge has a pair of bright eyes that can monitor every corner of the universe, and after the earth appears in the Cosmic Cube, Asgard will definitely not reduce the monitoring of the earth, even if the God's Domain has also appeared. turmoil, but they are obviously aware of the abnormal situations that the infinite stones have appeared on the earth one after another.

"The Stone of Space, the Stone of Mind, and the Stone of Reality have all appeared on Earth. Although the Stone of Reality has been sent away, the Stone of Space is in Asgard. I think you should worry most now. It's not here." Harry tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and said in a flat tone.

He was reminding Thor that Thor is really a powerful help after all, and he said so much in the hope that Thor would pay attention to this matter. After all, Asgard is also famous in the universe, even if it is not as good as Thanos. People are frightened by the news, but they are also a very strong force. Although he can't explain everything he knows, he can use these things that he can tell to make the other party alert.

Thor didn't say anything when he heard the words, but took a deep look at Harry, then directly raised Thor's hammer, turned and left.

"Hey! Remember to be careful, maybe you should go back and get some help." Harry said again.

Hearing this, the tall and strong figure still stepped forward. After a while, there was only a thunderbolt, and after the colorful brilliance flashed, there was no Thor on the earth.

Harry sighed and shook his head lightly. What can be done has been done, and the result can only depend on the final situation. I just hope that the situation of Twilight of the Gods will not happen.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at everyone.

"Okay, now we are the only ones left on Earth, and it's time to explain the situation." Harry put his hands on the table, his voice was heavy, and he looked at everyone here with low eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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