Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 302 Explosion

Chapter 302 Explosion
The filth of the underground is really unbearable, especially the pungent smell caused by a mixture of unknown or messy things, and what is even more unbearable is the random smell. As they kept walking forward, the smell kept changing, but none of them was able to breathe out with peace of mind.

But this is not a problem for Harry and the Winter Soldier. Both Harry's suit and the Winter Soldier's equipment have masks, and they are definitely masks that can block odors.

"Crimson, how far is it? I didn't wear a gas mask!" Hawkeye glanced left and right, then wrinkled his nose vigorously and turned to ask Little Scarlet who was walking at the back.

"We'll be there soon. Another turn ahead will be the junction of the underground pipelines, and then we'll be the source of the signal." Little Crimson held her nose while looking down at the large red area on the display screen that was getting closer and closer. Signal point, replied softly.

"Great." Hawkeye said with a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, be alert and look around. Ultron is likely to arrange an ambush here." The black widow touched her back with both hands, and she immediately grabbed two exquisite pistols in her hands, with full vigilance in her eyes.

After her words fell, Harry and the others no longer had the same loose attitude as before. Hawkeye drew an arrow from his quiver and strung the bow. His sharp eyes lived up to his name. The Winter Soldier was indifferent, but quietly He came to the forefront of the team and used his actions to justify his name. Harry was no exception. At some point in his hands, he had already grasped the double knives that were originally carried behind his back, and swept his mind forward.

After all, it’s not a one-day trip to the underground. Even if it’s a smoke bomb, they can’t be too big when facing an enemy like Ultron, otherwise they may capsize in the gutter if they don’t pay attention. The danger of attaining the goal obviously does not permit such accidents.

Several people gradually moved forward, but their steps were a bit slower than before, but they were obviously more stable.

According to the route, several people turned a corner, and then continued to move forward, and just when they took a dozen steps after the turn, there was a faint rush beeping that was completely different from the situation in the underground pipeline. The beep sounded suddenly.

"Back quickly! It's a bomb!" The Winter Soldier who walked in the front made a decisive decision and shouted loudly. At the same time, he turned quickly and pushed the Black Widow who was following him back violently. He himself wanted to take a step forward. Get out of the way of the explosion.

It's just that the explosion obviously came faster than the reaction speed brought by his strong body. At the moment when he just pushed the black widow away and took a step, a loud bang came directly to the ears of several people, and at the moment When the sound of the explosion sounded, the soil on the top of the head suddenly cracked, and at the same time as the smoke and dust exploded, the broken stones fell on the Winter Soldier's head.

Although Little Crimson who was walking at the back was separated by a few people, she still saw the situation. She frowned lightly, her face was serious, and with a low drink, Crimson's mist-like energy immediately shattered the shattered shattered object. The stone catches it.

Surrounded by the crimson energy, the hot orange-red flames in the large broken stones seemed to stop, and looked as beautiful and real as condensed amber, but in the real beauty of Yaang But it is full of terrifying power.

And under such a terrifying explosion, even the power of Crimson obviously couldn't last for too long.

It really wasn't that long, before the Winter Soldier came out from under there, sweat dripped from Little Crimson's beautiful forehead, and the crimson energy wrapped around her hands also became trembling and thin, like a candle in the wind, It is about to dissipate.

"Come out quickly! The explosion was too violent, I...I can't hold it anymore." Little Scarlet shouted anxiously with a trembling voice.

"Not good! That's Stark's Ark reactor, and Ultron has made it out of control!" Black Widow glanced at the frozen explosion, and immediately made a judgment.

As soon as her words fell, everyone froze.

Even though Stark's Ark is manufactured using new energy technology and is very stable, if it is deliberately detonated, its power is obviously not below that of small nuclear weapons, and once such a violent explosion occurs in this crowded and narrow pipeline, they will almost One will definitely be shrouded in it, and at the same time, the ground above their heads may be directly thrown away.Not to mention the few of them, there are tens of thousands of residents above the pipeline. The most likely thing is that when the explosion sounds, both they and the people above will be wiped out directly.

And judging from Xiaohong's appearance, she obviously couldn't control the explosion.

"Crimson! You must hold on, Clint! Immediately notify the headquarters and let them quickly move the residents above here!" The black widow immediately made a decision and shouted loudly.

"Okay! I'll do my best!" After Little Crimson finished speaking, she gritted her silver teeth as if she had made up her mind, and suddenly, a powerful force erupted from her body again, and the dazzling crimson energy suddenly burst into flames. Condensed, wrapped the explosion in groups, and it was no longer as bleak as before.

"It seems that Ultron has discovered our actions a long time ago." At this time, Harry suddenly said.

His mental scan was completed at the moment when the explosion sounded, but Ultron, who was originally the target, was not here at all. As for those signal sources, he just wanted to say that Ultron was too defensive, like The news that came back from his mind was average, those signal sources that should have been placed in the materials of the steel fortress were placed not far away, but Ultron and the materials were nowhere to be seen again. Everything here is obviously waiting for them!
It's just surprising that in the face of such a situation, he didn't feel any worry or nervousness, and even walked forward with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.In fact, this seemingly dangerous situation was not difficult for him. On the contrary, this situation made him confirm the result of their smoke bomb operation, well, it was obviously a success.

"Harry! What are you going to do?" Watching Harry walk forward, Hawkeye shouted immediately, reaching out to grab him at the same time.

It's just that his grasp was obviously in vain. Harry's figure flashed, and he reappeared in front of the explosion. At the same time, he calmly stretched out his slender white palm, and grabbed the explosion wrapped in crimson energy.

(End of this chapter)

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