Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 289 The Phoenix Comes

Chapter 289 The Phoenix Comes
A smear of red in the sky quickly approached, and gradually people could see that it was a tall woman, who seemed to turn a blind eye to the people below, and slowly came to the slightly dim mass that seemed to be mixed with a hint of crimson. Beside the golden light of the color mist.

"That's..., that's Qin!"

Down below, Cyclops Scott, wearing a pair of dark red quartz glasses, looked up at the red figure flying towards the sky, was stunned, then ran two steps over there, and immediately shouted loudly.

The former lover, how could he not be excited to see him now.It's just that the figure didn't respond to his call.

Among the crowd of X-Men, Professor X and Magneto were stunned at the same time. After confirming again, Professor X nodded to Magneto next to him and said, "It is indeed her."

His voice is soft, but powerful for Magneto.

Phoenix, this is the weapon he tried to control and used to fight against humans, but at this time, for him who has seen the future, it is very likely to become the savior of the race.It's not that he didn't try to find her, but Phoenix didn't want to see him, how could he be able to see her, he just thought that Phoenix still didn't solve the problem of mental confusion, and even thought that Jean Gray was dead, because after he got In the future, Jean Gray never appeared, but now she appeared here, which gave him a lot of hope for facing those terrifying sentinels.

A fifth-level mutant, this is definitely enough to change the situation of the battle!
"Her, has his mental problem been solved?" Magneto looked excited, but still asked Professor X tentatively.

"I don't know." Professor X shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I haven't seen her for a long time since the Alcatraz incident ended, but I always feel that she is no longer troubled by that problem, but is Nirvana has been reborn, and now it seems that my thoughts are right. Alas! Although she may no longer be her, but he will always be my student." At the end, Professor X looked up at the figure, the picture The bitter face has turned into relief.With his spiritual cultivation, he can naturally see the changes in a person, but even so, that woman is his student, his child.

"In that case, can we get her to help us?" Magneto asked.This was a question he really cared about, so after asking this question, his eyes kept falling on Professor X, hoping to get an affirmative answer.

But this expectation of his is destined not to be affirmed as he hopes.

Professor X smiled wryly when he heard the words, looked at his old friend, shook his head again and said, "She is no longer the Phoenix girl she used to be, even if she still thinks about the past, she is no longer her, and her heart has long since ceased to belong to College X." .”

Before the words were finished, Professor X had already set his eyes on Cyclops Scott who was shouting loudly, but his eyes looked strange no matter what.

Magneto was silent when he heard the words, and finally heaved a long sigh, and looked up at the figure with complicated eyes.


The golden light did not know when the dazzling brilliance slowly disappeared, and the people underground felt that the radiance was no longer dazzling, only soft.

The people below opened their eyes and looked at the light ball again, but they were shocked.

I saw that the glaring golden light was completely covered by another flame-like crimson at this time. The golden light seemed to be no match for the red mist, and was suppressed bit by bit. Gradually, they I also saw Jin Guang's true face, it was actually a person!

That layer of crimson mist suppressed the golden light, showing its extraordinary features, and compressed all of it back into Harry's body, and after suppressing the golden light, it floated outside his body for a moment, and then all into his body.

All kinds of light disappeared, and Harry's clothes didn't change at all.

"How is it?" Jean Gray asked in a soft and gentle tone with a calm face.

On the opposite side, Harry still had a ferocious face, his eyes were extremely dull, and he seemed to be still immersed in that endless pain. Seeing this, Jean Gray waved his bare hand lightly, and a soft red mist floated up and landed on Harry's face. Between his brows, Harry's eyes suddenly became active, and at the same time, a loud roar that he had been unable to shout out came out.


This roar seemed to be heart-piercing and painful to the bone marrow, making people feel that he had endured unimaginable pain.

It's just that this roar only felt deafening to Jean Gray who was facing him. She covered her ears with her two small hands and gave him a reproachful look.

"Jin? How is it you?" Huh? His body trembled violently, and he took a breath of cold air. Harry's eyes widened and his pupils shrank slightly, as if frightened, but he quickly saw the person in front of him clearly.

? "Harry used that phoenix power in his body, I didn't even know you almost died." Jean Gray curled her lips, rolled her eyes at him, shook her head full of resentment, pressed her palms on her temples, and felt but memory

"You have just mastered this body. Alas, even if this is your body, it is different after all. You came to such a dangerous place. Fortunately, I sensed it. Otherwise, with the powerful force in your body just now With pure power of the mind, it won’t be long before your thoughts will be wiped out completely, and then you will become an empty shell without thoughts.” Jean Gray said to Harry seriously, the previous crises really made her They were all shocked.The power-receiving ability is completely unable to bear a flesh and blood body, but thanks to the arrival of Jean Gray, what she has in her body

For her, the struggle with spiritual power just now was not as simple as what others saw. Although that spiritual power did not take any initiative, it was too powerful after all, even if Harry sucked the power of the phoenix. It was born from the beginning of the universe, and it is the most powerful emotional force in the universe. It is just like the nemesis with the power of the pure mind stone, just because the power of the phoenix is ​​too huge, although Jean Gray Combining two personalities into one strengthened her control over the power of the phoenix, but it also took a lot of effort on her part. The power of the phoenix she used to help Harry just now is already something she can easily control now. One-half of the Phoenix Force.

"But you are a blessing in disguise. Try to see if your telepathy has become stronger." Jean Gray chuckled.

When Harry heard the words, he suddenly remembered and was a little confused.

Everything, upon hearing these words again, he immediately closed his eyes forcefully, brewing for a moment, when he opened them again, bright golden light filled his pale blue eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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