Chapter 288
The bright golden light streaked across the sky like a meteor, and hit the person on the high place straight.

The people below still haven't made any direct judgments about the situation in front of them, and they still don't even know what happened to this sudden incident. Who is that white guy who suddenly appeared?Where did the Red Skull, an old guy who should have been dead long ago, come from?What is that thing that exudes golden light in his hand?New weapons or something else?None of them know.

But they believed in one thing, and that was that the white guy was finished too.

It's just that the following situation made their idea completely disappear after it arose.


The golden streamer was extremely fast, and it was about to hit the person who was high in the sky in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, the person didn't respond at all, he just raised his arm lightly, and then the outstretched palm A faint soft golden light quietly bloomed, which was really inconspicuous compared to the one that hit directly.

However, there are some things that cannot be understood from the outside, just like this majestic and dazzling golden light, but it slowly shrinks in front of the softness, and finally there is no change.

The golden light dissipated, but the speed of the Red Skull did not completely disappear, and he was still trying to hit that person under the effect of inertia, but his face was no longer as decisive and fierce as before, but instead looked like Dazed after a huge blow.

There was a mocking smile on the man's strange white face, his right hand just didn't move, and the red skull was directly on his neck.

With a soft sound, the man didn't even shake, and the bewildered Red Skull was directly grabbed by the neck by him.

"Hehe! You are really good!" The man looked at the terrible face of the Red Skull, and smiled happily. He glanced at the golden gemstone in the opponent's hand, and said: "Last time, You broke the space and brought me a glimmer of hope, and this time, you gave me the first big gift after I came to this world, haha! You really have always brought me good luck!" Laughing, the man's fingers on the other hand lightly hooked, and the Red Skull's fist holding the Soul Stone was broken one by one by the invisible force, and then, the light had already converged. The Mind Stone flew towards the man's right hand with a faint light, and finally all the light disappeared completely, just like an ordinary yellow gemstone, and then fell into one of the grooves on the back of his right hand glove above.


With a slight sound, the yellow gem was inlaid with the groove seamlessly, and the ordinary gem radiated golden light again, but this time it was obviously not as unscrupulous and uncontrollable as before.

The Infinity Gauntlet takes control of the Infinity Stones!
"This, it's impossible!" The pain of the fingers being split apart made the Red Skull wake up from the shock. His eyes were as bloody as his skin, and he stared at the man's palm, full of fear. confidence.

Since leaving this world, he has a deeper understanding of this world, whether it is all kinds of weird things, all kinds of weird people, or all kinds of strange things, such as infinite gems and infinite gloves .

The Infinity Gauntlet shouldn't appear here at this time, and it shouldn't appear in this person's hands either!

"The flow of fate is always changing, and even if the big flow always points in one direction, there are countless side details. Even the manipulator of fate cannot control every tributary, so anything that happens before your eyes It's not impossible, besides, hehe! This is not what you think."

"Oh! Forget it, you're going to die anyway, it's okay to tell you something, this glove is actually not an orthodox Infinity Gauntlet, as you know, the real Infinity Gauntlet has been in the hands of Thanos In my hand, as for this, ha, it can only be regarded as a counterfeit, but as a counterfeit, it is an extremely excellent and strange counterfeit, at least it can persist until I complete my goal." The man waved the infinite gauntlet on his right hand, even if the color The difference is almost the same, but the soul stone on it is still very conspicuous.

When Red Skull heard this, his eyes changed a few times.And at this moment, a strong pain came from his palm.

"Ugh! Ah!"

A shrill scream sounded, but the man let go of his hand and let him fall down.

Seeing the body of the falling red skull gradually disappearing from the palm of his hand, the man finally looked at Harry, who had turned into a ball of golden light, and frowned slightly. In the end, he was not doing anything, turned around and disappeared directly here, in the into the air.

The wind whistled in his ears, but the Red Skull could hardly hear the sound, and even the pain in his body was no longer transmitted to his nerves.But even so, he still had to make some moves at this time.

The palm that was not affected by the power of the Mind Stone approached the chest pocket of the jacket a little bit, and then pressed a button forcefully.

"Order: All command of the Sentinel robot is given to Harry Osborn. Leave a message to him in the Sentinel robot: He is collecting infinite gems, Thanos is probably also his goal, if even Thanos can't solve him , you are the only one who can kill him, that body is yours, as long as you..."

The sound, which was not very loud, came to an abrupt end here.

Although the Red Skull used some methods to control the Mind Stone with a human body, it is an ancient thing that existed since the beginning of the universe. It has fully stimulated the power in it. Even if the Red Skull has some methods, but This situation also caused him to be greatly traumatized, and at this time, without the Soul Gem, the trauma completely exploded.

As if the wind and sand were blown away, Red Skull's entire body was completely turned into dust and dissipated with the wind.

And Harry, who was about to receive his bequest, was suffering almost the same pain at this time, the pain caused by the Mind Stone.

Tear, from the inside of the body.

The body was torn open by the internal force, and the self-healing deep in the gene immediately began to heal the cracks. The body exuded golden light, but blood continuously flowed out from the body surface, and then it was decomposed and disappeared by the golden light.

Although he was surrounded by dazzling golden light, he was suffering endless pain.

The absorption ability of the Black Emperor allowed him to absorb the spiritual power of the Red Skull hitting him into his body, so he was not injured, but it also allowed him to absorb the energy of the deadly Infinity Stone into his body.

Rip, heal, rip, heal, over and over again, seemingly forever.

Harry is no longer able to roar as loudly as he did at the beginning, he is afraid of pain, and he hates being hurt, he has never suffered such pain since he was 'born', even the direct death injection of spider venom The pain it brought was not so painful, but at this time, this situation had been going on over and over again on his body, and he didn't know how long it would last.

He just felt like his body was being cut open one after another by a sharp and cold knife. Because his body healed automatically, he didn't stop for a moment, and from time to time, a knife would be cut on the freshly healed wound.

This situation lasted for a long time, at least for Harry, it was difficult to calculate the time.

His voice has been hoarse for a long time. Although his mouth is wide open, it is difficult to make any sound, and his whole body bursts out with golden light from time to time, which is very dazzling. Even though his mouth is open and his eyes are bloodshot, his whole body They all appear abnormally distorted, but other people can't see this situation at all.

Flesh and blood cannot bear the power of the Infinity Gems, not to mention that Harry's body is no longer as powerful as the god body with the Asgardian gods before, even now he has been relying on the ability of self-healing to support himself. , but in this world, even Wolverine is no longer immortal, and he can't always be like this, not to mention that if he really is like this all the time, he might as well die.

The golden light in the sky is like the second sun. It is dazzling but not hot. It's just that the light is stronger for a while and then weaker. It is really dazzling. How many people are watching there below? They all shed tears.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tony Stark, who was trapped inside the tin can, also looked at the flashing golden light in the sky, as if he had been watching it for too long, and his eyes were shaking with tears , It's just that he is completely trapped there now, he can't even move, and naturally he can't wipe away his tears, so he can only frown and blink continuously with a bitter face, which looks very funny.

It's just that the Captain America beside him didn't smile, but just looked at him with a strange face, and still didn't know what happened to Tony Stark, and was he planning another conspiracy? ?
He couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it anymore, anyway, it was absolutely impossible for Tony Stark to escape from here.

Raising his head, his gaze swept the sky first, but he didn't see any figure of the former enemy. He had infinite questions in his heart to answer, but in the end he just frowned slightly, and then looked at Harry's transformation again. That mass of golden light.

Because of the sudden appearance of the Red Skull, he kept his eyes on him, and naturally saw Harry who appeared suddenly.

But at this moment, the golden light in the sky suddenly became weaker, like dark clouds covering the sun, the light suddenly converged.

At the same time, a little red appeared in the sky, dotted in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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