Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 290 Power of Mind

Chapter 290 Power of Mind
The mind is unpredictable, but at this moment, Harry felt that the human mind is not unavoidable and unpredictable, but what people think is too noisy and chaotic.

When a person is doing something, even if the goal is very clear, but other thoughts will always arise, and then touch the firm goal silently, so that people can't really do one thing wholeheartedly. Things, that's true of all people, and there are no outliers.

At this moment, in Harry's golden eyes, he could clearly see those unprovoked thoughts and goals.

Thread-like thoughts are born, either about the goal, or weird thoughts that have nothing to do with it and run counter to it, and finally all the threads are tangled into a ball, and then they all infect the main goal.

Just like Magneto, all he thinks now is for one purpose, which is to change the future of mutants. His other ideas are more consistent. Although they are different, their purpose is to solve the hidden danger of the future of mutants. , It is enough to see from this that he is a resolute person.At the same time, Harry also discovered that he actually had some contact with the Sentinels that Magneto was hostile to.

Just like Captain America, he was still thinking about the civil war at this time, but he couldn't help but have some thoughts about the current situation. In addition, he even thought about ending the war, but his Ideas are extraordinarily clean for other people.The thoughts of those superpowers who joined this battle for various reasons are too confused, sometimes leaning towards Stark, sometimes leaning towards Captain America, but sometimes some people have very dark and vicious thoughts. Ideas, such as killing one of them directly now, of course, those who can have such ideas are generally those super criminals with previous convictions.

But among these people, there are also special ones, such as Cyclops, who looks at Jean Gray in his eyes, and also reads Jean Gray in his heart. His thoughts are single, and all of them are the figure of Jean Gray. Of course, he did this more because he suddenly saw this person who had disappeared in other people's mouths reappear before his eyes.

The complete opposite of Cyclops Scott is Tony Stark. The guy who stirred up the superhero civil war is completely confused at this time. He doesn't know what happened, and he is still confused. Gooey.From here, it can be seen that he is indeed out of the purple man's control.

"Is this the power of the Mind Stone? It's really different from telepathy." Harry looked back and asked with a slight frown.

The main function of the telepathic ability is to invade other people's hearts, and then make changes to other people's memories and thoughts. It is used to find a person like Professor X, but it is an extension of his ability, not its main function.But the spiritual power he possesses now is different. Not only does he not need to invade other people's thoughts, but he will not attract the attention and vigilance of others when spying on other people's thoughts. This is no longer the scope of telepathy. At least if it is Professor X, if he wants to see a person's mind, he needs to use telepathy ability as a bridge, and then he can achieve his goal, and if he invades who also has telepathy ability or has the means to deal with similar abilities , even Professor X is likely to be discovered, but the psychic power he has now is completely different from this, and he even feels that if he wants to attack or even control a person's mind, he only needs to gently tap It can be done as soon as you use your strength, even if it is much stronger than the previous situation with sufficient mental power.

"After all, it's the power of the Infinity Gem, huh! You still said, in order to help you suppress this power and use it for yourself, I spent a huge price, and now I don't have any strength at all."

Saying such soft words of reproach, Jean Gray immediately made a look of powerlessness.Meifeng frowned slightly, closed her eyes, and then fell directly towards Harry as if she lost her strength for a moment, and a woman like her who was born with the posture of a goddess, making such a delicate posture is unavoidable, let alone It became like this because of him.

So Harry stretched out his arms and took her into his arms.

Jean Gray lowered his head and smiled secretly, but the corners of Harry's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes became darker, not only because the other party's arms were facing him but directly wrapped around his neck, acting like a couple, Just let him know that he was cheated so openly, and because of this, he suddenly thought of the person he ruthlessly rejected, and he felt a sense of guilt for no reason.

In fact, he still can't let go, he thought in his heart.

"I think you're fine." Harry patted Jean Gray on the head and said seriously.

"Can you see that? Liar." Jean Gray pouted, but let him go.

He exhaled inexplicably, relaxed for some reason.

His eyes drooped, and he saw the situation below.Except for those who have just been rescued from the negative prison, the personnel here have not changed much before he entered the negative prison. If there is any change, it is a few people among the X-Men, one In a coma, one turned into an exhibitionist but was still there with a big cigar in his mouth, puffing out thick smoke, and the other was the man in glasses who was staring at Qin fiercely without moving away for a moment, leaving Professor X's wheelchair , turned into a storm girl.

But these are nothing to him, what he cares about is Tony Stark, the guy trapped in the tin can, of course, he is interested in the purple man who controls him.

"Do you want me to help you?" Looking at the affectionate Cyclops Scott, Harry asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

Jean Gray is no longer the former Jean Gray. Now she is a new personality produced by combining the two personalities. Although she has inherited everything from the previous two personalities, she is different from the previous The two personalities are completely different. Everything in the past has nothing to do with her, and everything in the past has been turned into smoke. Although she knows everything about those things, it has no relationship with her at all, just like she has since After that, there has never been any contact with X Academy, just like the former lover is in front of her eyes but she no longer has any waves.

But even so, it would still be embarrassing to see her, even if she is Phoenix.

When Harry said this, Jean Gray snorted dissatisfiedly, and then fell down by herself.

Harry was alone in the air.

Restraining the laugh just now, I felt uncomfortable for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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