Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 333 The Ruins Are Present (11)

Chapter 333 The Ruins Are Present (11)

"Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. If you don't compete with these geniuses, you will never know where your limit is." Ruyu took a deep breath, and it was difficult for her to survive the difficulty of these exams.

After passing this level, those who can still stand in the ruins in the end, everyone should not be underestimated!

But one thing Ouyang Ruyu didn't know was that the assessments were not uniform, they were all based on the results of the first talent test.

The higher the level in the talent test, the more difficult the next level will be. This ruin has its own set of assessment standards, which have been stipulated since ancient times.

The third level is the agility test!

Ouyang Ruyu looked at the points of the knives placed in front of her, all protruding from the holes in the ground.

The tip of the knife protruded irregularly. Ouyang Ruyu gave up after observing it for a while. Since it was a test of body skills, it was natural to use body skills to solve this crisis.

Tapping her toes, Ruyu jumped onto the hole. The hole was very long, and Ruyu had to jump a few more times to reach the finish line. Just as she was about to jump, the tip of a knife suddenly protruded from the front, and Ruyu immediately Turned halfway and hid elsewhere.

Just as the small toe fell on another place, the point of the sword immediately protruded from the hole where it fell. It seemed that it could sense pressure. Once there was pressure somewhere, the point of the sword would come out.

Not only that, the entrance of the cave seemed to have independent thinking, Ruyu frowned, and found that the route she had planned could be understood one step in advance, and the tip of the sword would emerge when she wanted to step down.

With Ouyang Ruyu's body forging attainments, she would not be in danger even if she put her whole foot on the tip of the sword, but Ruyu didn't do that.

If you do this, then the agility assessment will lose its meaning. Ouyang Ruyu wants to conquer these levels and use these levels to hone her agility level, instead of opening a cheating tile.

Body training is one of her methods, which can save her life at a critical moment, but she cannot rely too much on body training and ignore other aspects of growth.

Ruyu tapped her toes lightly, like a dancing butterfly, and said with a slight smile, "Since the way forward is blocked, fortunately there is no way forward, just keep going!"

She was no longer asking herself how to walk, how to walk, but jumped over when she saw a hole without a sword point, and just stepped into the ground and realized something was about to come out, and she immediately jumped to another place nimbly.

This method is very effective, Ouyang Ruyu passed half of the hole while jumping around.

But this method also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, once you are off the field, you can't stop, you have to run and jump non-stop to maintain efficient agility.

Because as long as there is a negligence, the sharp point of the sword will cut through Ruyu's feet, causing damage!

The so-called dancing on the tip of a knife is nothing more than that.

Ruyu was like a broken bamboo all the way, so she kept this vigor and broke through the point of the knife all at once, and then successively broke through the second level of flowing water and the third level of not touching the body.

In the end, she stopped at the battle station before the fourth level. This was the last level of the agility test, and it was also the most difficult level. Even if Ruyu's agility had been refined, she was not sure that she would be able to pass this level.

This level is the meteor level!

The so-called shooting stars are just darts that fly from the sky. The darts are shot very fast, and it only takes a few tenths of a second to reach Ruyu's side. This is a test of Ouyang Ruyu's reaction ability.

She doesn't just have to dodge the dart that flies overhead, but the dart that flies over her head when she goes to another location.

This test not only tested the ability to respond, but also the observation and layout of the overall situation. Ouyang Ruyu put away the sloppiness of the previous levels and dealt with this level very seriously.

The first few levels tested pure agility. As long as the agility is extremely fast, one can avoid an obstacle. But this level can be passed not just by being fast!

Ouyang Ruyu closed her eyes, she decided to use her spiritual sense to get through this test.

Under the extension of spiritual consciousness, the falling trajectory of these darts became clearer, and the speed also slowed down. This is not because the speed of the darts really slowed down, but because Ruyu's reaction speed became faster.

Spiritual consciousness is extremely sensitive, and it can reach the depths of Ruyu's mind faster than what human eyes can see.

After standing there and waiting for a while, suddenly at a certain moment, Ouyang Ruyu moved!

She used the steps of the devil, like a thunder and lightning flashed, and broke into the meteor with a whoosh.

The speed left a faint afterimage in the air——

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The dart fell on the ground and shot out bursts of sparks. While dodging the dart, Ruyu had to find a foothold on the ground, which also had to be calculated.

If Ruyu stays outside longer, there will be more darts on the ground and less space for footing, and it will be more difficult for Ruyu to pass the level, so you can't leave it for too long.

Half way down the road, so far so good.

On the next road, the speed at which the darts were shot obviously accelerated——

"Crack!" There was a soft sound, and Ouyang Ruyu was scratched off a piece of her sleeve.

Not only that, she was almost shot on the top of the head or shoulder by darts several times, but at the critical moment Ouyang Ruyu twisted her body like water ripples, narrowly avoiding these several attacks.

In the last part of the journey, the speed of the dart falling was obviously accelerated again, and Ruyu's legs were so hot that she had to speed up her pace and start sprinting!

In the darts that came almost together at the end, Ruyu raised her fist—the tiger strikes!
She shot the last dart in front of her and officially stepped out of the checkpoint.

As soon as she went out, the darts stopped immediately and did not shoot. The floor shook for a while, and the darts on the ground were covered, and then shook again, and the ground became smooth again.

On the other hand, Ouyang Ruyu looked quite embarrassed, her clothes were cut several times, revealing the single clothes inside, her shoes were also tattered, and smooth socks could be seen in some places.

If the dart is a little higher, the toe will not be able to keep it.

Ruyu looked at the last level with a solemn expression and raised her fist. In the end, she still used some tricks. Strictly speaking, she was left on the last dart.

The dart came so fast and suddenly, she didn't realize it at all before, as if she stepped into the range of the last step, the dart appeared out of thin air.

"In the last level, the fine-grained body skills are not enough, we must take a step closer, there is still a level up in the body skills!" Ruyu thought about it, and decided to find a time to practice again.

Movement skills are more important than attack methods. There is a saying that doesn't mean that: As long as I run fast enough, you won't be able to kill me!
Fighting well is not as fast as running.

If the green hills remain, are you afraid that there will be no firewood?
A ray of light shines on Ruyu, she has already passed the fourth level, and now she is going to be sent to the fifth level.

As for the fifth level in the ruins, after Ruyu was teleported to a strange place, the way to clear the fifth level naturally appeared in her mind——

Actual combat!

Including Ruyu, there will be a total of ten people appearing in this area, and the ruins want No.1 among the ten!
This battle is not limited to any means, whether you use powerful martial arts moves or rely on weapons, as long as you win, the so-called victory means knocking everyone down, and you are the only one standing!

Cruel, yet simple and straightforward!
The corner of Ruyu's mouth curled up into a smile, she liked this straightforward way of fighting.

She was the only one in the venue, and she had to wait for the other nine people to teleport over. Ruyu looked at the empty area, rolled her eyes, and thought of a plan.

The first one to come has a first-mover advantage. Ruyu doesn't care about fairness or unfairness. People are not fair to each other, and fighting is the same. The ruins don't ask for fairness.

This fifth test is not only a test of the warrior's force, but also the means.

If your force is superb, you can naturally crush the other nine people, staying at the end and standing at the top.

If you know how to use heresy, you can use the first-mover advantage to design traps for those who come later.

If you are super intelligent, you can use language skills such as speaking to defeat others without fighting, and make them fight among themselves...

There are various ways to win, and the one who can have the last laugh is not necessarily the seed player that everyone was optimistic about at the beginning. Chance, skills, weapons...all of these are too uncertain.

Glancing at the props in the storage ring, Ouyang Ruyu took out some useful gadgets, dug a hole somewhere, and arranged it to pretend that there was no hole.

Because she majored in interior design at university, drawing has something to do with design, so Ruyu took out a few more markers and drew a few three-dimensional depressions on the site that are real enough to be fake. .

The three-dimensional painting should be arranged in combination with the surrounding scenes, and it should not be incompatible with the surrounding scenes, and it will feel fake at first glance.

After Ru Yuhua stopped, two people were teleported to the field, and they appeared together.

When Ruyu felt the energy fluctuation, she stretched out her hand to attack, and an invisible force stopped him, making her attacks ineffective.

Ruyu raised her eyebrows, that means she can't play tricks during the transmission process.

The teleportation time is not long, but it still takes a few seconds. Ruyu squatted next to them, and threw a small bird at them the first moment they opened their eyes!yellow!duck!

"Look at the trick, Thunder Bomb!"

When a cultivator is suddenly hit by something, his first reaction is to throw the thing out quickly, but the little yellow duck is coated with super glue, and once it gets on it, it is difficult to take it off unless the whole clothes are taken off.

But the two practitioners didn't react. They thought that the little yellow duck was a specially modified Thunderbolt, and they desperately tried to tear it off, but the result was that their hands stuck to the little yellow duck. superior.

"Hahaha!" There was a burst of laughter like a silver bell, and only then did the practitioners realize that they were being tricked!

But it was too late now, their hands were restrained, and they were like sheep with wolf skins in front of Ruyu. Ruyu pointed her fist at the back of a cultivator's head, and as soon as she punched it down, one of them fainted.

Another practitioner who was entangled in glue was not a practitioner on Mercury, he jumped anxiously and said: "If you dare to sap me, just wait for someone from the Ouyang family to come to you. I am a disciple of the Ouyang family, Ouyang The family will not let-"

Before he finished speaking, Ouyang Ruyu's sap came, and the cultivator rolled his eyes and fell to the ground in a daze.

Ruyu clapped her hands, then hammered her own gloves on each other, muttering: "Ouyang family, I am still the young master of Qingliu Sect, will you be short of an Ouyang family?
It is rare to have a family with the same surname as me. I can also form an Ouyang family. According to me, a disciple like you who brings up the name of the family whenever you are in danger and brings disaster to the family should be expelled. Clan, yes, expulsion! "

Ouyang Ruyu tied the hands and feet of these two people, and put away the storage ring of the practitioner who claimed to be "Ouyang's disciple".

"Aren't all the people in the wilderness stupid and bold? Their entire wealth is exposed on their fingers. They deserve it!"

Ruyu tied the two together, and continued to wait for the next prey.

"Look at me, blasting mine bomb!" A cultivator was stained by the little yellow duck and the strong glue on it.

If the cultivators react fast enough, they can still avoid the attack of the little yellow duck, but it doesn't matter, there is another one behind——

"Underground pothole, come out!"

I hate Ouyang Ruyu's 3D stereoscopic image technology _(:з"∠)_ that can confuse real ones.

The cultivator thought that there was really a pothole in the ground, and subconsciously dodged to the other side. As a result, Ruyu coated a layer of super glue around the pothole.

Not all cultivators will be fooled by Ruyu's tricks. Ruyu has confronted warriors before, and those warriors' reaction ability is fast enough. Before the little yellow duck can come to attack melee He took a few steps back and dodged.

The so-called underground potholes can't hide the martial artist's spiritual sense, and if the spiritual sense is swept away, it is clear at a glance whether it is true or false.

Fortunately, Ruyu didn't expect to be able to win the warrior with these alone, she still had to fight with real swords and guns, and fought the tiger fist to the end, and used the last trick of all things to return to one to barely fight with the warrior It was a tie, and in the end Ruyu was forced to draw his sword!

As soon as the Batian sword comes out, even warriors can't hide its sharpness. It's not just a joke to cut iron like mud.

Some fighters took out their weapons beyond their limits and confronted the Batian Sword, but they were all cut off by the might of the Batian Sword!
When the weapon is injured, the warrior will also be injured. He immediately vomited blood, and his spirit was instantly depressed.

Relying on the Batian sword, Ruyu swept all the practitioners at the moment, and some warriors were tied up and said unconvinced: "You rely on weapons, you can't win without martial arts!"

Ruyu sneered, "It's as if you don't need a weapon. If you have the ability, you can take off your clothes and fight me."

"Just hit!" This warrior is also very bloody.

Ruyu curled her lips: "I don't want to watch it yet, why fight? Treat me as a fool, and I want to fight a loser?"

Tied the last practitioner and fell to the ground, Ouyang Ruyu was immediately transported to another place.

(End of this chapter)

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