Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 332 The Ruins Are Present (10)

Chapter 332 The Ruins Are Present (10)

Uncle Nine did not meet the conditions for selecting the successor of the ruins. When he wanted to enter the ruins, there was a push to push him out.

If he ignored this thrust and forced his way in, he would be against the entire relic, which would trigger the relic's self-protection device, even if it was self-destructing, he would never let Uncle Jiu enter!

If someone with advanced cultivation really wants to break in, he only needs to flick his finger to seal up the entire ruins, so that there is no chance of the ruins triggering an alarm, and he can explore the ruins at a glance.

Such great power is not absent in the Eight Desolation, but there is absolutely no one in Mercury!

Ruyu led Jian Xuran and Geng Letian into the Black Tower for the second time, and saw Uncle Jiu at the door of the Black Tower.

Ruyu had a premonition that Uncle Jiu would not stop her, and the fact was the same, Uncle Jiu didn't even look at it, allowing them to enter the ruins.

The more real situation is that Uncle Jiu not only did not stop them, but also did not stop other practitioners.

Some of the cultivators who came to the Black Tower one after another were native cultivators on Mercury, some were cultivators from Bahuang, some were still in the body tempering stage, and some had already become warriors.

The cultivators who came from Bahuang basically became warriors. When they saw Uncle Jiu, they charged in imperceptibly, with a look of caution in their eyes, but they still rushed in without hesitation!
Uncle Jiu didn't stop any of them.

After entering the ruins, they were greeted with a test first. The test time was not long, about ten seconds, and all warriors who entered would be scanned by beams of light.

Those who meet the conditions will be sent to the next level by the teleportation array under their feet, while those who do not meet the conditions will be refused to enter.

"How could I not meet the standards, did I make a mistake!" One of the practitioners looked surprised, and scanned the surrounding practitioners who had entered the scan, and picked the one that looked like a persimmon to deal with.

The cultivator reached into the light circle, trying to pull out the cultivator who was being inspected. Suddenly, a counter-shock force came and kicked the cultivator out.

The other cultivators couldn't help turning their heads away, unable to bear to look directly.

This kick was so powerful and merciless that it kicked all the practitioners out of the gate.

Outside the tower, the cultivator stood up and wanted to enter the black tower again, but an invisible force came out and stopped him from moving forward.

"Open it, open it for me!" The cultivator became furious, punched and kicked the black tower, and glared at him, but the black tower kept him out.

This martial artist is a cultivator on Mercury, and he doesn't understand the selection mechanism of this type of relic. Until now, he still thinks that someone is targeting him.

Seeing this scene, the warriors on Bahuang couldn't help shaking their heads in contempt, and someone whispered: "What kind of qualities are these!"

Warriors in Bahuang are no strangers to relics. They know that this kind of relics are inheritance relics. As long as they are recognized by the relics, even if they are not taught the most core cultivation methods, they can still get compensation such as pills.

There are not many such relics in the Eight Wastelands, but every time they appear in the world, a large number of young practitioners will scramble for them.

Such relics often have age assessment requirements, older warriors cannot enter, and young warriors must seize the opportunity.

The other warriors from the Eight Wilds echoed: "After all, they are from the Wilderness."

Before I knew it, there were two groups during the assessment stage, those on Mercury and those on Bahuang.

They didn't see Ruyu and the others. Before they reached the black tower, the people in front had already started to break through.

The first level, those rays of light are the talent test.

Ouyang Ruyu and others all entered. Ruyu kept her talent test in mind. I don’t know what kind of judgment standard this relic is.

But Jian Xuran and Geng Letian tested middle and lower class C.

What Ruyu didn't know was that Liu Lihui's talent test result was second class.

After passing the talent test, Ruyu and the others automatically entered the second level through the teleportation array. This level is facing a puppet!
Ouyang Ruyu looked around, but did not find Jian Xuran and others. It seems that they were sent to different places for testing.

At first it was a puppet with glowing eyes and clumsy movements. Out of research, Ouyang Ruyu found the power source of the puppet. Instead of violently destroying the puppet, it dismantled its energy from behind. come out.

After dismantling the energy, Ouyang Ruyu discovered that the energy driven by Lingyu was used!
There are many uses of Lingyu. If a warrior goes to a place to cultivate in a place that is not a blessed place, he can shatter the aura contained in the Lingyu and forcibly create a blessed place!
The importance of Lingyu in the wild is self-evident, it is equivalent to a warrior carrying a source of blessings.

Ruyu weighed the dismantled spirit jade in her hand, seeing its pure color, it was better than the spirit jade she exchanged in the youth training camp before.

After walking a few steps forward, Ruyu was wondering why she didn't pass the next level, when she found two puppets appeared in front of her!

"Damn it, why is it still there? Does this need a little upgrade?" Ruyu dodged the attack of the puppet.

The puppet that appeared for the first time was clumsy and bulky, but the puppet that appeared this time was almost human in shape and more flexible than the first generation.

Ruyu also found some traces of combat skills from them.

It took 1 minute longer than the first generation. Ruyu weighed two pieces of Lingyu in her hands this time, and the pure color was similar to what she saw before.

She whistled, "Come one to hit one, come to one pair to hit one pair, come a few more muffled to make a fortune!"

"Huh!" The attack suddenly came from her left, right, and top, forming a dead triangle.

Ruyu stared, "Damn, flanking, it's not fair!"

She quickened her pace, using the devil's pace (steps of subtle movements), her body twisted left and right at a certain moment, and then took a step forward, embossing a victorious shape!

"Bang!!" All attacks were successfully blocked.

Ouyang Ruyu smiled triumphantly.

In the next second, fist winds came from all directions again.

There were three puppets sent this time, each of them was more flexible than the second generation, and they really showed their fighting skills!

Although he didn't show the true meaning of martial arts, the fierceness of the fist is not comparable to that of ordinary puppets.

Not only that, but what he played was a combined combat technique, which posed a certain threat to Ruyu!

"White cranes in the sky!" Two phantoms of white cranes rushed out from behind Ouyang Ruyu, they wrestled with the puppets, Ruyu took advantage of the moment the puppets were drawn away, and used the steps of the devil to go around behind them again.

Eyes aimed at the core energy, and with a dexterous "click" of both hands, Lingyu landed in Ruyu's hand.

One, two, three, all three puppets were scrapped by her surprise attack.

Ruyu threw away the Lingyu in her hand, and put them all in the storage ring contentedly, "It's so boring to fight and kill, how about making a fortune silently like me!"

She discovered that the spirit jade used by these three puppets was of a higher grade than the previous two generations, the pure color was more pure, and the color was slightly deviated.

If the spirit jade used in the previous two generations was primary spirit jade, then the spirit jade thrown in Ruyu's hands this time should be able to reach the range of intermediate spirit jade.

Ruyu said without hesitation, "If you come with a pair of aunts, you will kill one pair, if you come with three aunts, you will kill three, and if you come in pairs, you will kill all of them!"

Sure enough, people just can't speak big words, and if they do, they will be hit.

Ouyang Ruyu fell into this situation.

bang bang bang-

Four strong winds came from the southeast and northwest, Ruyu was surrounded heavily, she snorted softly, stepped on the ground, and flew into the air to resolve this crisis.

These four puppets are more lethal than the last three, but they can't do anything to Ruyu, who has already refined her skills.

If the power of body forging is used, the puppet will perish faster than before, but Ruyu doesn't want to use the power of body forging.

According to her words, beating a puppet is no fun, beating a real person is fun!

Breaking the puppet makes her feel no pleasure, and hitting the puppet to make her feel powerful.

With meticulous movement skills, Ouyang Ruyu broke through one by one, and dismantled them one by one, taking out the energy spirit jades of the four puppets and turning them into her possessions!
Ruyu thought: "There are already 4 of them here, each generation is more advanced, this 4th generation can advance and attack, retreat and defend, and the combination combat skills used can give me a little headache.

It's impossible for this ruin to have a fifth generation, right?
If 5 more powerful puppets come to deal with me, such a lineup feels like even the warriors will have to spend a lot of effort. "

Puppets are not human, they don't feel pain, so they don't retreat, dodge or evade when they are attacked.

Their attacking moves are very fierce, and they will not hesitate to cut off limbs to achieve their goals.

But it is also because it is too rigid and does not know how to be flexible, so this kind of puppet will not work against stronger warriors.

But if it is against low-level warriors, it is definitely a nightmare for low-level warriors.

Ouyang Ruyu was thinking like this, when suddenly waves of vibrations came from the whole ground.

A bad premonition rose in Ruyu's heart, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, "No way, how rich is this ruin, can it really make five smarter ones?"

She suddenly felt a bit of heartache. After Ruyu stepped into the ruins, she already regarded the ruins as her own.

These puppets are good men who are mending and repairing, and they can play a lot of roles when they are taken out to fight against foreign countries!
What hurts her heart is that she dispatched 5 high-level puppets to deal with her. Wouldn't it be necessary to dispatch 5 puppets to deal with warriors of other levels?
Everyone in the 5th generation is a good player. She lost a hand and a foot during the fight, thanks to her!

Fortunately, it was not five that came into view in the end, but one!
Ruyu's eyes sharpened, knowing that if she wins this, she will pass the second level!
The form of this last one is different from the others. The forms of the previous 4 generations are all human forms, but the form of the last one is a giant steel beast.

The sharp teeth, sharp claws, and tail exuding the beauty of mechanical steel have all left the scope of puppets, and have officially evolved into simulated beasts!
Ruyu and it confronted each other, and at a certain moment, both sides moved each other!
Smartness and intelligence - these are Ruyu's biggest impressions of this simulated beast.

Different from the rigidity of the puppet, the artificial beast seems to have the animal-like instinct of the beast like a real beast. It is a puppet with an autonomous offensive consciousness!

Ruyu exchanged a move with it, the pupils of her eyes shrank, her attack did not cause any damage to the imitation beast!

"Yes, the hardness of this steel can already be compared with Liu Lihui's Transformers, no, it's even slightly better!"

The corner of Ruyu's mouth curled up into a smile, "Could it be that this is the power created by mechanical mechanisms such as puppets in ancient times? In ancient times, it was really extraordinary!"

Ruyu had a few rounds with the giant steel beast, in which she used all of the crouching tiger boxing, because it was a steel machine, so the tiger roaring forest in the crouching tiger boxing had no effect on it at all.

Including the true meaning of martial arts summoned behind Fuhu Fist, hitting the giant steel beast as if it was tickling, did not cause any damage.

Ruyu's eyes were getting more and more excited, she gave up fighting with true energy, but used the power of body forging.

The material of this steel behemoth is extraordinary, using the power of true qi to hit it, it can't play the expected effect at all. It should have a material that absorbs the power of true qi, which offsets most of the actual damage caused by true qi.

After more than a dozen rounds of confrontation, Ouyang Ruyu was not injured, and neither was the imitation beast, but the scene remained stalemate, and it seemed that a protracted battle was about to be fought.

Just when Ruyu decided to use this simulated beast to practice, the simulated beast suddenly stopped in front of her.

Ruyu reacted subconsciously——

Using the steps of the devil, it slipped behind the imitation beast extremely quickly.

"I'll take it apart, I'll take it apart, I'll take it apart!"

"Ah, where is the energy spirit jade of this beast, why can't I find it?" Ruyu looked depressed.

At this time, a voice came from the simulated beast's mouth: "Congratulations to the challenger for successfully breaking into the third level and taking the agility test."

It was only then that Ruyu realized that the condition for passing the second level was not to defeat the simulated beast, but to pass the level after fighting fiercely with it for a certain period of time.

Thinking about it, the ability and durability of this simulated beast have far exceeded what ordinary body tempering practitioners can deal with. Perhaps only a real warrior can completely defeat her.

Ouyang Ruyu thought of Liu Lihui in her mind, and Liu Lihui also had a steel Transformer in his hand, which was very similar to the feeling that this simulated beast gave her, but they were not the same.

In terms of performance, the simulated beast is better than the Transformers, but if the two fight against each other, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation.

The simulated beast automatically ran away to a certain place, and disappeared after a while, but the field in front of Ruyu changed drastically, and obstacles appeared one after another.

These obstacles are all used to test the school's agility, and it is obvious that Ruyu has overcome the obstacles one after another.

Her expression was a little dignified, and she set her sights on the last few obstacles. Even her fine-grained agility could not grasp this level of difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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