Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 334 Awakening Memory

Chapter 334 Awakening Memory
This is a plain of green grass, with blue sky and white clouds, making it impossible to recognize that it is an illusion.

Ruyu looked up at Baiyun with a dignified expression.

If phantoms could do this in ancient times, making it impossible for people to detect it, then it would be hard to tell whether the Wanjie Museum is an phantom or the real world.

"Ouyang Ruyu?" A doubtful voice came from not far away, and Liu Lihui also reached the last level and walked towards him.

As soon as he left, many practitioners looked over.

Those who can be teleported here are the winners of the previous level. Everyone is on guard against each other. The ruins didn't say they were going to fight, so they didn't act rashly.

In case of a scuffle suddenly, the people standing around are enemies.

As soon as Liu Lihui left, the minds of other practitioners also became active, and they began to chat with other practitioners.

Regardless of whether it will become an enemy in the future, if you want to engage in melee, then first gather a few people to form a team to fight other people!

"You have also come to this ruin." Liu Lihui said happily.

Seeing how stupid he is, Ruyu is too embarrassed to tell her the truth, hey, silly son, everyone needs to show more love.

"Do you know what to do in the last level of the ruins?" Ruyu asked.

Liu Lihui shook his head, and said in thought: "I've beaten up other people before, so it's impossible to still beat someone up for the last selection, right?"

Ruyu frowned slightly, looked around vigilantly, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not certain, maybe I really want to beat someone up."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the grass suddenly shook, as if an earth dragon was turning over underground!

Ruyu and the others tried their best to stabilize their figures!

The ferocity of the earthquake was unexpected, even a martial artist like Liu Lihui was hit and almost fell.

Ruyu asked loudly: "Could it be that the ruins have collapsed!"

Liu Lihui shook his head: "No, it's impossible, the ruins can't collapse!"

"You are so sure, after all, it has been eroded by tens of thousands of years!"

Liu Lihui's face changed slightly, and his lips turned pale: "I just thought you were talking about the ruins on the Eight Desolation, the ruins on it are very stable, and there has never been any sign of collapse, but here on Mercury..."

He didn't continue to speak, but Ruyu understood what he had to say. The ruins here on Mercury are different from those on the Eight Desolation. He can guarantee that the Eight Desolation will not collapse, but Mercury is different.

The ruins are naturally impossible to collapse.

After shaking violently for a few minutes, the ruins suddenly stopped shaking, and many colorful light clusters emerged from the ground. Each light cluster has a different color, ranging from large to small.

If you take a closer look, you will find that these light clusters are wrapped with weapons!

"It's a treasure!" The other warriors said happily, and quickly used various means to soar up to snatch the treasure!
Ruyu didn't go up immediately, she kept a cautious attitude towards the treasure that popped up suddenly, thinking of waiting for those people to test the water first.

There were a lot of treasures flying out, one for each person was more than enough, and when other people got the treasures and confirmed that there was no danger, she was running to grab them back.

"Put down the treasure, this gourd is mine!" The first cultivator got the treasure, and the other cultivators hurried to catch up, and those who were not fast enough started to snatch it.

War is imminent!
Ouyang Ruyu just decided to grab it later, she didn't expect these cultivators to fight each other when a gust of wind blew by, it was the safest one like her who didn't have any treasures in her hand.

Ouyang Ruyu was thinking that she could reap the benefits by waiting for them to finish the fight, when everyone was exhausted, suddenly, her heart beat heavily, her whole body and even her soul trembled. A great longing.

It was as if something was strongly attracting her, and she had to grab it.

She didn't know what it was that made her want to possess it so strongly, this feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart, it was her intuition!
Ruyu believed in her intuition very much, and relied on her keen intuition to escape many catastrophes. Following her inner desire, she glanced at Pingyuan.

In the end, it was determined that this longing came from the air, from a certain treasure, and this treasure was a small river, and the treasure light on its body was also very dim, very inconspicuous.

None of the practitioners present noticed her except Ruyu.

Ouyang Ruyu stomped her feet, all her true energy gushed out from the soles of her feet, and flew into the air at once, touching the river.

The moment he touched the river, the entire ruins shook, and an invisible force spread from the ruins to the entire Mercury.

Whether it is a native, a visitor, or a demon on Mercury, at this moment, a sense of heart palpitations arises at the same time.

Time, paused at this moment.

Mercury is also imaged by this force, stopping its rotation.

On this land that seems to be caught in a black and white photo, only Ouyang Ruyu and the river of fate in her hands are the only color.

After touching the River of Destiny, the energy hidden in Ruyu's body also burst out, it was an extremely strange and powerful force.

This power is blocked layer by layer, waiting for Ruyu to rise to the highest step by step to unblock, if she unblocks prematurely, Ruyu's body will not be able to bear it.

It is also because this power is extremely huge, so Ruyu must practice and exercise, otherwise she will not be able to bear this power.

This contact with a legendary fetish like the Long River of Destiny triggered the power hidden in her body one step ahead, and countless huge torrents of information rushed into her mind, almost crushing her body consciousness!
Fortunately, at the most critical moment, a ray of light shone from the long river of fate, protecting her fragile consciousness. It seemed that after a long time, and it seemed that only a moment passed, all the cruel and messy information was sorted out, and Ruyu's body While the consciousness receives these information, it is also slowly growing.

In the end, a dilapidated ray of light crashed into Ruyu's consciousness, and she received another piece of information, which was the memory left over from her "countless previous lives".

It turned out that several hundred thousand years ago, she was an extremely powerful warrior on Mercury, and she had reached the point where she lived the same life as her body, and became the third person in the entire eternity!

But it was also at that time that she felt that there would be a great crisis on Mercury soon, and after investigating its source, she found that this crisis came from the decline of the world's origin.

All things are born and grow, and they will eventually perish. The world is the same as human beings. It also has a period of infancy, prosperity, old age and decline.

After becoming a powerful warrior, Ruyu could feel the decline of Mercury more and more. Together with the No.1 and No.[-] people in the world, she came up with many ways to revitalize the world and launched various policies.

But all in vain.

As the days get longer and longer, the origin of the world on Mercury is extremely consumed, and there are signs of exacerbation and disappearance!
Ouyang Ruyu really didn't want to let Mercury perish and let Mercury's life suffer, so she came up with a new method, which is migration!
If the planet is destined to be destroyed, human beings can only work hard to find a new planet in order to survive.

The No.1 and No.[-] people in the world agreed with her idea and went out to search one after another, and so did Ouyang Ruyu.

One day, she found a brand-new planet suitable for living, which was very close to Mercury, so she immediately returned to Mercury, only to find that No.1 and the second person in the world did not go out to look for it at all. The source of Mercury's power!
At this time, Ruyu understood everything. Logically speaking, Mercury can last for millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years. How could it be consumed so quickly in just a few hundred thousand years? Steal it!

The No. 1 and No. [-] people in the world want to keep their own powerful strength, prevent those who come after them from surpassing, and reach the real "one person is one universe" realm, and they don't hesitate to swing their knives at their home planet.

Both are two beasts!

They can explore the universe and go out to find other uncivilized planets. Immortal cultivators are always ruthless. Even if they find traces of civilization, they will not leave the shadow of demons after killing them. Everything is for evolution and Survive!

But they should never attack the mother star. The mother star bred them not to let them devour themselves. No. 1 and the second person in the world have lost the power of being a "human" in order to pursue powerful strength. There is a bottom line.

So Ouyang Ruyu had a big battle with the two of them. The main venue was on Mercury.

Not only to the human world, but also to the world of cultivating immortals has caused many tribulations.

But No. 1 and No. [-] in the world are too strong, and Ruyu alone can't beat the two people who are stronger than her.

Being able to persist in fighting for several years is her last stubbornness and pride as the third person in the world.

When Ruyu was about to be killed, Mercury's original consciousness awakened, and he used all the remaining power to help Ruyu, so that Ruyu could barely continue fighting.

Not only that, No. 1 and No. [-] in the world thought that the origin of the world they stole had been digested and absorbed by them, but this was not the case, and there were great hidden dangers in their bodies.

Under the influence of the original consciousness of the world, the two people's skills retreated greatly, and Ruyu killed them one by one.

After Ruyu completely dealt with them, thousands of years had passed. At this time, the practitioners on Mercury had already completed their migration.

When Ruyu was fighting them to the death, she received devout prayers from the practitioners, asking to protect them, but Ruyu couldn't protect herself, so how could she still provide shelter?
So she subconsciously sent them to let those high-level practitioners spontaneously break through Mercury to go to the new world she found, and named it - Bahuang!
There is not one high-level ability user on Mercury, and that is because a large number of low-level practitioners have to be sheltered.

They can travel through Mercury alone and survive in the universe, but everyone else can't. In order to protect them from the particle storm that blows up in the universe from time to time, high-level practitioners have chosen to sacrifice themselves.

The small particle storm is nothing more than a slightly violent wind to Ruyu. She can be immune to danger without doing anything, but this is for people like Ruyu.

There are only three people in the world who have reached her level, and other people, no matter how powerful they are, cannot escape the erosion of the particle storm!
This is why after reaching the Eight Desolation, all of them are low-level cultivators. They gave the inherited fire to a larger number of low-level cultivators who can last longer.

They are the sparks!
After reaching Bahuang, they still have to face the hardships in the land of Bahuang. The few remaining high-level practitioners sacrificed a lot in the battle with the natives.

Ruyu quietly came to Bahuang, helped them stabilize the situation, left some messages, and returned to Mercury.

Mercury has been beaten beyond recognition because of the battle between the three of them, the most powerful of them. The conditions are so bad that they can't survive. The only thing to be thankful for is that the aura on Mercury has regained its abundance.

No.1 and the second person in the world died, and all their powers were returned to Mercury's original power.

In order for Mercury to accumulate more power, become stronger than before, and be able to give birth to life again, Ouyang Ruyu made a difficult decision—to turn her way into a way!
She decided to dissipate her own power and provide the nutrients for Mercury's rebirth!
Perhaps the original power of the world remembered her and knew that she was here to help. At first, she refused Ruyu's sacrifice, but Ruyu insisted on doing so.

The origin of the world is that after Ruyu's death, she collected her remaining thoughts and continuously cultivated them to be reincarnated.

And the origin of the world has also entered a deep sleep, and when it is in a deep sleep, everything in the world will gradually return to normal.

Not only that, after such a great ordeal, when the origin of the world wakes up again, it will become stronger than ever!

It has been accumulating strength, and Ouyang Ruyu has been reincarnated, and finally, they all waited for this day—the Mercury aura revived!
The spiritual recovery on Mercury started very early, to be more specific, it was the year when Ruyu lost her memory.

Because of the vibrating changes in the aura, Ruyu, as the guardian of Mercury, was extremely sensitive, and suddenly awakened the consciousness of several 10 years ago, and investigated Mercury carefully.

Among them, the existence of rare treasures such as the Wanjie Museum was also discovered.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Museum is actually an incomparably miraculous treasure. It cannot be created by Mercury, even if it was a powerful Mercury decades ago.

But it is not something that Bahuang can create. Because of the lack of previous data, Bahuang's creativity has to be explored step by step, and the development is extremely slow.

The Wanjie Museum was created by a civilization stronger than Mercury and Bahuang.

Ruyu swept it with his spiritual sense, and was surrounded and hunted down by it, and even fought back.

On Mercury, it is Ruyu's home court, and the Wanjie Museum can't hurt her at all.

On the contrary, Ruyu also revealed some details about the museum during this attack, and found that this treasure feeds on various desires and ideas in people's hearts.

It can concretize human thoughts, that is, spiritual ideas, and transform invisible power into tangible power, but this power is not owned by it.

That's why it needs a large number of soldiers to turn the world of these thoughts upside down for it, and completely take the power of concrete thoughts as its own.

In time, when the Wanjie Museum grows up, it will also create a civilization that loses to Mercury and Eight Desolation!
 (Due to the poor management of the Wanjie Museum, Yanzi decided to finish it, and it will be over in a few days)

(End of this chapter)

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