A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 43 43. Nansen, get out!

Chapter 43 43. Nansen, get out!

In the middle of the night, Nansen finished bathing and burning incense, and prayed for a wave of great powers on the continent of Arad.

He made a great wish to Seria, the common wife of the 800 million warriors. If he can successfully upgrade the booster this time, even if time travels, he is willing to go back and save her again.

He even took back the words that once blessed her with infertility and full children and grandchildren to Kaili.

After a thousand words, Nansen just wanted to be able to strengthen successfully this time. After all, the strengthening value of [-] is not so easy to save.

When Nansen chose to upgrade the enhancement machine full of apprehension, the [-] enhancement value disappeared instantly.

Nansen silently looked at the few thousand enhancement points left on the backstage, and couldn't help but feel a pang of distress in his heart.

How many times has he memorized the 24-character mantra before he can save enough of these strengthening points? It's so distressing that it's about to be shattered.

In the middle of this apprehension, a message popped up from the system.

[Enhanced task: Kill the intruders who came to attack the school and get the MVP of the game.

The task failed, and this reinforcement failed.

If the task is successful, the upgrade level of the enhanced machine will be increased by one, and the ordinary enhanced machine that is grayed out will be autonomously crossed. 】

Nansen took a closer look at the task situation, this is the first time the system has issued a task.

If it hadn't sent out tasks, Nansen even ignored the fact that it was a system.

But what the hell is the mission asking to kill the intruders who attacked the school?And who can tell him how to get the MVP of the game?

This school has Professor X sitting in charge, and there will be people who are not afraid of death coming to attack?Let him and Professor X compete for the head, is the system joking?

But soon, Nansen felt as if he had missed some important information point, and it was really too far away from watching X-Men movies in his last life.

Many details are not so clear at all, and he needs to recall carefully.

Soon, Nansen realized in shock that the current plot has been connected to X-Men II.

And on the night of Logan's return today, soldiers will come to attack the school. At that time, Professor X happened to investigate the attack on the president this morning and was not at the school.

But there is still one thing Nansen didn't understand. In the original plot, Magneto was still in the isolation prison at this time.

When Professor X went to ask him about the situation, he was overturned by Stryker, and he stumbled.

But now that Magneto has successfully escaped from prison, who is he looking for?
Just as Nansen was thinking about this question, the door of his room was kicked open suddenly, and then two soldiers rushed in, and there was a sudden burst of slap in the face.

But all the anesthesia bombs were blocked in front of Nansen, and he couldn't go any further. He calmly looked at the slightly flustered soldiers, and smiled with a split corner of his mouth, "You really entered the wrong room."

In the next second, two lancets rose up quietly, and the two soldiers had their throats cut without reacting at all.

After they fell to the ground, they gradually suffocated to death in a burst of pain.

"Remorseful 999 received from Hector Allen."

"Remorseful 999 from John Targaryen."

After that, Nansen stepped over them directly, since the system task was for him to kill these intruders and win the MVP of the game.

Then there is nothing to worry about, just kill it!
Since the plot has become very chaotic due to his appearance, what's the point of being more chaotic?
The moment Nansen walked out of the room, the three soldiers in the corridor turned around instantly, pointed their guns at Nansen, and opened fire in time.

But the anesthesia bomb couldn't reach Nansen at all. One of them hurriedly started reporting, asking for support, and then began to replace the live ammunition.

And Nansen had already approached him quickly, and the Tang Dao in his hand had been reversed in a flash of cold light, and the three of them were cut to the ground in an instant, with blood flowing continuously.

After a person is cut in half, he will not die within a period of time, but he will experience great pain.

And in this painful process, there will naturally be a huge amount of remorse to provide Nansen with strengthening value.

Nansen asked himself that he was not a bad person, but he was definitely not a good person either.

What would happen if he was captured by these people and then brought to Stryker?
It would probably be worse than death.

At this moment, the hostility in Nansen's heart was vigorous, inspired by the mission, he descended like a god of death.

He started to run towards a room not far from this corridor. With a bang, the door of the room was directly blasted open by Nansen and Violence.

"Skye, you're fine..." Before Nansen finished speaking, Skye yelled immediately, "Wow, Nansen, what kind of epilepsy did you have? Get out!"

While she was speaking, she hastily covered her chest with the quilt, her expression was full of eagerness, and she was almost crying.

If that person hadn't been Nansen, she would have thrown the shock wave out long ago.

What if people didn't die?Then come again; what if the person dies?That's what you deserve, violently breaking into a girl's room at night, what do you want?

In embarrassment, Nansen turned around silently, but said to Skye: "There are enemies attacking the school, and Professor X is not here.

It's a dangerous situation right now, you'd better get dressed quickly, we're going to rescue someone. "

After finishing speaking, Nansen touched his nose, and said that Skye had a good habit of falling asleep, why didn't he know about it?
After all, although Skye agreed to share a bed with Nansen in Puerto Rico before, his clothes were always neatly dressed.

However, that girl has indeed grown up a lot more than I thought. Although some things are predestined by genes, it is also useful to keep up with nutrition in the later stage.

Just as Nansen was waiting in the gap, another soldier rushed over. This time, after seeing Nansen, they immediately used live ammunition to suppress him, and some people behind him had already started to set up rocket launchers.

"Skye, hurry up!" Nansen rushed forward after shouting this sentence.

Skye looked at his room silently this time, there is no door!The door was smashed by him just now, this big pig's hoof, why don't you lose face?

Looking at the opponent's bazooka, Nansen didn't intend to let him launch it. It is really insane to launch a bazooka in such a small space.

Nansen carried the bullet while running fast, and deliberately showed the Tang Dao in his hand, and the Lancet had already circled around the room next to him.

A control range of 50 meters might not sound like a lot, but in practice it is definitely not a small range.

But the opponent had obviously filled it up, and suddenly Nansen's eyes began to bloodshot rapidly, and his mental skills were also ready to go. .

But suddenly, a figure rushed out from the room next to it, and inserted two claws fiercely into the neck of the soldier holding the bazooka.

The soldier couldn't help pointing down the launcher of the bazooka, and pressed the launcher with his fingers convulsively.

With a loud bang, pieces of meat mixed with shrapnel and boards flew everywhere in front of Nansen.

At the same time, through the faint light of the fire, Nansen clearly saw Wolverine being blown up and flying backwards, looking like a rag doll.

At the same time, Nansen's backstage showed a string, "received regret from Logan Howlett (Wolverine) 666."

Nansen glanced silently, and understood that it was probably due to his own reasons that the firepower authorization of these soldiers was further improved.

That's why Wolverine was blown up.

Nansen took a nostalgic look at the bombed-out tattered body, "Uncle Wolf, you are such a good man!"

 Thank you for the 1000 starting point coin reward from 'Alpaca Runaway', and writing a book is a lot of thousands of words. It is the first time I have received so many rewards, I am really touched.

  Thanks to 'book friend 20180806115241008' for the reward of 500 starting coins. I read it twice, and the name should be correct.

(End of this chapter)

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