Chapter 44 44. Please give me time to smoke (please recommend, please collect)
In this time slot, Skye finally got dressed and walked out of the room.

She was so angry now that she couldn't wait to beat Nansen up.

If he dares to fight back, then I'll show him.

There must be the effect of "just like pear blossoms in spring with rain, with a few ripples, the sky is fragrant and the country is beautiful in autumn".

Then, amidst Nansen's soft heart, he stood on the moral high ground and accused him of destroying the door and blaspheming himself.

Ask him to be responsible, yes, he must be responsible for himself!

Skye was thinking well, but glancing over her shoulder in the hallway, all she saw was a man standing in the hallway of her house.

And the corridor in front was already in pieces, the scorched black of the explosion stopped abruptly in front of him, but there were still a few flames burning more and more vigorously in the center of the explosion.

Skye heard the explosion before, but he never thought that the situation was so severe.

There are some things that you will never understand the cruelty of if you have not seen them with your own eyes.

Looking far away, Skye saw three soldiers who had been cut in half and were crawling hopelessly on the ground at the moment.

They may not know where to climb, but they just want to use this action to show that they are still alive, not dead!
Behind them, blood and organs, like useless garbage, were dragged out of their stomachs one after another.

And a little farther away, there was still a vaguely humanoid creature twitching constantly, its whole body scorched black, but it didn't seem to be dead.

Skye hasn't forgotten her original thought at this moment, but it's good that she didn't spit it out on the spot because of her tough mood, and the '嘤' means that she didn't move for the time being.

"Now you understand how cruel the problem has become?" Nansen asked coldly while standing in front of her.

Skye nodded, and suddenly found that Nansen's back was so tall, like a mountain, and all the debris and minced meat from the explosion were blocked in front of the house by him.

And Nansen said without turning his head at this moment, "Very well, then you go to help others, remember to be careful. And I, go to kill people!"

Suddenly, Skye seems to have found the point, how did he see himself nodding without looking back?
It's clearly for the sake of being handsome!
Skye looked angrily as Nansen finally disappeared on this floor, and where he passed, the remnants of the explosion all receded, and the flames were immediately extinguished.

A real man never looks back at a woman.

Skye's '嘤嘤' plan is shattered!

The attack tonight was something Stryker had planned for a long time, and the other X-Men in the school were all out for various things.

There is only one Wolverine left here as a nanny, and at present, the only nanny has been blown down by the bazooka.

Of course, if you die, you can't die, but the task of saving those students in a short time is on Nansen. Of course, this is also a good thing.

At least no one will compete with him for MVP!

When Nansen came to the floor with many students, those soldiers had already arrived in large numbers.

It was only a small group of troops that infiltrated before, but now it is the real large-scale attack, and even the roar of helicopters can't stop outside the school.

Looking at the many soldiers with live ammunition, even Nansen was a little apprehensive for a while. After all, due to the low level of the enhancement machine, the level of enhancement of his various weapons and skills was not high.

If he really encountered a large firepower weapon attack, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

But there are some things, even if you can't bear it, you have to bear it to death.

He knew what kind of person Stryker was, and if these children fell into his hands, could there be a good thing?
Just like what he said to Skye before, now he came first to kill.

All of a sudden, [Clean Ground] retracted, and the protection range appeared [-] centimeters from his body. This was the optimal solution with the least consumption that he had tested.

Then, Tang Dao was unsheathed, and the willow leaves flew away.

"People in front stop!" A soldier warned with a live ammunition loaded.

Nansen looked up at him and smiled, "Didn't your chief tell you?"

The man was slightly taken aback, "Tell me what?"

"He should have told you not to talk too much nonsense when you meet a dangerous enemy." Nansen replied, and then a willow leaf shot into his neck and flew out from his head.

"Remorseful sentiments received from David Wallace..."

And Nansen's whole figure was already running quickly. In the narrow corridor, the three lancets were like the tentacles of the god of death. The willow leaves fluttered, and life withered away.

When he was in a hurry, the Tang knife in his hand also bounced suddenly, and they were all cut in half.

Crime and punishment were staged here in an instant. The children covered their eyes in fear, and the older children were excited and started to fight back.

Nansen directly exploded his strongest combat power under the current situation, which was different from the previous battle with the White Queen, although the individuals in that battle were very powerful.

But because of Nansen's prophetic intelligence, he was well prepared.

But in today's confrontation, unknowingly, the corpses of soldiers on the ground have piled up one layer, and blood flows like a river.

During these times when Nansen was struggling to fight, the mutant students were not idle either. Those with attack ability were busy attacking, while those without attack ability helped take care of the wounded and cleared the retreat route at the same time.

Finally, when Nansen killed the last soldier here, the students around looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

Well, this metaphor is not very appropriate. After all, everyone here can be regarded as a monster, and Nansen is simply a monster among monsters.

At this moment, Kitty the phantom cat came to Nansen and said boldly, "You should be a new classmate, right? The secret path has been opened, we should leave now."

"I know you, your name is Nansen, you are so handsome, but we should really leave now." Iceman Bobby echoed.

But Nansen shook his head at this moment, and silently took out an apple and started to eat it. If it wasn't for the inconvenience here, he still wanted a bowl of instant noodles to calm his shock.

In fact, he also wanted to run, pretending to be invisible, the most deadly!Nansen understood this truth.

However, the system mission is "kill the intruders who came to attack the school!" If he slipped away, he would definitely be judged to have failed the mission.

[-] enhancement value, who to cry to, and after success, the upgrade level of the enhancement machine will be increased by one, which will improve his strength, even Nansen himself cannot imagine.

Under such circumstances, Nansen naturally understood that he could not slip away at all, he could only say one word, do it.

It was also at this moment that he realized that it was nonsense to be entangled in the MVP. Ordinary humans who were the best to kill were the real troubles for him. After all, their numbers and equipment were there.

Logan finally came here at this moment. His physical injuries have healed a lot, but there is still a slight inconvenience in his actions, but that will disappear soon.

After all, Wolverine Logan's recovery ability is still not as good as Deadpool, and that is the real immortality.

At this moment, there was a sound of neat footsteps outside the corridor, and at the same time, a person started to say with a loudspeaker: "The people inside had better surrender quickly, we have thoroughly researched your abilities.

Next we will use weapons of mass destruction, you had better not resist, I will give you ten seconds. "


At the same time, Little Rascal and the others have already entered the secret passage, including Skye. It was Nansen who pushed her in, and she will not be able to participate in the next battle for the time being.

Wolverine looked at Nansen staying there stubbornly and didn't know what to think. Instead, he stayed with him, lit a cigar, and asked, "son, why don't you leave, aren't you afraid?"

Nansen shook his head, he couldn't explain it at all.

He could only borrow Wolverine's lighter, took out the cigar he gave him before, and lit it together.

Nansen took a deep breath, the smoke entered his lungs, the whites of his eyes began to congest again, and a violent aura began to brew in his body.

Cigars in the lungs are a very bad thing, and for most cigars, it is completely unnecessary, but for Nansen, everything seems irrelevant.

【+5 Wolverine's Favorite Cigar】

Description: A cigar that is deeply loved by Wolverine Logan, with a hint of smoke, like a lingering fragrance.

Attribute enhancement: Berserk surges by [-]%.

Skill: Please give me time for a cigarette. (When the cigarette is burning, all original weapons and skills will be strengthened by the group.)
 Emmm, although I update slowly, the number of words is generally not small, about [-] per week, everyone can rest assured.

  Then it's rolling around, asking for recommendations, book lists, and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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