A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 42 42. Logan Chapter Return (please collect and recommend)

Chapter 42 42. Logan's Return
Although Professor X Charles has stated that there is no problem, Nansen still asked one more question, "Aren't you wondering what I want to do when I open the shop?"

Charles smiled, "No matter what you do, you have a certain reason. I will not object, but I just ask you not to endanger everyone's safety."

In Charles' perception, Nansen's mental wave band is very abnormal, and he is like a great mystery.

Even he had a hard time sorting out what kind of existence Nansen was.

But before that, he had figured out everything about Nansen these years, and he judged that Nansen's disposition was not bad.

He can even be counted as a good person, but he is too poor!

Because of this, he hoped to open a store in the school, and it would be a success. Maybe he just wanted to make some money, maybe he could buy a villa in New York?

Eventually, he told Nansen and Skye to go back and pack up, and someone would pick them up for school soon.

And he still has to stay here to clean up the mess here, thinking of this makes him feel a headache.

Magneto King Eric is famous for his troubles, and accordingly, he also cleaned up for him.

This started from the moment they met, and they were together all the way, always.

Soon, Nansen and Skye returned home and packed up all the necessary items, then closed the doors, windows, water and electricity, looked at it reluctantly, and went out again.

When the car slowly drove into the 'Talented Youth Academy', a brand new world was slowly presented in front of Nansen and Skye.

The next step is to report, register and allocate dormitories, and this process passes quickly.

In the end, Nansen handed Skye's salute to her from the system's space backpack, and a group of people around shouted, "Cool!"

Looking at their surprised eyes, Nansen suddenly stared in disbelief.

Heh, a group of bumpkins who have never seen the market, aren't space backpacks always standard items in every super power world?

Soon, Nansen returned to his room. Naturally, someone will arrange lessons for him according to his actual situation. He just needs to wait in peace.

During this time, Nansen felt really bored.

After all, as a special recruit of the school, his salary is actually very high, and he is equipped with an independent dormitory. In other words, there is no one around him now, not even a chat.

But when he contacted Skye, he only got a response, "I'm tidying up the room, please don't disturb me."

Nansen glanced at the room silently, it was spotless at all, why do you need to clean it up?

So bored, Nansen decided to go out for a walk, after all, the school was built in an old castle.

If you want to visit this kind of building from the outside world, you still need tickets.

When Nansen was close to the door before he opened it, the door suddenly opened, and then a dusty man walked in, "Hello, everyone, but who are you? New here? Little guy."

Before Nansen had time to speak, a girl who hurried up behind him had already warmly hugged her, "Hi, Logan!"

"Do you still miss me, kid?" Logan asked softly, hugging the little rascal.

Little Naughty is the Rakshasa girl, Anna Marie, who can absorb the other party's abilities, even life force, through physical contact.

She ran away from home before, was rescued by Wolverine Logan, and eventually came to this school.

In the incident of Magneto's Goddess Island, he also planned to use her as a sacrifice to replace himself and die, so as to complete the plan to radiate the leaders of those countries.

Later, although the policemen destroyed Magneto's plan, the little naughty also received serious injuries. In the end, it was Wolverine who shared his abilities with her to avoid her death.

It can be said that the relationship between the two is like friends, but in fact it is more like father and daughter.

Seeing the two of them exchanging greetings, both Nansen and Iceman Bobby Drake looked uncomfortable.

The Iceman was purely jealous, but Nansen, he really wanted to see Wolverine's claws, and wondered if the system would give any feedback.

"Oh, by the way, Logan, this is Bobby, it's mine..."

At this time, Iceman took a step forward consciously, and stretched out his hand, "I am his boyfriend, you can call me Iceman."

While talking, the two also shook hands, and a layer of frost filled their hands immediately.

"Brother, your ability is so handsome." Nansen decisively began to add drama to himself, then squeezed in, and asked aloud: "Logan Howlett, Wolverine?"

Wolverine looked at the oriental boy in front of him and said with a smile, "Young man, you seem to know me well?"

After he finished speaking, he picked up a cigar and began to light it. At this moment, Storm just walked down the stairs. Seeing the situation, she said directly, "Logan, smoking is prohibited indoors."

Nansen waved his hand immediately, and said for Logan: "Sister Storm, who is not in the way."

After she heard about it, she just gave Logan a blank look, fearing that he would ruin the group of children, and then said, "Logan, you came back just in time, go find me later, I have something to tell you."

Logan nodded and said to Nansen, "Young man with a wink, I am very optimistic about you. It seems that the quality of the school's recent enrollment is quite good."

Nansen then smiled and said, "Mr. Logan, I actually want to see your claws, may I ask?"

The reason why he said this was just to trigger the system to see if he could strengthen the Edman alloy in Logan's body.

It could be seen that Wolverine was still in a good mood after he came back, he immediately freed up a hand, and with a 'chuss' sound, a steel claw shot out directly.

"Child, be careful, don't hurt yourself!" Logan said.

Nansen nodded, and put his hand on the upper edge of his paw. In an instant, a translucent system frame was ejected directly in front of Nansen.

"It has been detected that the host has come into contact with Adamantium alloy, and it cannot be strengthened because the level of the enhancer is too low!"

In an instant, the expression on Nansen's face became condensed. How on earth should he open a shop and do business?

Immediately Wolverine spit out a smoke ring and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you, kid?"

Looking at Wolverine's eye circles, Nansen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Maybe it's because my thinking has been wrong all along. If I open a shop to do business, I can sell everything!
Didn't hear Nansen's reply, Logan thought he saw him smoking and wanted to smoke but he was embarrassed to say so, so he generously took out another one and handed it to Nansen.

At the same time, he said: "Don't look at me like that, I'll give you one too, but don't let those teachers find out, they are not as cheerful as I am."

After speaking, he continued to face the next old friend, while Nansen looked helplessly at the cigar in his hand.

It seems that I still have to fight another wave of face, [-] enhancement value, the enhancement opportunity will not fail to upgrade again!

 Let me tell you, I met a Platinum master in this week's push. There are also a lot of masters at the fifth and fourth levels.

  Of course, if you are chasing a lot of books, and the writing is great, you can give me less, one book a day is fine, please, please.

  Then, if you have a book list, can you add a list? My two book lists will be placed soon, and there will be basically no book lists by then.

  Finally, if you have a rich boss, you are welcome to take care of them.


(End of this chapter)

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