A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 33 33. Stupid method (this chapter has been greatly changed, I am really sorry)

Chapter 33 33. Stupid method (this chapter has been greatly changed, I am really sorry)
How to resist the mind control of the White Queen is indeed a worrying problem, but Nansen also has a corresponding plan.

As for the success of the plan, it can only depend on God's will.

"Skye, there is still a lot of money, how much is left?" Nansen said.

Skye looked up at Nansen in surprise, nodded subconsciously, and said, "There are still six thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars left, and I won't talk about the cents."

Are there so many left?It should be enough, Nansen thought for a while.

Then he directly stretched out his hand to Skye and said, "Give me the rest of the money, I'm useful."

Looking at Nansen's serious face, Skye kicked all the money into Nansen's trouser pocket, a total of more than 6000 yuan, a very thick stack.

After Nansen walked out of the hotel, he came to the vicinity of Fort San Cristóbal again. He did not choose to be close to the martial law area of ​​the army.

Instead, he felt the direction of the wind, picked a place upwind, and then took out his half of the brick, and then hid it with some sundries.

Feeling the direction of the wind blowing, all kinds of disgusting smells wafted in the air, Nansen left here satisfied.

So what if there's still a torrent there?

If he is capable, he will keep the wind blowing all the time, otherwise the power of nature will tell him every minute that you are useless in a large-scale environment.

There are about a hundred soldiers of various types in the martial law area, plus some master workers who are manipulating mechanical holes, there are actually more than 100 people in total.

And Nansen is not greedy, as long as each person can contribute [-] points of remorse on average, he will gain tens of thousands of reinforcement points in conversion.

But unexpectedly, about half an hour after he left, the remorse in the backstage suddenly showed an explosive state.

The scrolling names made Nansen dizzy at all, but there was a lot of remorse. The least one contributed more than 300 points to him, and it also showed a sustainable state.

No matter how powerful that half of the brick is, and it is the upper air outlet, it is still an open-air environment after all.

Being blown to the gathering place of those people by the wind, it shouldn't have such a strong power.

In Nansen's vision, letting the bricks emit stench to gain remorse is to make people have a strong desire to regret staying in this place, thus directly charging a wave of enhancement points.

Of course, those people can't leave because they want to guard Fort San Cristóbal, so they may continue to output some remorse, but they really shouldn't be so strong.

In the end, Nansen thought about it and couldn't think of a reason, so he had to stop thinking about it. It's not a bad thing anyway.

Next, he rushed directly into the downtown area of ​​San Juan to buy a helmet or what it looked like, whether it was some so-called imitation commemorative helmet from ancient Spain, or a worker’s hard hat or even a sun visor on a street stall, as long as it could protect his head He didn't let go of all of them.

But at this moment in the Warburg martial law area, the White Queen's complexion had turned livid, and just before that, there was an inexplicable stench in the air.

She didn't pay attention to it at the time, but let the torrent try to blow away the stench, but this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

The White Queen tried to find the source of the smell, but there was no clue at all, after all, she was not Wolverine.

After that, she didn't care about it, and her group sat in the temporary camp, and let the rapids purify the air in a small area.

Unexpectedly, when three or ten minutes passed, the hole-digging gang she had hired at a high price suddenly came over tremblingly and told her that she didn't dare to dig anymore, and she regretted doing it very much.

They said that the stench has been manifested and digging down will lead to hell, at which time the demons will return to the world.

The White Queen naturally dismissed this, but she couldn't stand the regret and fear of those workers now.

After the White Queen hypnotized those people to let them continue to work, she walked out of the tent.

Outside the camp, among the soldiers under martial law, some even put down their guns and knelt down on the ground, with piety and fear in their expressions.

For a moment, the White Queen couldn't help but feel a little sluggish. Are these people mentally retarded?How can there be any devil in this world?
At this time, Mystique also came over, discussing countermeasures with her.

Mystique is now in the form of a major in the army, the original one has been knocked out, and this army can even be regarded as being handled by her.

But even so, she couldn't change the behavior of these soldiers at the moment.

And the White Queen felt a pain in her head when she saw the crowd. She couldn't control so many people at once. In the end, she could only wave her hands, telling those who felt fear and regret to leave first.

Mystique has nothing to do with this, so she can only agree to this approach.

Nansen couldn't imagine now that his half brick could have such an effect.

He is now in a deserted alley, and his backpack now contains a large number of various helmets, and even has a lot of hats.

In the original plot, Magneto inherited Shang's helmet, and he was able to perfectly defend against Professor X's mind control.

But that helmet was given to Shang by the Soviets back then, and Nansen couldn't figure out its casting material and craftsmanship at all, and couldn't make it.

So he can only combine himself and use the most stupid method, that is, use the strengthening machine to strengthen.

"Enhancement failed, the materials have been scrapped." Nansen looked at another scrapped helmet in the enhancement machine, expressionless.

The speed at which the enhanced value in the background has slowed down, but it still seems to be flowing continuously.

Nansen's goal is to strengthen a helmet or hat that can defend against telepathy, and it is useful anyway.

By the time the sun went down, Nansen had scrapped six hard hats, four knit caps, and three souvenir helmets.

Among them, the consumption of strengthening value alone has already exceeded 1, but Nansen has no choice at all.

Some of them are successful, but the attributes are all biased towards physical aspects, such as head protection, hardness increased by 50.00%, etc., which are completely useless to Nansen today.

He also put it up and used it as a strengthening mat.

Time flies, and during the night even Skye calls, fearing for his safety.

But Nansen is still strengthening, and the speed at which his backstage strengthening points are accruing has been difficult to keep up with his consumption speed, and even now the strengthening points are only consumed to less than [-].

The huge amount of income in the afternoon was taken into account, and Nansen had never imagined that it would be so difficult to obtain a specific one among the enhanced attributes that appeared immediately.

Just when he was about to give up, a system announcement finally ignited the raging fireworks in his heart.

[+1 Black Peaked Cap] Strengthened successfully.

Explanation: The hats sold by street vendors can make the wearer cover the sun in front of them and look cooler.

Attribute Strengthening: Resist a small amount of mental attacks, and the degree of resistance depends on the mental state of the wearer and the mental state of the attacker.

At the same time, there was also a skill book.


Explanation: Active skills can resist mental attacks, and can also take the initiative to launch offensives. Using them will consume mental energy.

Special Note: Spiritual skills can be strengthened.

Enhancement level: lv1.

 Emmm, although today's recommendations and collections are not very ideal, I am still very happy, one thousand collections at a time in my life.

  I can also tell people in the future that I am a man with a thousand readers.


(End of this chapter)

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