A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 34 34. Believe in Science?

Chapter 34 34. Believe in Science?

Ps: The previous chapter has undergone major revisions, and I hope readers can download and read it again.

At the same time, I made a self-reflection. In fact, I am not in the water, but I just want to express some things. I am not strong enough in writing, so people continue to say this today.

Of course, there was a *** when I came up. I will delete this kind of comment and block people. I am not glass-hearted, and I am willing to listen to some suggestions from readers, but please let those words be typed.

I apologize for bringing you a bad reading experience.

I am writing seriously, and I hope that everyone can read it easily.

I saw that a hat that can defend against mental attacks finally appeared, and an active skill book that had never appeared before was also released.

Nansen felt relieved, but this was only the first step. In the end, he used the previous mat and tried every means to strengthen the hat to +5, and then he was completely done.

As for the [Brainstorm] skill, Nansen directly strengthened it to lv5, and there is no need to worry about the skills that appear after using the strengthened skill book.

This is the most conscientious part of his booster.

After finishing everything, Nansen looked at the night, got up and shook his legs, and went back to the hotel with a smile.

Skye in the hotel is learning about mutants through the dark web. She lived in a relatively peaceful and stable world before. If she wants to formally contact a world of supernatural beings, she needs to make some preparations.

And the dark web is a good way to understand it. There is the most real side of the world there, but it also looks extremely dark.

When Nansen returned to the room, Skye was looking at it seriously. At this time, Nansen went up and put the cap on Skye's head, and said, "Are you ready? We are leaving."

Skye looked at Nansen in surprise, closed the notebook, straightened the hat that Nansen had put on her head, and asked suspiciously, "So you've been out for so long just to buy me a hat?"

Nansen touched his nose and replied, "Well, but this is a magical hat. I bought it all over San Juan."

"Thank you so much. It shouldn't be easy to get this hat." Skye took off the hat from his head, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully for a moment.

This is really just a very ordinary hat!
She looked at Nansen with suspicion, but Nansen just smiled and didn't explain at all.

Skye doesn't really understand Nansen's abilities, but he knows that some ordinary objects can always burst into surprises in his hands.

So she put it on obediently, she knew that Nansen must have his reasons for doing so.

It was already dark at this moment, and Nansen took out two packs of seafood and fish ban noodles on purpose. A meal for the two of them could be regarded as a buff that could make waves fly.

Taking advantage of the night, he went to Warburg again. Along the way, Nansen made a point of telling him not to run around and not to tear off his hat. He had already tested it when Skye put it on, and it was indeed very effective.

After explaining this, Nansen focused on telling her about the abilities of Mystique and the White Queen.

Then add the abilities of the Red Devil and Angel Girl, these must be told to Skye.

Only here did Skye understand the significance of the hat on her head.

In fact, there is still a doubt in Nansen's mind. He didn't see the red devil and angel girl during the day, and he is not sure whether they have survived to the present in this world.

It is even said that Nansen can't judge what the world is like now?
Because the timeline of the original X-Men series is very messy, in addition to these, there may be a butterfly effect because he came to this world, making things that should not have happened instead.

At least now that the White Queen and the others are in Puerto Rico, this should not have happened at the beginning.

This incident also brought Nansen a lot of thinking at a deep level. The plot line of this world may not be solid in his mind. Big events should happen, but small events can only be taken one step at a time. up.

In this way, under Nansen's teaching and thinking about the world, they came to Warburg again.

At this moment, the two looked over from a distance, and found that the martial law army here was actually one-third less people, "Are they going to change the guard?" Nansen turned his head and asked Skye.

But he found that Skye was twitching his nose, his expression was full of disgust, "No, they must be driven away by the smell, I can guarantee it."

Suddenly Nansen smiled, maybe this is the right answer, and everything is uncertain.

Then he waved his hand, and the dust-free land instantly activated, isolating the odor particles in the air, making Skye look much better.

She stared at Nansen angrily, and said, "You did all this, right?"

She smelled this smell when she fought with Nansen for the first time. At that time, she seemed in a trance, her stomach twitched, and now she smelled it again. No brains.

Nansen responded with a hey smile, and drove a clean place within the range of the two of them, all the way to the place where the brick was hidden.

That thing is a proper artifact, and it will be very distressing to lose Nansen.

On the way the two of them were moving forward, there were three lancets swimming under Nansen's body. They were like little winding snakes, lurking in a low voice, and finally came out again.

The road seemed calm, but Nansen couldn't help feeling alert, it shouldn't be like this.

In his imagination, this half of the bricks could not be hidden from the White Queen and the others. Even if they couldn't find it in a short time, they would definitely find it after such a long time.

Finally, when Nansen found his half of the brick, he suddenly heard a voice in the mid-term, "Fire!"

With this order, more than a dozen rifles shot out fire snakes at the same time, and the gunfire sounded like fried beans for a while, and thunder suddenly broke out.

Those people in the fraternity were not fools, and they even seemed to hate Nansen even more. They didn't take away the half of the brick even after they found it, but waited here for him to take the bait.

If it was the previous Nansen who faced all this, he might only feel that he was going to die, but now it is not always the case.

The dust-free land turned into a field, which expanded in an instant, covering Nansen and Skye within a radius of two meters. It was like a transparent cover, directly protecting the two of them.

Within this realm, Nansen is the king who can give orders to all matter.

It was the first time for Skye to encounter this kind of encounter after being fired by more than a dozen rifles at the same time, but she still stood tightly around Nansen. The only difference was that she held Nansen's arm tightly, so as to To show her inner fear.

Don't say it, it feels like it is indeed a lot bigger.Under this tense environment, it brought Nansen the most intuitive feeling.

In Nansen's domain, even the flowing wind could only stand still. Bullets shot at Nansen's surroundings, losing kinetic energy in an instant, and fell powerlessly to the ground, drawing a circle.

"Major, they are devils. The devils have really come out. Our attack is completely ineffective?" A soldier suddenly showed panic.

Those people who were familiar with this place and hell before, left in horror when the smell came out.

The rest of them are good soldiers who believe in science, especially when everyone unites to find the half brick with their noses, they believe in science even more deeply.

But at this moment, I saw a person stopping the bullet with his bare hands. How can this be played?
science?Science can't do that either.

Nansen smiled and watched Mystique leading those soldiers. Their nostrils were all stuffed with toilet paper. At the moment, it was ridiculous amidst the humor.

"By the way, do you dare to agree to my calling Ruiwen?" Nansen said suddenly.

Raven: Σ(°△°|||)︴, there are traitors among us! ! !
Looking at Ruiwen's panicked expression, Nansen seemed to want to laugh, and then said unhurriedly: "Don't you really think that you are too close to me?"

After those people exploded, they pressed forward with their rifles. Although they were so frightened that they wanted to escape at the moment, they were only more than ten meters away from Nansen.

But the consciousness of the major pretended to be the Mystique could not stop at the word 'Ruiwen', and then the three lancets burst into flames.

 The second update is estimated to be very late, friends who are not casual can wait until tomorrow.

  At the same time, I continued to shamelessly beg for votes. My recommendation votes were really too few. I was ranked very high in the recommendations of the same period, but the recommendation votes were only second.

  If you don't like watching it, you can express your opinion. As long as it is not scolding, I am willing to listen.

  At the same time, I am still one short of being able to enter the list of contracted writers in the category. I hope everyone will give me some support, thank you very much.


(End of this chapter)

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