Chapter 32
The dark yellow just disappeared in a blink of an eye, making Nansen feel whether he was in the light and shadow and had a slight illusion.

But then a woman appeared standing behind him. She was wearing a white one-piece skirt, her figure looked extremely graceful, and her hair was golden yellow. Haughty yet charming.

She looks like a full-fledged urban lady in a professional suit, and she can be at the negotiating table of big companies in the CBD.

And behind her was a man in a suit with a cold face.

After a quick glance, Nansen pulled Skye away. The situation is different now. Without confirming the exact situation, Nansen did not intend to act rashly.

After returning to the hotel, Skypy looked at Nansen with a non-smiling smile and asked, "I feel that you have been looking at that young lady for a long time just now, do you think she is very beautiful? You are not willing to look away."

How long have you been watching?

Nansen was puzzled when he heard this sentence, and smiled wryly, "Skye, do you have any misunderstanding about the word long time? I just glanced at it."

Skye said indifferently, "What do you think other beautiful girls have to do with me?"

"How could it be Skye? I just feel that this thing happened very strangely, and I just looked at those people a few times.

Fort San Cristóbal is a tourist destination, and the number of tourists every year is unknown.

But they suddenly pulled away the army to implement martial law, and at the same time I heard the roar of machinery, do you think there is an organization that has noticed there?

It was the ancient city that wanted to dig a passage to go to the ground, so it acted like this. "

Hearing what Nansen said, Skye immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, instead of joking, he began to face it squarely.

She turned on the computer, directly hacked into the government computer through the network, and finally downloaded relevant files from the background.

Immediately, Nansen and Skye began to read the documents. Through reading the documents, the questions in Nansen's mind were gradually solved one by one.

The document is a land acquisition agreement from a company to the local government, in the name of archaeological discoveries, and even requires the government to send military support.

As for why the government officials at the time agreed to such a stupid agreement?
It's because the representative of Party B in this contract is: Emma Grace Frost. Speaking of this name, it is estimated that everyone will be unfamiliar, but her code name seems to be recognizable.

She is the White Queen!Level [-] mutants have the ability of telepathy, they can read other people's thoughts and memories, they can also forcibly modify other people's memories, control their thinking, perform mental shielding, spiritual connection, etc.

In addition to telepathy, she also has the ability of diamond form, which can change her body structure in a single thought, and even the clothes she wears can become diamonds. Combined with fighting skills, she is also very powerful in battle .

Although the White Queen's mind control is far below that of Professor X, if she is in charge of the government negotiations this time, there will be no problem at all in the approval of this kind of project.

Even if she is in the mood, the official who signed the agreement for her can dance while stripping (harmoniously) while signing the agreement.

In an instant, Nansen thought of the woman in the white skirt that she saw before. She must be the White Queen.

Thinking of this, Nansen broke out in a cold sweat. He is gradually becoming stronger now. In terms of physical attack level, Nansen thinks that he can completely crush her.

But on the spiritual level, it seems very hanging, can the dust-free land defend against spiritual attacks?Nansen didn't know this, but his psychology was really not optimistic.

If the White Queen really detected his thinking, Nansen would probably be in a cold.

Just when Nansen looked scared, Skye flipped through the bottom of the document, looked at the signature of Party B, looked up at Nansen in puzzlement and asked, "Have you ever heard of an organization called Brotherhood?

That woman's final signature was not her name, but Brotherhood. This is too ridiculous. When those officials signed this agreement, were they all fooled by lard? "

In fact, I really can't blame those officials for this, even the mutants will be controlled by the White Queen, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for her to become a fourth-level mutant just by virtue of her diamond form.

Looking at Skye's puzzled face, Nansen thought for a while and explained: "The Brotherhood is a mutant organization, you remember the Goddess Island World from before.

It was the leader of this fraternity who made it, so you get the idea. "

Skye stared blankly at the words Brotherhood after listening, and swallowed hard. She clearly remembered how old Magneto was at the time.

If he wants to do something like this here this time, it will be too dangerous.

But soon, Skye calmed down. Since Nansen said these things, it showed that he could find a way, and it was useless to panic.

With the confirmation of the White Queen's identity, Nansen is now sure that the major with a dark yellow eye will definitely be Mystique, Raven Darkholm.

She used to be Professor X's childhood sweetheart, until the professor was shot in the back, and in the days after that, she followed Magneto around, doing all kinds of things to liberate mutants all over the world.

And the man in the suit is naturally the torrent. As for the angel and the red devil Nansen, they didn't see it, but it can't be ruled out that they were not there.

After Magneto killed Shang to avenge his revenge, the organization "Hellfire Club" also disappeared from the world together.

Magneto said that the mutants in the world are one family, and you all follow me in the future, so he accepted all the members of the Hellfire Club and established a brotherhood, which became even stronger.

Nansen saw from the date of the contract that when Magneto was doing things on the Statue of Liberty, these people had actually arrived here.

Although Magneto felt that this wave was stable at the time, he directly mutated all the heads of state, and then saw who would dare to engage in mutants in the future.

But his mind is still very delicate, and his layout and strategy are also very powerful.

Obviously, this group of teams who came to explore the ruins of the aliens is his backup preparation. If his plan fails, he will also have his men to go deep into the alien city.

Find a way to find out what the mutation principle of those aliens is, and then engage in a wave of globalization.

After all, although aliens and mutants are different in terms of mutation principles, they are actually not much different in terms of mutation effects.

Even ordinary people can't tell who is a mutant and who is an alien.

Of course, Magneto may not be very clear about many of these things, at least he doesn't know that the mutation of aliens needs to be combined with Terrigen crystals.

But this does not prevent him from making such a plan first. It is not terrible if the plan fails. There must be a goal to have hope.

And Mystique came here to cooperate with all this after Magneto went to prison.

The context of the matter gradually became clear in Nansen's mind, but there was one primary problem that needed to be resolved.

How to break the White Queen's mind control?
He thought that he would be able to sit back and relax with [Dustless Land], but now that he thinks about it, he is really too young...
(End of this chapter)

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