A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 31 31. Warburg's Martial Law (Part 3, please collect)

Chapter 31 31. Warburg's Martial Law ([-]rd update, please collect)

When the sun just came out of the horizon the next day, Nansen and Skye had already walked out of the hotel.

"Nansen, we have come here, can you know the exact location?" Skye asked.

Nansen had already told her before that the obelisk would need to be placed in a place similar to an altar, and then the crystals in the obelisk would spray out and sublimate into mist.

During this process, Skye will undergo a period of petrification, but don't worry, this will not cause her harm.

After this process is over, her abilities will be fully awakened.

Although Nansen told her the process in detail, he didn't say how to find the altar.

Because Nansen didn't understand this point, in the original plot, those big organizations collected information, and after they were confirmed, they cleared the scene and excavated.

It seems that the whole process is actually very simple. S.H.I.E.L.D. took out a high-speed cutting machine, and Hydra was even more powerful, and directly mounted a plasma drill.

There is nothing much to say, just one word, do it.

But when it's Nansen and Skye's turn, the situation is naturally different, and he doesn't have any mental scanning abilities, so it's almost blind to find them, and it doesn't seem so easy to collect information.

The only thing Nansen is sure about is that the altar is in the ancient city of Yiren, and the ancient city of Yiren is actually deep under a certain corner of this San Juan city. Where is it?How deep is it?
Nansen didn't understand these two questions at all.

But he had already thought about the countermeasures, and then he and Skye split into two groups, and Skye mainly went to the city library in San Juan.

With the help of her American passport, the librarian showed great enthusiasm for her.

It has not been a day or two since Puerto Rico wanted to become the 51st state of the United States. Most local public officials have shown great enthusiasm for American citizens.

The main purpose of Skye in the library is to search for local ghost stories. After all, the ancient city of aliens can actually be regarded as an alien relic, and its existence will inevitably leave some traces in history.

And such traces are likely not to be officially recognized, but recorded as ghost stories.

Skye's main purpose is to inquire about these strange stories and find the real location of the city from the clues. Although she may not understand some documents, she can use her mobile phone to translate them.

And Nansen's task is very awesome, he needs to focus on chatting with those old people in the old city.

The main content of the chat is also those supernatural legends about this city that are circulated among the people.

The reason why Nansen has such a division of labor is because he has a system and has no barriers in language communication. This can be seen from the time when he just woke up and understood English directly and communicated in standard New York English.

The official languages ​​here are English and Spanish, and most people are of Spanish and Portuguese descent, so there is also Portuguese.

When Nansen carried out such a division of labor, Skye still seemed to complain very much. After all, it would be so cool to learn about the history of the city on the street when it is boring to spend time in the library.

But when Nansen spoke eight languages ​​directly in front of her, her eyes were filled with little stars.

Nansen's little vanity was greatly satisfied at this moment.

So the two of them divided the work like this, but it must be admitted that the security of this city is not very good.

When Nansen walked out of the old alley in front of an old woman's door, he had already educated eight bastards one after another.

Is money from outsiders really that easy to grab?

If you have nothing to do, learn more about the 24-character mantra, what are you grabbing with a gun?

At night, the two returned to the hotel, summarized the information, found useful classifications from all kinds of complicated legends, and then went on a field trip.

In this way, two days passed, and finally the two focused their eyes on one place.

That is Fort San Cristóbal, because there are too many folklore about this castle, and there are many records even in books of all kinds of ghost stories.

Why suddenly the vicinity of the castle became brightly lit, and why the screams of demons continued to be heard in the dark night, and many people even disappeared near the castle.

Those who disappeared included adults, the elderly and children, but during a chaotic period in history, the government didn't take it seriously at all.

After the history, the strategic value of the fort has also faded, leaving only a part as a relic for people to visit.

Regarding the above-mentioned legend, Nansen believes that the sudden radiance may be due to the newly awakened alien failing to control his ability.

The roar of the devil may be the roar of some aliens who are suffering from great physical and mental pain during the mutation.

Nansen remembered a situation where a foreigner awakened and lost his eyeballs after awakening.

As for the so-called disappearance of people, it's easier to explain. Either he was killed by those aliens, or he walked into that ancient city and turned into a puppet.

Or a darker explanation is that they were deliberately taken away by those aliens and used as human targets to train their new generation.

But no matter what the situation is, at least it shows a message that the place they want to find is there.

If you really don't have any direct clues when you get to the place, then just dig with your head down.

Because what Nansen learned the most from those old people was that there was actually hell under the castle.

The ancient castle built by the Spaniards back then was not only to strengthen the control of the Caribbean Sea and resist foreign invasions, but more importantly, to suppress the underground hell and prevent those demons from causing trouble in the world.

Although the rumors seemed absurd, the target actually appeared.

When Nansen and Skye came there, they were surprised to find that the entire castle was under martial law by the army, and tourists were not allowed to watch it.

The two of them looked at each other, and they both saw something unusual in each other's eyes.

It's like one day you went to a place of interest, only to find that the place of interest was under the control of the army, no matter how you think about it, it feels incredible.

"Nansen next, let's sneak in quietly." Skye said in his mouth, his little face was full of eagerness to try.

Although she understands intellectually that her life will be completely different from before when she has real supernatural powers, she still can't help but look forward to it, feeling that if she does this, she will be separated from her parents. go one step further.

But Nansen shook his head. It was still daytime, and this kind of action was obviously more suitable at night, besides, he felt something strange here for no reason.

His eyes kept searching among these martial law soldiers, and then he suddenly saw a dark yellow in the eyes of a major.

 Thanks to 'Xiaoyue, Canglang' for the reward of [-] starting point coins and [-] recommendation tickets, as well as the speech support.

(End of this chapter)

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