A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 204. 203. Helen Zhao's Role

Chapter 204. 203. Helen Zhao's Role
Strengthening is the improvement of quality brought about by the action of Nansen's strengthening machine. When strengthening to a high-level stage, there will be a leap and change in attributes and forms.

But the increase is different. To be precise, the increase is given by Nansen.

Now Nansen only has the means of increasing after absorbing two infinite gems to grant part of his power.

As Nansen pointed at Vision's forehead, a surging force surged rapidly, and layers of nebula spread out from Nansen's whole body.

The blue light, dotted with stars, looks beautiful.

But the huge energy brewed in it made you frown secretly. At the same time, in the blue nebula, a touch of bright red surged. Under Nansen's guidance, it gradually turned into a small blood-colored crystal, and finally appeared On Vision's forehead.

The increase soon came to an end, and Nansen also seemed a little tired. His ability was actually only in the groping stage, and it seemed immature to use it like this now.

However, he looked at the top of Vision's head in front of him, as if there was a bright blood-red gem.

At least, it proves that he succeeded in increasing his power.

The idea of ​​condensing the energy absorbed by the nebula and diverting part of it to complete the increase seems crazy, but the result is very good.

Vision opened his eyes again, and Nansen asked aloud, "How do you feel now?"

Vision touched the gemstone that suddenly appeared on the top of his head, felt it for a while, and said politely to Nansen: "Thank you, I feel good!"

The one above the phantom's head is not the real gem of reality, it is just a part of the energy body that Nansen absorbed the energy of the gem of reality, and now it is differentiated.

The Reality Gem was originally embodied as a rule in the universe, and what it represented was the real authority in the universe.

Nansen differentiated this trace to strengthen the illusion, and in terms of scale, it is also very impressive.

Before he knew it, Magneto also came here. At this moment, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were following behind him. It could be seen that they got along quite happily, but they didn't know if they knew each other.

Next, under the hospitality of Wakanda, everyone had a meal together, and at the same time discussed the next countermeasures against Ultron. Nansen felt tired and went to rest.

He is now sleeping in a room in Wakanda. At this moment, Nansen thought about his experiences over the years, and it seemed like a dream.

During Nansen's break, Wakanda sounded the alarm!

Ultron, finally here.

Because of Nansen's previous ability promotion plan, there are already [-]% of the superpowers on the earth. This number does not seem to be very huge.

But it looks terrible when placed under the base of the overall population of 70 billion. There are many superpowers cooperating with human technological weapons.

If Ultron wants to truly exterminate mankind, he must have an invincible legion, so Zhenjin seems to be bound to win.

When Nansen came to the hall, he found that basically everyone was there.

Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Magneto, etc., everyone gathered in the hall, and he was the only one left.

In the center of the hall is a virtual projection model. In the projection, it can be clearly seen that Wakanda is surrounded at this moment.

Surrounded in all directions, there was a group of fighter jets and armed helicopters circling in darkness, but there were no pilots in the fighter planes at all.

I don't know where Ultron is, and it has transformed so many types of aircraft.

On the other hand, Wakanda turned on the energy shield at the first time. The vast energy shield is like a hood, covering Wakanda, but it seems not enough at all.

Because everyone saw that there was a row of ground drilling machines slowly coming from behind Ultron on the plain, it was obvious that he wanted to open a big hole from the ground and kill them.

Prince T'Challa naturally saw it, and said to everyone: "Wakanda also has a defensive barrier underground.

But between the original defense deployment, the energy barrier below is not as good as above the ground, we need to deploy defense preparations as soon as possible. "

While speaking, Ultron had already started to attack, and all ground units fired at targets within a range.

At the same time, the ground drilling machine also started working. A large amount of dust was pushed back by the ground drilling machine, and a large hole began to appear in the ground.

And Ultron was floating in mid-air at this moment, looking at this place in Wakanda with cold eyes.

Behind him and above his head, hovering his steel legion, the absolutely real torrent of steel besieged Wakanda like this.

At the same time, the orbital cannon located in the palace of Wakanda has also begun to charge and launch.

Su Rui is currently manipulating everything through the terminal equipment. Those energy cannonballs draw a beautiful arc in the air, and then land on the robot group.

At the same time, some sophisticated laser weapons were activated, and their goal was to hit the robots in space.

As long as Wakanda's protective shield hasn't broken, these long-range strike weapons can be used, but if Ultron is really close, then these weapons can be transformed into robots by him.

Although this ability was owned by Tony first, Ultron is far more powerful than him. After all, Ultron has infinite gems, and it can be said that the energy is endless.

The firepower from Wakanda continued, and Nansen looked at the current situation and finally said: "The situation is not at its worst.

It is suggested to fight Ultron by me, Vision and Magneto. We will prevent him from approaching the palace of Wakanda and find a way to separate him from the Mind Stone.

And you are resisting the army of robots on the ground. We may not be able to use high-tech weapons unilaterally in this battle.

I hope you can complete your respective battles well, and at the same time, Prince T'Challa, can your army fight against those steel torrents with only flesh? "

After hearing this, Prince T'Challa said to Nansen: "No problem, they are all real Wakanda fighters, even if we only rely on long guns, we can kill those robots."

Nansen nodded after hearing this. They had already discussed this battle plan.

At this moment, Ultron is coming, and everyone can just fight directly.

Suddenly, Nansen thought of something and asked Tony, "Is your armor okay?"

What Nansen asked, Tony understood that if Ultron activated his armor on the battlefield, it would be a troublesome thing, at least Tony's ability to fight against Ultron would definitely not be able to fight.

After Tony finished listening, he nodded and said it was okay, "I have a new set of armor, not made of metal."

While speaking, he also glanced at Magneto sitting next to him. That suit of armor was actually anti-Magneto armor, but it was going to be used against Ultron first.

Nansen thought about it and found that there was indeed no problem. He immediately prepared to open a portal and lead everyone to face Ultron directly.

It is precisely because he has a portal that everyone is still deciding on a strategy even if the army is coming.

But suddenly, an electronically synthesized voice sounded in the conference hall. He spoke the language of Wakanda, and the content was: "The center of the shield has been invaded, the center of the shield has been destroyed, and the shield has dissipated. It is estimated that after 30 seconds All shields disappear.

Thirty, 29,..."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay at the sudden sound, but Prince Techara's eyes widened, watching the shield disappear, and his Wakanda fighters would be the first to bear the brunt.

"Nansen, it's that woman!" He said to Nansen.

Nansen instantly rang that Dr. Helen Zhao. He had already seen that she was controlled by Ultron at that time, and made her be imprisoned just like Wakanda, but how could it be?
Soon, Nansen understood, because Helen Zhao was not the only one who entered Wakanda, she was also carrying a mechanical watch and a necklace!
Ultron actually just let her be an abandoned child from the beginning to the end, and just brought those small robots in here.

A strong fortress is often the weakest on the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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