A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 203 202. Then, I will give you an increase (2 in 1, please subscribe)

Chapter 203 202. Then, I will give you an increase (two in one, please subscribe)

Logan looked at Nansen in surprise and asked, "This thing, does it still have self-awareness?" Apparently, it was Venom who surprised him with the words of forgiveness.

"Yes, he can be said to be a special kind of life in the universe. I also got it by accident. It can make you extremely powerful." Nansen added.

Then he removed his previous restriction, opened the jar and released the venom.

Nansen looked at the venom, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like a mass of pitch black.

After that, Nansen stretched out his hand and climbed up with the venom. He didn't want to possess Nansen, mainly because he didn't dare.

Nansen looked at the venom in his hand, and then a strange energy surged from his body, and even a little starlight appeared, and then a touch of blue amber-like substance completely enveloped the venom.

Strengthening begins!
The venom was trapped in the amber-like solid, constantly changing its shape, it could be seen that he was a little scared, but there was nothing he could do.

Soon, a smear of blue light rose into the sky with a burst of darkness, and finally the amber dissipated, but a few more blue stars appeared on the pitch-black venom.

On the other hand, Nansen's face was slightly pale. Obviously, the consumption just now was not a small matter for him.

"Okay, it's all right now." Nansen said.

"what did you do to me?"

"It's just to prevent you from rebelling. While strengthening you, it also planted a safety device for you." Nansen replied.

Venom is silent at the moment. His fear of Nansen is mainly from Old Hei, who has a strong hellfire on him. He is afraid of fire, and he has no resistance to hellfire.

"Now, please attach yourself to that friend of mine, and give you a piece of advice, don't eat indiscriminately. As for what can be eaten? What can't be eaten, just ask him." Nansen said to the venom.

Venom understood, and then slowly approached Wolverine.

"Nansen, do you think this thing is reliable?" Logan couldn't help asking Nansen, looking at the venom who couldn't keep approaching.

"Relax, relax, don't get excited, accept your own changes."

Wolverine felt something was wrong when he heard this sentence, vaguely as if someone in his memory had said this to him, and then there was a long, continuous pain.

At this moment, the venom has come to Wolverine's trouser legs, then crawled to his chest, and seeped in.

Logan brewed his emotions for a long time, but as if nothing happened, he couldn't help blinking, "Uh, is that all?"

Nansen hasn't opened his mouth at this moment, and a voice has already sounded in his mind: "That's it? Humph, how is that possible!"

As soon as his voice fell, a layer of black outer skin appeared on Wolverine's body. Seeing this, Nansen hurriedly opened a portal, threw Wolverine in, and then Nansen followed.

"Roar..." With Wolverine's suppressed roar, a monster with a height of three to four meters appeared.

And with a "clang", it also stretched out two claws about one meter long.

"No, this is too weak!" Venom said.

The next moment, the claw continued to grow, turning into a giant claw about ten meters long, looking murderous.

Looking at this scene, Nansen felt pretty good. At this moment, several Wakanda soldiers ran over. Nansen waved his hand, and they stood in the distance and did not approach.

"Logan, how do you feel now?" Nansen asked.

Then Venom opened half of his face, revealing the face of Wolverine. He seemed a little drunk now, and looked a little dazed, "Oh~ Nansen, I feel like I have inexhaustible power."

"That's my strength!"

"Well, it's yours, yours, I just borrowed it."

Nansen smiled: "Very well, let's cancel the transformation, I guess you must be hungry now."

Soon, Wolverine Logan recovered. After he got close to Nansen's hand, the first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Hungry~"

"Nansen, what he said just now is what he meant." Logan added.

Then Nansen asked the soldiers of Wakanda to lead Logan to eat, while he went to the palace of Wakanda.

At this moment, Captain America, Bruce Banner, Iron Man and others are all here, but Iron Man is discussing something intensely with Shu Rui at this moment.

After they saw Nansen coming, they stopped discussing together. At this moment, Tony said: "We are trying to figure out a way to deduce an algorithm to see if we can find Ultron in advance, and then find a way to destroy him."

"Okay, so what's the result of your discussion?"

Tony and Su Rui looked at each other, and finally admitted that they were defeated, "I'm sorry, Ultron has now completely occupied the network, and even our satellites are no longer our own.

It is obviously impossible to locate him through the calculation algorithm and then through the satellite. "

Nansen nodded after hearing this, and didn't say anything, after all, the current Ultron is truly complete.

Loaded with the Mind Gem and Vibrating Body, combined with his 'Fire Seed Source' ability, it is not difficult to obtain satellite permissions in the sky with ease.

"However." There was a turning point in Tony's words at this moment, "I was in the computer center in Oslo and finally found our ally."

While speaking, he tapped a device in his hand, and a golden brain-like projection model appeared in the middle, "Jarvis is not actually dead, he has hidden himself in the depths of the Internet, and is still protecting Earth.

Hi Jarvis, say hi to everyone. "

Then, Jarvis's mechanically synthesized voice sounded, "Hi everyone, nice to meet you all!"

Su Rui took over the conversation at this moment and said: "Ultron is really strong, Tony and I want to build another artificial intelligence, immerse Jarvis's consciousness in it, and then defeat Ultron.

After all, even if we win the frontal battlefield, there will always be someone to fight on the other battlefield. "

What Su Rui said is very clear. The essence of Ultron is an artificial intelligence. Even if everyone wiped out every one of his robots on the battlefield, he is everywhere on the Internet.

Therefore, someone must be able to resist his attack on the battlefield, and at the same time, someone must be able to eliminate him in the network.

From the current point of view, Jarvis is absolutely suitable for this role.

After Nansen finished listening, he was stunned, because he felt that the plot had changed, but it seemed that the illusion would still be created.

"Okay," Nansen smiled bitterly, "do you have any plans? If you need my help, I will do my best to help."

Su Rui said expectantly at this moment: "Yes, we are going to use vibration gold to create a body together, and then load Jarvis into it.

As for the neurons that a life needs to carry, this point can be skipped, because Tony has the ability to activate metals. "

But Nansen didn't understand, "So what do you need me to do?"

Su Rui looked extremely excited at the moment, his dark face was full of excitement, "I know you have a very strange ability.

Any ordinary thing in your hands can be strengthened, and even exhibit properties beyond the material.

I have analyzed that for you, even an ordinary fork can directly pierce a person's soul as long as it is in your hand.

We hope that you can also give this ability to our newly built robot and send him into the battlefield. "

After hearing this, Nansen saw Su Rui's excited expression, and immediately said: "No problem, I will wait for Ultron's arrival in Wakanda next.

If you need any help, just contact me. "

After Nansen finished speaking, Tony and Shu Rui started to get busy. At the same time, Tony dragged Bruce Banner away at once, and three world-class scientists began to gather together.

Nansen shook his head at this moment, and approached the US team to look for it, "Hey, Steve, can I do you a favor and strengthen your shield."

Steve watched Nansen walk in, and hurriedly picked up his shield, "No need, my shield is very useful."

But Nansen took out a small knife at this moment, "Is it easy to use? I feel like I can pierce your shield with one knife."

"Are you kidding me? Except for the last time, this shield of mine has never been broken." Steve said mockingly to Nansen, looking extremely confident.

"Then let's make a bet. If your shield is pierced by me, you have to promise me one thing."

Captain America seemed a little moved, "Then if you lose, you have to promise me one thing."

Nansen nodded with a smile, and then stabbed his shield with the knife in turn. At the same time, a layer of starlight lingered in his hand, and above the starlight was accompanied by a touch of purple and red light.

There was a "snap", there was no loud noise, and there was no special effect of fire splashing, as if a sharp blade had penetrated a layer of shredded paper, and the shield was broken.

"It seems that you lost Steve, remember, you have to promise me one thing." Nansen smiled happily.

Then he left behind the messy Steve, and finally he asked Princess Su Rui to make another shield for Steve, which was naturally an extremely simple matter for her.

"Remember, Steve, don't forget!" Nansen repeated.

But Captain America couldn't stop rubbing his shield at this moment, feeling that he was caught in a trap at the moment, but he didn't understand what Nansen would ask him to do, thinking of it, he just shook his head and sighed in the end.

His old friend is about to die.

Soon, Thor also fell from the sky. When he saw Nansen, he hugged Nansen happily.

"Brother, you are finally back. I searched the Nine Kingdoms, but I couldn't find you. Where did you go?" Thor asked.

Nansen smiled and talked about his experience. Thor also seemed extremely excited when he heard the magnificence of the universe.

"Thor, did you leave this time to discover something important?" Nansen brought the subject back.

Thor nodded, and then said seriously: "I saw the video of the battle in Seoul. The one on Ultron's head is called the Mind Gem. It is the greatest power in the universe. We have to find a way to give the gem on his head Only by taking it down can we truly defeat him.

In fact, we have all come into contact with the Infinity Gem, the Space Gem and the Reality Gem before. One brought disaster to New York, while the other led to the rise of a very powerful civilization. "

After Thor finished speaking, he found that everyone was not surprised. Nansen smiled and told him: "I understand what you said, can you show me your hammer?"

Thor generously put his hammer down, and said with a smile: "You can't lift it, only a real god can..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't speak anymore, because he found that Nansen had actually picked up his hammer.

At this moment, Nansen has four forces lingering in his hand, which are the power of the stars he strengthened, the box of frost, the gem of power and the gem of reality.

After picking up the Meow Meow Hammer, Nansen felt it carefully, and then his strength began to flow in.

Suddenly, the Meow Meow Hammer suddenly burst out a bright thunder, directly blasting a big hole in a palace in Wakanda, followed by a piercing siren.

The people around hurriedly moved away, only Nansen and Thor were left under the huge thunder and lightning.

When the thunder and lightning dissipated, Thor's Thor's Hammer became blazing white, and electric fire roared all over his body, as if this was its true form.

"Okay, this is its true power, use it well." After speaking, Nansen threw the Meow Hammer to Thor again.

Thor subconsciously caught his hammer and looked dazed. He couldn't believe it. Is this really his hammer?
When did it become so dazzling?
In this way, Nansen silently strengthened his own strength while waiting for the arrival of Ultron.

In the following time, after Tony and the others finished the work, he strengthened the newly made robot even more.

Then Tony activated his ability to truly activate the robot, and then grafted Jarvis into it.

A trick to transfer flowers and plants, cleverly avoiding the need to build a large number of neurons.

After the robot sat up, seeing the concerned eyes around him, he froze for a moment, and subconsciously said, "My name is Jarvis? No, I seem to have other consciousness in my body."

Immediately, Tony's face became embarrassing. He knew that it must be because when he activated the robot just now, he had already developed self-awareness.

After struggling for a while, the robot stood up and said, "My name is Vision!"

Nansen sighed in his heart, the illusion was still born, and Miss Wanda didn't know if she would fall again.

Next, Nansen came to Vision, stretched out a finger and pointed at his forehead, and asked, "Tell me, what is the purpose of your birth?"

Vision was confused for a moment, and said, "Protect life!"

Hearing what he said, Nansen closed his eyes, "Then, I will buff you!"

Then, a huge energy surged from his heart, which was no longer the same as the previous strengthening.

 Thank you for the reward of [-] starting coins from 'The Years Are Quiet, May You Be Safe', thank you boss.

(End of this chapter)

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