A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 205. 204. The Battle of Wakanda

Chapter 205. 204. The Battle of Wakanda
Wakanda soldiers rushed over as soon as the accident happened in the shield center, only to find that the original guard had been killed.

However, they also captured Helen Zhao who was about to flee, and destroyed two ultra-small robots together.

But this doesn't help at all, damage is easy to repair, Wakanda's external shields are no longer powered, and even Ultron can't even use those ground drills.

Prince T'Challa touched his forehead helplessly, and ordered them to continue to imprison Helen Zhao.

Speaking of this problem, it should be regarded as Nansen's negligence. He ignored the accessories Zhao Helen was wearing at that time.

After all, he is also human, just like Tony will create Ultron, and Banner will go crazy, and he will make mistakes.

Originally thought that seeing through that Zhao Hailun was being controlled, she seemed to be at ease, but in the end this omission appeared.

The countdown kept falling, and Nansen opened the portal to prepare to go there.

Soon, everyone came to the frontal battlefield. Looking at the mighty robots not far away, everyone felt more nervous.

Behind everyone, there are neat Wakanda soldiers. They don't have high-tech weapons at the moment, and the special weapons they hold are relatively primitive.

Even in order not to be transformed by Ultron's ability, they have no metal objects on their bodies.

The scene looked ridiculous for a while, like a group of primitive people fighting against the ultra-modern army.

The energy weapons in the Wakanda palace in the rear have begun to overload at this moment, and they can destroy as much as they can.

And in the end, Su Rui set up a destruction program, which will be automatically destroyed when Ultron comes.

If this kind of weapon falls into the hands of Ultron, a wave of super-powered mobile forts will appear directly.

Tony looked at the imminent Ultron Legion, and whispered in his mouth: "Veronica!"

Hearing what Tony said at this moment, Bruce Banner couldn't help but turn his head and look at him, with complex emotions showing in his eyes.

"Uh, this time it's not for you, it's for that bastard." Tony said.

At this moment, Magneto tossed a coin, and after hearing it, he said, "Heh, young man, I don't know why, but I always feel a bit cold behind my back."

After speaking, he glanced at Tony, grinned, and patted Tony on the shoulder.

At this moment, there are only the last five seconds of the 30-second countdown. Now Nansen has slowly lifted into the sky, and Magneto also flew up together.

Now beside Nansen, Magneto is on the left and Vision is on the right.

The eyes of the three were locked on Ultron, who was also flying in the air, and Ultron returned the provocative gaze.

Five seconds passed quickly.

For the human side, this battle is an out-and-out unfair battle, like two swordsmen duel, but one side can only bind its own pair and one hand.

However, the moment of despair is far from reached.

The strength of the earth is far stronger than Ultron knows.

"Kacha" "Kacha", this sound could not stop stimulating everyone's nerves, and finally the sound stopped.

The already dilapidated protective cover finally cracked completely, like a piece of shattered glass, completely shattered into slag, and then turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

After the shield center in the palace failed, these shields had no follow-up energy supply, and they could persist for another 30 seconds, which is already of Wakanda's military quality.

All kinds of energy weapons bursting out were still roaring behind everyone, Ultron couldn't help looking in that direction.

From the very beginning, it had suffered the heaviest battle losses for his troops.

But at present, the first thing he needs to do is to solve the current group of people.

Ao Chuang quickly locked his eyes on the current three people, and he knew that this was a hurdle he had to overcome.

"Go, my children, tear them apart." Ultron issued an order to his subordinates.

In an instant, robots of various sizes began to swarm up, while a terrifying roar came from the human side.

Bruce Banner had already transformed, and Hulk appeared. He roared and landed on all fours, rushing towards Ultron's steel army like a beast.

At the same time, at the moment when the protective shield was revoked, Tony's battle armor was also projected from the satellite in the universe.

His satellite has been protected by Jarvis, so it has not been controlled by Ultron.

Soon, layers of battle armor covered his body, and then Tony also skipped at a low altitude and flew to the battle line.

Thor couldn't wait a long time ago. The shining hammer in his hand was just like his heart at the moment, wanting to be the most shining thunder on the battlefield.

Wolverine looked at the robots together, as if he had returned to his trip to Japan, when he was that old bastard.

"Venom!" He uttered a mouthful, and the black skin-like substance immediately covered it.

With sharp teeth and sharp mouth, there is also a big and long tongue.

"Say, who are we going to eat?"

"Stupid, let's kill those robots!"

"Idiot, how dare you call me a fool?"

Although the venom couldn't stop complaining, but when he waved his hand, two sharp claws about ten meters long appeared, and then rushed up with a wave.

Combatants such as Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, who rely on equipment, are dispatched to other battlefields at this moment.

After all, Wakanda's shield has completely collapsed, and it is conceivable how long that front will be.

On the frontal battlefield, the use of high-tech equipment is prohibited, so the combat effectiveness they can display is of little use.

At the same time, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are also here, but they are not resisting directly, but as a rescue team to save the wounded soldiers.

Kuaiyin's ability to be ushered in to transport those wounded soldiers is definitely very strong.

And the combat power displayed by the Scarlet Witch now seems like a drop in the bucket for this kind of battle, so she can only temporarily cooperate with her brother to carry out strategic support work.

Soon, the battle begins!

Prince T'Challa turned his head and glanced at the soldiers behind him, and then at Wakanda behind him, where his father's expected gaze was there.

He clenched the special weapon in his hand, shook his weapon on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Long live Wakanda!"

At the same time, behind him are soldiers united as one and shouted loudly, "Long live Wakanda!"

Although they don't have the high-tech weapons they were familiar with before, their will to defend their homeland will never be weakened.

Ultron in mid-air didn't move, but Magneto felt very annoyed. The various fighter planes above his head had started to crash like dumplings while waving his hands.

The few remaining smart ones started to stay away from this terrible old man.

Ultron was not angry about this, but just looked at Nansen with great interest.

Because of the mind gem on his head, after Nansen's energy locks on him, he can't help trembling.

Like excitement, like panic!

(End of this chapter)

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