LOL I am invincible

Chapter 148 False 5 kills

Chapter 148 The False Five Kills Come
"One cut with 400 drops of blood! Two kills in seconds! Oh my God!"

P, who died instantly, saw his death replay data, Lin Yu's normal attack, just two hits is 786 damage, and Q skill plus E skill is 658...

"What kind of monster is this?"

He even died on the spot after handing over a healer...

"And Lin Yu's combo, directly connecting E to Q, threw the chain out in the air, resulting in this wave of P's healing, and being held back by Q's serious injury, he couldn't recover his blood."

Maohuang frowned, and said again and again: "To be honest, I also play Kled, and I have seen some top Kled players in the national server. Why haven't I seen others make such smooth operations? So Lin Yu can also play Kled ?”

I remember quickly adding: "No, Lin Yu is the top laner. I have watched every game he played. As far as I know, it is the first time that he uses Kled to play the top laner in a game!"

"It's this level for the first time!"

And this is the first time, so G2 has studied the LPL team for so long, but never thought that last year's world champion would take out Kled to rule them in this round!
In particular, they didn't expect that Lin Yu's style of play that only focused on targeting Ah P in the bottom lane left Perkz, who was originally the core of the team, with no room to play.

In the midst of the chaos, teammates from the red team who had no ultimate move came to support, and the captain was the one who was scared away by Kled's damage.

But he still threw a two-barrel barrel with common sense, and his hand speed was very fast, and it would also cause huge damage to Kled when it was blown up.

But Lin Yu moved forward spiritually, and in the state of deceleration, the jankos who came over even emptied the key Q skill.

No matter how much Kret's damage was, the four of them would not be afraid if they were in a group.

The Japanese girl directly flashed up to Q and stunned Kelie, but Kelie didn't A, but walked to the wall. Zoe pulled up the long Q, and was directly dodged by Lin Yu's position, and the E skill also Weird twist off.

"Wow! Lin Yu's position seems to be a script!" I remember being amazed, but I didn't expect that Lin Yu would still want to operate. At this time, his blood volume has exceeded half.

The Cat Emperor also said: "But this wave is powerless without big moves and flashes. Japanese women are too fleshy."

The audience were also surprised. No wonder Lin Yu deliberately didn’t A to the Japanese girl just now. He knew in advance that Zoe, who had blind vision, was pulling Q, and wanted to get stuck at the timing of the Japanese girl’s E skill to avoid Zoe’s Q and E. trajectory.

But after the blind man emptied the Q, another W golden bell touched the top order. At this time, the captain returned, and the four of them wanted to take advantage of Lin Yu's half-blooded state to take the 1000 yuan bounty Klein. Here we go.

Then this round has the initiative, a comeback!
"It seems that Kelie is gone, and Lin Yu didn't make a good choice in this wave." Maohuang suddenly asserted that at this moment, any ordinary player looked at Lin Yu as a dead end.

But at the moment when the blind man touched it, Lin Yu suddenly seemed to have found his direction, and Lin Yu, who had been walking, suddenly went over to attack!
Hitting the blind man, the captain and Zoe rushed over. Kled pierced so many armors, three basic attacks caused the blind man's HP to drop by half!
Zoe's passive general attack and the captain's fire knife maimed Kled, the horse was gone, and Skaarr fled.

But Lin Yu didn't flinch, and continued to follow the blind man. As he walked, A seemed to hit the blind man's main artery every time, opened Youmeng, and chased A blind man four times in a row!
"Fuck! What the hell kind of damage is this?" Jankos looked more and more wrong, every basic attack was like a critical strike, and the pain was unbearable.

The blind man immediately fell to the ground, and Kelie was still bleeding. Everyone wanted to quickly end the 1000 yuan bounty of Kelie.

However, Lin Yu's anger value was above 40 points at this time, and he finally released the Q skill at the captain, retreated, and reached Zoe's side, and faced Zoe with two general attacks, each of which caused 378 points of damage !

Because Zoe's armor is only 43!And Lin Yu's armor piercing plus concealment has a total of 63 points!Explosive damage!

Caps' eyes widened, and he was about to use his big move to temporarily distance himself, but Kled, who suddenly got on his horse in anger, took him away with another basic attack!
At this time, the Japanese girl stepped forward to come up with another set of controls, but Kled threw a hook at the captain who released Q before being charged.

The captain wanted to escape, but was dragged back a certain distance by the hook.

Lin Yu grinned when he saw that his W was already healed.

"Brother Meng, the fake five kills are coming!"

W's passivity can directly increase the attack speed. The captain just bit off W, and the blood returned to 1200 points, but these are nothing in Lin Yu's eyes.

Both the commentator and the audience were stunned, and kept opening their mouths. Lin Yu still held his E skill and chased the captain to A, with a basic attack of 312!

There were four general attacks in total, each of which made Wunder shudder, remembering his fear of being singled out and dominated on the road!
The remaining Japanese women had no choice but to face a fully armor-piercing Klein who was still chasing after with his E skill, killing four in one wave!

"It's a pity, this wave, if the female gun doesn't flash, or kills other people first, it will be five kills." Cat King exhaled, but the look in his eyes remained in the shock just now.

But Lin Yu didn't seem to care about this at all. After killing someone, he immediately went to lead the line, and all the actions were done in one go, which seemed to be expected.

In this wave, five people were killed by 1V5, and G2's high ground was directly forced.

"No wonder, in 22 minutes, this Kled has already reached level 16, the development is too fast, the captain who is facing him is only level 12 now, and P, who is in the bottom lane, is only...level 9." I remember saying , I frowned, if I encountered this kind of scene, would I still want to play an ADC?I can't help admiring P.

The barrage also started to look strange, and I don't know if it was mocking.

"Ah P! Forever dripping God!"

"To be honest, if it were me, I would definitely hang up, ah P can still play, haha!"

"Professional players are awesome! Continue to be eaten alone! I would rather be a super ghost than surrender, haha!"

The barrage was extremely high. In 24 minutes, G2 was in a confused circle in the jungle, and could only let the blue side eat the big dragon BUFF openly.

The front barrel and the ice girl found an opportunity to start a team to protect the output of Verus. Zoe and the blind man were caught and couldn't escape at all.

Anyway, it's all in decline. From the audience's God's perspective, they can see the female gun full of blood and go back to the city directly behind.

"Haha, ah P doesn't want Lin Yu to be a ghost!"

"If Lin Yu can't let P Chaogui, won't he quit the game?"

The hearts of the audience were tugged. On the one hand, they didn't think that ah P would be stupid to give a chance, but on the other hand, they didn't want such a strong player like Lin Yu to retire...

The four people on the red side fell, and the sound of Kled's ultimate move sounded, but in order to prevent Lin Yu from being a ghost, Ah P still planned to go back to the city and wait in the spring until the end.

At this time, a sign appeared directly.

"Kled drove the big one into the fountain!" I remember exclaiming.

I saw that Lin Yu directly controlled Kelie to drive R to the spring, and he didn't care about the team battle behind him. He ran all the way in ah P's female gun just returned to the city, and Lin Yu's Kelie bumped into her head. The collision was 300 point of harm!

Q receives the basic attack, two general attacks, one pistol off the horse, and takes it away directly!

(End of this chapter)

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