LOL I am invincible

Chapter 149 Fear

Chapter 149 Fear

"Super spooky!"

I remember clenching my fist in shock. He always remembered what Lin Yu said on the host stage.

Lin Yu really did what he thought he had arranged to create the effect of the program!

In fact, the various targets in this set made the audience look forward to the result very much!
"It's really super spooky." Mao Huang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, this was the first time he saw Ah P so miserable on the field.

Generally, in this kind of situation, the advantaged party will seize the advantage long ago, so that the inferior party dare not take the group at all.

However, Team Yanhua kept giving the G2 team a chance, causing Lin Yu to keep looking for P to kill. In addition to the online targeting, there were two small team battles and two big team battles. Lin Yu found and killed P first. He even made a move to let go of the Japanese girl on purpose halfway through!

At 24 minutes and 40 seconds, Lin Yu was super god again, ah P0-8 super ghost!

With the big dragon BUFF, the five surviving Yanhua team, as if they had finally completed a certain task, let G2's crystal base explode without any pressure.

"Let us first congratulate Team Yanhua for winning the first win of this BO3 and successfully winning the match point first!"

Remember to use an excited tone and start analyzing the various wonderful operations of this game with Cat King.

And their words, no one has paid attention to them for a long time, all the major live broadcast platforms and broadcast interfaces are full of dense comments and bullet screens!
Almost all of them are brushing the same sentence.

"Yushen is awesome!"

Lin Yu did what he said, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Although this is the ethos in Europe and the United States, it is normal, but the so-called do as the Romans do, Chinese culture, modesty is a virtue, there is no such thing as pre-match trash talking, and the banner of creating an atmosphere is actually just to pretend to be B.

In fact, a lot of people just saw that P was not happy at all. This time Lin Yu made such a promise on stage so bravely, and even slapped all the unbelievers in the face. It really made P super ghost. I dare not pretend to be B casually.

After all, it doesn't feel good to be targeted and crushed like this!

"What about those who question my Yushen? Why don't they come out?"

"The trolls seem to be elementary school students, so it's time to do homework after dinner? Haha!"

"Yushen is amazing! I, a suburban jungler with a score of 103, Master Steel Lieyang, chose to switch to the top laner for my Yushen today!"

"Haha, I've decided that from now on, Ionia will have another unyielding Kled player!"

And here, the members of Team Yanhua took off their earphones, stood up excitedly, and sat in a group.

"Wow! Yushen is really awesome! Continue to work hard!"

Li Mao and Chen Le, who were going down the road, hugged each other, very excited.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "What are you doing? You make yourself look like a low-end player, isn't it just to win a group match? And it's the first round of BO3, so be happy and wait for zero Let them be happy again, okay?"


When Lin Yu said that, Chen Le and Polite nodded, especially Li Mao, with tears in his eyes.

Lin Yu was taken aback.

He suddenly remembered that this was the first time for these players to participate in the World Championship, and their mental state would indeed be different from his own.

He won the game, but he didn't play well enough. Li Mao will definitely blame himself for his mistakes, but in the last wave, Lin Yu went to cut. Killing Sifang and taking the heads of three local people was actually considered a success for him.

So Lin Yu walked over and patted Li Mao on the shoulder.

"Li Mao, your ADC has improved, keep working hard, and soon you will become a character like UZI!"

Lin Yu's firm eyes seem to have light.

Li Mao felt as if his world was being illuminated, while Chen Ming in the audience sighed helplessly.

"If things go on like this, I don't think I'll ever be able to play again."

Since Lin Yu came to power, the team manager has targeted Lin Yu, and now he can't get along in the Yanhua team, so he didn't come to the world competition this time, but Team Li led the team to participate.

After all, Lin Yu or Chen Le can be the BP in the team.

Even Chen Ming only had an extra spot, and he was brought to experience. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Chen Le hardly had any chance to play.

But he is also a top laner who can play the C position. Even if he is convinced by Lin Yu's operation, he still can't be convinced by the ending that he can't play at all.

Chen Ming sighed, lowered his head, and suddenly found a message on his phone.

He turned on his phone, it was the manager of the previous team.

"Chen Ming, do you want to play? I'll teach you a good way!"

Chen Ming frowned slightly, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

During the break, on the way to the bathroom, Lin Yu met ah P who was going to the bathroom alone.


Lin Yu chuckled, showing a smiling face.

But at this moment, panic appeared on P's face. He regretted why he hadn't noticed before that this man had won the world championship, and his strength was definitely not the harmless appearance of humans and animals on the surface!
"This time, I was careless!"

Ah P has to admit that Lin Yu can completely break Wunder, making it impossible for jankos to catch him to death. This kind of strength is indeed qualified to shout in front of him.

But in the face of such treatment, no one will accept it, let alone this ah P.

"Hehe, just wait for me, I will pay you back in the next game! You make me super ghost, and I will make you super ghost, brat."

Lin Yu's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Although he had the urge to hit someone, but the last time he tried it, this person was just disgusting because of his fierce eyes. In fact, he didn't have any special abilities and was not harmful to him.

So he resisted his impulse, and just said lightly: "If you have something cruel, why not say it on stage, at least you have a testimony. For example... If you can't make me super ghost, you G2 will withdraw from the game, how about it?" ?”

Lin Yu's eyes are very ghostly.

Let ah, behind P, there is a chill.

This sense of fear made Ah P take a step back, what was going on with this man, why did he dare to say such words so confidently?

He couldn't help but realize that Lin Yu had enough self-confidence to say that on stage!

After all, with Lin Yu's character, it is impossible to see that he is an adventurous person, but his operation in the game...

When Ah P was still thinking about how to reply, Lin Yu had already left with a light smile.

"Damn, why does this guy look like a monster?"

Ah P breathed a sigh of relief, and he suddenly realized that there is an invisible pressure to get along with Lin Yu!

In addition to the dissatisfied thoughts left over from the mentality of being defeated in the last game, this pressure also has a real physical pressure!

As if his body was about to be pushed away, Ah P swallowed a sigh of relief, cursing himself for being beaten mentally.

And Lin Yu, who came out of the alleyway, let out a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself: "Hey, the qi left by the bead on my body is almost exposed again, keep a good attitude, keep a good attitude!"

(End of this chapter)

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