Chapter 147
And Lin Yu is not just as simple as the armor-piercing of the curtain blade and the blood blade. Originally, an additional 30 armor-piercing was hidden, and now the total armor-piercing has reached as much as 60 points!
But now, the enemy's crispy armor itself is not much, and Lin Yu's penetration can directly ignore more than 50 points of armor, which means that the armor is lower than 50, and it will directly cause real damage to the body.

It means that if the attack power of Kled played by Lin Yu is 250, then the damage of a basic attack will be 250 or even beneficial armor-piercing damage!

If the damage of the two stages of the Q skill adds up to 350 points, then the total damage of the Q skill must exceed 350!

The basic ability to calculate damage is something that every professional player knows a thing or two about. Even if they don't calculate it carefully, they can know how much of a threat this developed Kled is to the back row at this time through the judgment of experience.

However, they still don't understand why the damage is so outrageous!
Obviously, there is only 30 points of armor penetration on the panel, so why can it have the effect of 60 points of armor penetration.

G2's jungler Jankos has been growing steadily in the jungle. Seeing this situation, he also wiped off his cold sweat.

But now there are too few people in the team who can stand up.

"It's okay, I'll just make cloth armor shoes, and you guys also make some cloth armor. If you use armor-piercing, a Kled will not be able to resist damage in the middle and late stages. We will win!"

As a veteran, Jankos did not panic even in the face of a one-sided situation.

What are you afraid of, what game has not been turned over?Although the local top laner was last year's world champion, Lin Yu's completely carry style last year was not suitable for the European and American style of play, so the European and American sides generally do not agree with Lin Yu's lonely solo show style of play, and also I don't like Lin Yu.

They seem to be more willing to like the faker of the Triple Crown. After all, in terms of operations, it is still the LCK team that beats the world.

But no matter how solid the fortress is, it will be wiped out in front of Lin Yu.

"Push the outer tower first. We are not in a hurry to win this game. Give me a little time. It will end on time in 25 minutes."

Lin Yu said so in the voice, and the teammates saw Lin Yu's fierceness today, so naturally they didn't dare to express any opinions.

Looking at the time, the current game time has come to 18 minutes, and the big dragon is about to come out. Before that, Lin Yu controlled Ke Lie to get the second canyon pioneer alone.

The first canyon vanguard has been let go, and now whether it is the economy of tapi, kills, last hits, or even the strength and value of the lineup, the blue team's Yanhua team completely crushes G2.

"That is to say, if G2 wants to win, they have to rely entirely on their own operations!" Remember said with a chuckle.

As the commentators of the LPL, although it is the stage of the World Championship, they are naturally very happy to see the faces of the LPL teams.

"In this wave, we can only rely on jankos. G2 is now facing a dilemma. We see that Lin Yu has already got the second canyon pioneer... the time comes to 19 minutes, and the dragon will be there in a while. Now Yan The entire core action of the Hua team should be to force the high ground, and then break the high ground to take advantage of the momentum and force the team."

Seeing that the situation of this game is so clear, Maohuang doesn't want to poison milk casually. In such a situation, his poisonous milk has no program effect at all.

I remember saying: "If G2 doesn't take over the team, once this big dragon rushes down, G2 will feel uncomfortable. Don't talk about breaking the high ground along the way, Team Yanhua can go directly to pull the front tooth tower."

Maohuang nodded again and again: "It is no exaggeration to say that the advantage of the Yanhua team in this round has completely sealed the victory. No matter how hard G2 struggles, it can only be ready for the next round. We are BO3, and we still have to fight." We can't be too happy too early, maybe the next round of G2 will start a Jedi counterattack."

I remember knowing that Cat King said this to make the audience thrilled to watch the game, and to create a program effect. After all, if the audience has been watching unilateral slings without conflicts or ups and downs in victory and defeat, then although they will be affirmed, as time goes by You will also lose viewers.

But I still can't help but smile, and joked: "Emperor Mao, you have to take it easy, I'm worried that if you say that, you'll lose your milk again!"

I remember just saying that, but at this moment, the audience exclaimed!

G2 suddenly started to fight back and found an opportunity. Blind Q went over and R flashed and kicked Verus from the blue side. Li Mao's Verus was killed on the spot by the other four people from the red side!
It's so fast that you can't breathe, the speed of this R flash!

"Wow, is G2 about to start? Verus was dropped first, and the blind man touched his eyes to avoid Thresh's hook. Ice Maiden's position is not good, where is Kled?"

From the viewer's point of view, the commentator looked for Kled in the team battle that suddenly started at the intersection of the middle lane, but to no avail.

At this time, Ah P, who was already 0-6, was controlling the female gun. Seeing that his teammates had the advantage of playing a team, he finally couldn't help but came forward to plan to output.


Miss Fortune's ult was released crazily forward, and countless bullets passed through the few people in the blue side who were controlled by the Japanese girl.

The ice girl had no choice but to use her big move to protect herself, the barrel was still bloody, and she used the E skill to escape from the battlefield. Only Thresh could not escape bad luck even if she turned in the flash.

"Hey, I should have waited for someone!" Chen Le couldn't help but feel annoyed, the fact that such a thing could happen with such a great advantage, made the situation confusing again.

"Mine, I'm sorry." Although Li Mao is a child of an aristocratic family, it is reasonable to say that he should be very stubborn, but when facing the game, his attitude is obviously a lot more modest.

He has suffered countless losses in the professional arena, and this time he did not count the power that Jankos, a veteran, played in this World Championship.

But just when everyone thought that in this team battle, G2 would be able to save the situation by taking advantage of the victory and chasing after it, there was a booming sound.

At this time, Ice Maiden and Wine Barrel had fled with residual blood, and both summoner skills were handed over, and both Verus and Thresh had become corpses.

And Kret, on horseback, hurried to the battlefield!

"Wow, it's too late for this big move! Lin Yu, the battle is over, now the five people in G2 can directly push down the first tower in the middle..."

"Wait! Does he want to fight?"

I remember that both the cat king and the cat king were shocked.

"If this wave dies, the opponent will fight the big dragon! Kled, who has [-]v[-] and doesn't have any flesh!"

The commentator couldn't help worrying, rushing to hit five was indeed like Lin Yu's style, but this wave obviously had no chance of winning, Lin Yu could replace one or two at most, but G2 still made money after all.

After all, Lin Yu is a 1000 yuan adult head!
"Haha, he was fooled!" Ah P chuckled, seeing Lin Yu driving R to his side, standing directly by the wall, and then flashed!
He was secretly happy, Lin Yu's wave was worth 1000 yuan, G2 would definitely get the reward, and he wanted to be a super ghost, ah P deliberately stood in a position where he could be driven, and lied to Kreet Death here!

But Kled seemed to have locked onto the female gun, his big move came flying, and he flashed to keep up!
Ah P was surprised: "Still chasing!?"

Lin Yu flashed across the wall, and immediately faced Ah P face to face. He only used one E skill to follow up and then Q to lock it.

(End of this chapter)

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