Chapter 8 Coffee
It had been raining heavily for a day and a night, and now it seemed to have finally subsided a little.The silent drizzle flows down the alloy frame of the modern city, like a giant steel dragon bathing.

"We don't know anything about the incident in the police station so far. We only know that many police officers have been seriously injured or even died in this incident. However, the official refused to disclose any information before the press conference. Our reporters did not was allowed to interview the wounded police officer. However, according to people familiar with the matter, there appeared to be soldiers wearing similar iron suits at the scene. Our reporter had already interviewed Tony Stark, who nothing to do with this incident.”

In every TV set in the glass window by the roadside, the beautiful female announcer spoke clearly about the traces left by last night's nightmare.Erik was wearing a thick padded jacket, and subconsciously buttoned his dark blue hood as he walked past the window.

"It's really restless these days, what do you mean, young man?" said an old man who was staring at the TV set in the window, "In our time, people were worried about food and clothing, but there was no such thing Do you believe this is true?"

Eric shook his head politely when he realized he was talking to him.

"No, I don't think so. That sounds ridiculous."

Yeah, that's ridiculous, he thought to himself.

He bought a new padded jacket at a clothing store two streets away, and put it on without tearing off the label.He specifically chose the largest jacket size so that he could hide the armor transformed into a backpack.Fortunately, it is not big after deformation, just like a thicker disc, if you don't pay attention, no one will notice it.Although it was quite out of place for a skinny teenager to be wrapped in such a big size [-] padded jacket, it was better than running around with this shiny backpack.

In previous battles, he has confirmed that this suit of armor can simulate super speed similar to the Flash, and verified his conjecture - this suit of armor can switch modes. According to the display on the mode list, it seems that it can also simulate Out of the ability of several other veterans of the Justice League.Of course, it's just simulating the same ability. Taking the super speed just now as an example, it can't be compared with the deity in terms of strength, but this is already a very remarkable technology.

Eric recalled for a moment and remembered that in the original book, there was a nanobot called "Armajo" with similar abilities, but that robot copied their superpowers during the battle with the members of the Justice League.And according to his current understanding of the world, superheroes have just started, the Justice League has not yet formed, and the submerged machine that copied the abilities of all of them should have not yet been born, so the system of this armor How was it developed?

However, if he continued to think about it like this, there would be no results, including what his parents did and why they handed over this set of armor to him, all of which remained to be investigated.

His thoughts returned to reality, and when he stopped, he walked along the familiar street to the door of Amir's Cafe—his favorite cafe.

He went to boarding school, and most of his classmates would go home every weekend, and he would come here on the last day of the week, order a caramel latte, and then sit around for the whole afternoon.

Sometimes there would be a beautiful black-haired girl on the opposite side of him, and that was Kelly Samir, who came out to discuss club activity plans with him.There is hot coffee in front of me, and the girl's long hair is drooping like a waterfall with thick fog. She is cocking her beautiful calves in high boots. The setting sun shines on her fair cheeks, which is really beautiful sometimes.
Eric sat in the same position, sipping a caramel latte by himself.

The girl threw the handbag on the sofa in front of the table and sat down without saying a word.She waved to the waiter and also ordered a latte.

"It's really cold outside." Kelly Samir took off her black plush gloves and rubbed her hands. "You really scared me to death yesterday. Fortunately, you're fine. Would you mind telling me what happened to you?"

Eric was a little surprised: "You know I'm here?"

"I don't know." Kelly shook her head, "But you come here every weekend, don't you?"

Eric suddenly realized that today is the last day of this week.

"Tell me, what's going on?" She frowned and asked, "Those men in suits look like they came out of "The Matrix". How did you mess with such a guy?"

"This is a long story."

"Actors in movies generally like to pretend to be mysterious." She smiled and took the coffee from the waiter at the side. "But today is the weekend, and I have plenty of time."

"I don't know very well, but it seems to be related to my parents." Eric pondered for a while, hesitated for a while, and decided to tell the truth, "I may not go back to school for the time being. I have to find out these things. "

"Is it because of your parents?" Kelly said, "You said you have hardly seen them since you were young, right? I really hate my dad, especially recently, it seems that he doesn't like me no matter what I do. Just For example, working in a restaurant, he said he was determined not to do it, so I decided to go.”

She spoke with a little pride, like an angry little princess.

Some people say that people are like a dam that needs regular flood discharge. If things are too boring in the heart, they will easily deteriorate.Kelly always likes to pour out troubles at home and school to him, and he sometimes mentions his own concerns to her when he gets up.

But what she asked made sense.Why are you so persistent?His parents have mysteriously disappeared since they gave birth to him, as if they had completely forgotten him as a person. They have said for so many years that they are carrying out some great project. As a result, the project did not bring back any fame or money. It's a bunch of lunatics with guns trying to kill him.

But even so, they were Eric's parents, the only parents.

Maybe other people can't understand it from his standpoint, but he just feels that an important part of his life is missing, even if God assigned him the most absurd couple in the world, they are his only parents .

This is the second chance given to him by his second life, and he must grasp it.

"Thank you for being here, Kelly." Eric smiled and stood up, "But I may not be back for coffee for a while, this cup is mine."

Kelly watched blankly as the boy left the cash, got up and left the seat.

He pushed open the shop door and stepped out into the rain again, covering his head with the thick hood.

"and many more."

Eric stopped.He turned his head and saw the girl chasing after her in the rain, her hair wetted by the rain was pressed tightly against her fair forehead, but she didn't realize it and trotted after her.

"You are always alone, and you always refuse anyone to approach you, but people always need to support each other." She took Eric's hand, and stared at him seriously with vivid emerald eyes, "Let me help you you."

For a moment, Eric felt in a trance that the girl's eyes were so firm and clear that he couldn't say a simple "no".

(End of this chapter)

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