Chapter 7

It seems that people's rants about the police aren't entirely wrong - they're generally not there when you need them most, and they generally don't catch the right one when you want them to.

Just like now.

Well, Eric thinks it's not incomprehensible.He was standing at the scene of a battle full of bullets and even traces of individual bazookas. The police station not far away was still billowing with thick smoke, but the fiery demon at least restrained his minions under the heavy rain.It is not difficult to imagine that if you were standing alone in the middle of such a devastated battlefield, with a police station full of police officers lying on the side, and countless black suits lying at your feet, you would most likely also was regarded as the culprit.

Oh, and I missed one point, when the searchlight hit his head, he was unfortunately wearing a super armor that seemed to only exist in sci-fi movies, and his feet were full of the internal organs left by the monster man who blew himself up just now.

Through the rain-stained windows of the police station, he could see that the street outside had been surrounded by steel barrels by special police.Trucks with black carriages surrounded the road tightly, and the SWAT police armed to the teeth wore explosion-proof shields and submachine guns. The team leader held a white speaker in his hand, and the speaker was covered with water droplets.

It's ridiculous, nobody shows up when you want them to catch terrorists, and you're a terrorist when they show up.

Things are not that bad. In fact, it may not be impossible to take off the armor and explain it honestly. Maybe you can still get protection.

But he hesitated in his heart, as if a villain shouted to him, no!Can the police keep you safe?The next batch to come could be a truly deadly bunch of these monsters!If it is worse, it may be a group of monsters with three heads and six arms, and more innocent people will die by then.

Or did he attract higher-level attention, and then what?The government will send someone to tell him: You are too young to hold such a dangerous toy. Give me this beautiful backpack for safekeeping!

Well, maybe that's all a reason.But he knew in his heart that the most important point was
The man just now seemed to have mentioned Dr. Charlotte, his father.In other words, the set of battle armor was delivered to him, maybe it was the intention of his parents.Maybe his parents never forgot him?Maybe they're even in some dangerous situation, hoping that their son will be able to rescue them if he gets the suit?

These are all delusions.But the only thing that is certain is—

—He couldn't hand over the armor.

The hurricane from the propeller continued to stir the torrential rain, and the wind howled, like an ancient dragon howling up to the sky.The man behind the speaker was still yelling at the top of his voice, his voice was hoarse, and Eric felt sorry for the guy because he was shouting so hard, but Eric couldn't hear it, and he didn't intend to.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

The leader who was yelling hard at the horn kept his mouth open and fixed it, letting countless raindrops pour into his mouth crazily—he could hardly believe what he saw with his own eyes.The fuzzy metal figure in the heavy rain seemed to burst out with dazzling electric current all of a sudden, and then he felt a gust of wind passing by his side, like a speeding car racing past him.

Then, that guy just disappeared.

Everyone was so stupidly stunned for a long time, and finally someone beside him asked: "Sir, what shall we do next?"

The police officer was stunned for a long time, and swears almost subconsciously: "How the hell would I know?"


The three-curved wing building is backed by the snow-white Washington Monument, and the endless rainwater crackles on the roof, forming a waterfall-like curtain and hanging down along the smooth glass curtain wall.

Another name for this building is "San Fei Decoration", which is the headquarters of the highly secretive organization "SHIELD".Originally, it should be a top-secret agency that has not surfaced at this stage, but as the most famous government agency in the Marvel universe, it runs through almost all Marvel stories. I believe everyone is familiar with it, so here it is The introduction is omitted.

The current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, was sitting in his office, listening to his adjutant Maria Hill's report with a calm face that was so dark that he couldn't see his face.

"The Armedro system has been confirmed to be in the hands of the young Mr. Charlotte." Hill reported, "Our people monitored the whole process, and it is indeed a perfect match with the Armedral system, and no rejection has been observed so far Reaction. Among all the tested users at this stage, this child can indeed be said to be the only successful example."

Nick Fury supported his chin with one hand, and pulled up the three-dimensional projection screen from the light blue fluorescent desktop with the other hand.With a flick of his gloved finger on the screen, several photos were zoomed in to the center of the virtual screen. It was a photo of Eric in armor not long ago fighting with the half-human, half-weird man in the rainstorm .Among them, the last two pictures only consist of the man who was knocked down to the ground and a group of fuzzy images that seemed to be coded, that is Eric who moved at a super speed after switching his form.

"It has been confirmed that he can control the simulated super speed," Hill added. "It can be inferred that other abilities should be the same. So far, no one has successfully used the special ability of the armor."

Fury still had that dark face, and there were bursts of sharp light shining in the one good eye.Newcomers may think that he is in a bad mood when they see him, but people like Hill who have dealt with Fury for a long time will know that this is just his usual expression.No matter whether the director is excited or disappointed, or facing a world-destroying disaster, he always maintains this iron face, which is the way the chief agent hides his emotions.

"Understood." Fury crossed his hands on his chin, his eyes still stopped on the metal figure in the photo, "Where are these mutants?"

He was referring to the man who fought Eric.

Hill replied: "Still investigating, but this guy also blew himself up at the last moment like before, leaving no valuable clues."

"As expected." Fury pondered for a while, then asked again, "What about the dark thread around our high school student?"

"Still in a latent state, maintaining surveillance."

"Fine, keep going, keep reporting."

Hill turned to leave.Nick Fury stared blankly at the glass window covered with raindrops, wondering what he was thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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