Chapter 6 Armor

The armor covering Eric's forearm was as hard as it looked. The scythe that just broke through the wall of the police station like cutting tofu fell heavily on the armor of Eric's forearm. Not a single scratch remained.

The armor transformed from the backpack was still being assembled, and it took about [-] to a second to complete the assembly.Finally, after the icy visor fell in front of Eric with a "click", he flew up without reservation and kicked hard on the astonished man's abdomen. Incredible force surged through the sole of the alloy boot. He kicked him out like a fluffy feather, and fell down in the rain with a "plop", looking very embarrassed.

A dark red light lit up in front of Eric, and the virtual screen was projected in front of his eyes.A three-dimensional image of the armor and a series of numerical values ​​are listed on one side of the screen, and the external image seen through the armor helmet is projected in the center.

Eric looked at his hands in disbelief. He saw a pair of pitch-black gloves with dark red stripes extending down from the knuckles.The downpour of rain washed the shell of the armor smooth and shiny, with a silver armor plate on the chest, other than that the main body of the armor is black, with dark red stripes on the limbs.

When Eric looked towards the top of the police station where the man who had thrown the backpack at him just now was, there was no one there.

"Impossible." The man who was just kicked away by him climbed up from the muddy water, clutching his stomach, and said through gritted teeth, "That old Charlotte...has completed this system so quickly!?"

Charlotte?So this set of armor is father's work?
When he was thinking this way, the man rushed up again, drinking heavily.The sickle cut the rain curtain, and a large amount of rain seemed to condense into a long whip, which was thrown with the dancing tip of the knife.


Sparks fell, and Eric blocked the knife with his arm again.After the strengthening of the arm strength by the armor, even the arm strength that was just overwhelmed has completely surpassed the opponent at this moment.And under the armor's unknown alloy protection, the extremely sharp scythe hands seemed to pose no threat to him.


The dark black fist slammed into the man's cheek, crushing half of his face into shape.The shock wave that burst out from the point where the fist faces intersect spread along the rainwater, and countless raindrops were crushed in the air, forming a circle of lotus flowers made of rainwater.

The man's monstrous body was already extremely strong, but it still couldn't withstand the tons of punching force.He flew several meters away like a kite with a broken string, his black figure smashed into countless raindrops in the air, and a mouthful of blood was thrown out in the air.

The strength of this set of armor is simply unbelievable.

While Eric was amazed, there were more and more mysteries in his heart.

What on earth have the parents been doing all this time?What kind of team are they involved in?Why can this level of cutting-edge equipment be built?Why did I suddenly become the target of unknown forces?And who suddenly handed this set of equipment into his hands?

And why... he seemed to be able to feel the armor in his head?It's like a pager that echoes each other from afar.

Wait, the power of this armor seems to be much more than that.
Eric noticed the "MODELIST" column listed on the bottom right of the screen.After pulling out this column on the virtual screen, several options are listed in the list.

Are these patterns
Eric was taken aback by his conjecture.In order to verify, he immediately selected "SP-MODE" in the list.

"Mode switching."

With the sound of mechanization, the appearance of the armor suddenly began to change.Part of the metal suddenly seemed to become a fine liquid, quickly reorganized and solidified into a new form, and in less than half a second, the silver armor on the chest of the armor was separated to the two sides, and the central part It was replaced by dark armor trimmed with gold stripes, and in the center was a slender light tube in the shape of a lightning bolt, shining like a neon light in the rain.

".Complete, the speed mode is online."

The man who had just got up, picked up the scythe again and slammed down his head fiercely, his movements were frozen in the monitor in front of Eric along with his ferocious expression, moving slowly at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. decline.The rain all over the sky solidified in the air, turning into countless drops of water, like a landscape painting by magic.

Eric's pupils contracted, experiencing this incredible feeling.He could see golden electric current overflowing the screen in front of him, an invisible force field covered every part of the armor in the form of electric current, and the golden aura of electric current was reflected in the countless water droplets standing still in front of him.

He clenched his fists and moved his feet.In the man's eyes, the metal body in front of him disappeared in an instant, a circle of white water splashed suddenly on the ground, and his sharp scythe hand cut through the afterimage left in front of him.

The leg that dragged countless electric currents and afterimages once again hit the man's abdomen, exactly where it hit before.This guy let out a miserable "ah" and vomited out another mouthful of blood. His leg with super speed inertia swept him away again, and he fell to the ground hard, splashing water all over the sky.This time, after struggling like a fish out of water for a while, he finally seemed to have no strength to get up again.

The afterimage stopped in front of him, and Eric stopped moving at a super speed, looking straight at the man's rain-stained and bloodshot face through the screen like a knife.

Eric leaned over, grabbed the guy by the collar and pulled him up.

"Who sent you here!? How much do you know about my parents!?"

The man stared straight at him for a moment, then his bloody mouth opened and he laughed loudly.

Eric landed another punch on his open mouth, nearly dislocating his jaw.


The man stopped laughing, but he stared at Eric with the determination of a dead soldier.

In an instant, the fire illuminated the entire open space.The body of this half-human, half-monster was shattered from the inside out in front of Eric, the flames broke out from his body, and the violent impact slapped the shattered flesh and blood on Eric's armor shell, and in an instant Washed away by the torrential rain.

Built-in bomb, buried inside this guy from the start.Once the situation is wrong, it can be detonated at any time.

This thread is broken.

"Damn it."

Eric punched down, and the ground cracked with cobweb-like lines, and the whole site seemed to sink.

A strong light was projected on him from mid-air, and two armed helicopters hovered in mid-air, the propellers spinning in the rain like a mixer.

"Listen guys below, this is the New York Police Department, you are surrounded!" The voice from the speaker echoed in the wind and the roar of the propellers, "Now put down the hostages in your hands and surrender immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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