Chapter 5 Warrior
The man standing in front of Eric at the moment is the person in charge of the arrest.His black suit was torn at the moment, and the white shirt inside was rotten like a strip of cloth. It was the countless short thorns growing from his strong chest that pierced the suit shirt.The sleeves around his wrists were even more tattered, and the shocking sickle replaced his hands, and there was still a foul smell on the blue knife tip.

This state can no longer be called a human being. It is more like the failed product of gene splicing experiments between humans and other creatures that often appear in movies. According to sci-fi movies, whenever a mad scientist tries to touch this taboo, A story that can always trigger a series of crises.Eric racked his brains, trying to find clues to such a monster from the memories of Marvel or DC works in his previous life, but found nothing.

He had never seen such a monster.

Before this man with a ferocious smile made his move, he only had about two seconds, maybe even less.Eric slid over the only table in the room like a rabbit out of the hole, and jumped towards the window.He could feel the demon's claws tearing at his bloody trouser legs as his body crashed through the two windows.

Why did his parents' so-called great cause of "struggling for the future of mankind" have something to do with a movie villain organization that is so bad?Maybe his parents were righteous men who dared to challenge the authority of the big villain, and then their little boy was unlucky to take the blame.But the only thing he was sure of now was that this group of people wanted to arrest him so frantically, they definitely wouldn't just arrest him to stage a touching parent-child reunion.

The coldness of the rain penetrated into the bone marrow through the pores, and he jumped out of the window, embracing the wall of water that was so cold to the bone.Eric rolled over in embarrassment on the ground, jumped up without any pause, and ran away.He didn't look back, because there was no point in turning back, and there was no way he had won that horrible monster.

The open space behind the window seemed to be a parking lot, and a few private vehicles and a few police cars were sparsely parked under the heavy rain.The demon behind stepped out of the window unhurriedly, the raindrops pattered on his body, the countless raindrops seemed to form a grand symphony, the water flow soaked the man's black hair, and the man behind the water curtain That evil smiling face looked gloomy and ferocious.The man bent his knees, like a cheetah bursting out at a speed that even an Olympic champion could not match. After a run-up for a few meters, he leaped forward, and a meteor like a flame passed over Eric's head and landed in front of him.

In an instant, the two of them approached to face-to-face distance.Eric closed his pupils, and showed a black pistol without hesitation.It was a Glock 17, a police gun. The black barrel of the gun was washed bright by the rain, like a leather shoe that had just been wiped clean.Eric just slipped away from a fallen patrolman's holster in the police station. He originally planned that a pistol would be enough to help him get rid of the pursuit, but he never expected such a monster among the pursuers.

When the trigger was pulled at zero distance, a bright flame burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet tore through the rain and penetrated the fleshy shell.The man staggered backwards due to inertia, then grinned, kicked Eric to the ground with a flying kick.

The bullet pierced the man's flesh and sank into the bloody hole, but after only a moment, he was squeezed out again.The metal bullet was squeezed and deformed by his body, and fell off his body into the rain field with a "click", and the blood stained on it was washed away by the rainstorm in an instant.

Sure enough, facing such a monster, this is the limit, right?Eric couldn't help but smile wryly, as expected, wanting to live an ordinary life in this crazy world is nothing but wishful thinking.Even if he escaped safely today, but one day aliens will come and New York will turn into a battlefield.And even if he was lucky enough to survive this catastrophe again, maybe one day a more awesome cosmic being will come again, wipe out the city and make an example of others, claiming that he is the absolute master of this planet.

Are you afraid?

Maybe, but that's not the main thing.He was born with no attachments, no fetters, and even death was programmed as part of the birth, and the approximate date was fixed.He calmly waited for the god of death to come to reap his life, but he did not expect that the god of death released his pigeons and woke up to a new world.

Just not reconciled, right?

He was born a warrior, born as a sharp knife.That being the case, you will never be willing to be knocked down.

Eric wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth with hands mixed with rain, and stood up with difficulty.He spat, and the thick phlegm mixed with blood fell to the ground with the patter of rain.

The man frowned unexpectedly: "Who are you? Intelligence says you are the son of Dr. Charlotte, but you should only be a high school student, but what I saw was an extraordinary warrior."

Eric sneered: "What do you think?"

The man tilted his head, as if he didn't intend to talk anymore.The order he received was only to bring the boy back, that's all, and he didn't think about anything else.He took a step, and turned his arm that turned into a sickle slightly sideways, as if ready to swing it down at any time.

Eric gritted his teeth and picked up the useless Glock again.

An indescribable palpitation hit, accompanied by a severe headache.Eric couldn't help crying out in pain, his vision blurred as if covered by a curtain-like water curtain.He had a strange delusion, as if his brain had become a receiver, blaring frantically in response to some transmitter that was close at hand.

Dimly, he seemed to see through the water curtain not far away, the silhouette of a person standing on the roof of the police station that had just been invaded.His blurred vision couldn't make out the person's face or clothing, not even male or female.

The headache intensified, and he could feel the thing that was calling to his brain getting closer.

For an instant, the world seemed to pause.

The man raised the sickle high, as if swinging it towards his thigh, the movement of opening and closing seemed to be frozen at this moment, countless water droplets were cut in the middle by the blue sickle; He made a move, raised his hand and threw something here, drawing a parabolic water arc in the air; Eric broke out at this moment to his limit, and while avoiding the sharp scythe behind him, He jumped at the ball thrown by the man with all his strength.

Intuition told him that this was what was calling him.

The man missed the knife, and Eric managed to catch what was thrown at him—it was a black and silver backpack, or it was just the shape of a backpack.It is entirely made of alloy, Eric can't recognize this material at the moment, but it is undoubtedly stronger than common metals such as steel.

The moment I got it, the headache stopped.Without thinking, Eric pressed his right hand to the hand-shaped sensing area on the back of the bag.The built-in computer quickly scanned his palm, and there was movement immediately after confirming his identity.The backpack began to disassemble itself as if it was alive, and the gloves that popped out wrapped Eric's palm involuntarily.The small backpack turned into countless parts in an instant, stretching upwards along Eric's body, and within half a second, all the parts below the head were wrapped in a metallic silver-and-black in the armor.

Although stunned by the development of this god, the monster man was not idle, and swung his scythe at Eric's neck with a loud shout.


The metal arm inlaid with dark red stripes firmly supported the sickle-shaped arm, rain and sparks mixed and fell.

Eric clenched his fists.

It was at this moment that he ushered in his own destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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