Chapter 9
Once, when Eric was young, the family was not so deserted.Although his parents are still unusually busy, at least they won't disappear for more than ten years like now.They might also take young Eric out on holidays, like any normal family would.

That was the time when Eric felt the most affection so far.

Although the number of visitors to the house was still ridiculously low during that period, there was only one person who visited regularly.Eric vaguely remembered that it was a man in his thirties who liked to smoke a kind of inferior cigarette with a pungent smell, and often claimed that this kind of smoke could help him wake up.Eric remembers the guy having a great sense of humor and talking like stand-up comedy.Dad seemed to have mentioned at some point that the guy was one of his co-workers and best friend at the same time.

Eric couldn't remember the details about the man, but after all these years, that was the only thing he remembered.That was also the last day he saw the man and his parents.

One day when he was three years old, the doorbell at home was buzzing like crazy.After my father opened the door, the man who seemed to have just finished running a marathon appeared at the door, panting, sweating all over his body, as if he had come running in a torrential rain.

"It's awake, doctor!" The man's face was as pale as paper due to lack of oxygen, but it was clearly filled with uncontrollable excitement, "We have moved it to a safe place, and I'm here to pick you up!"

Eric didn't know what they were referring to, but he remembered that his father and mother seemed very agitated, too.The two hurriedly followed the man and never came back.

Most people would think that the memory of a person at the age of three is very vague, and it must be very difficult to extract anything valuable from those intermittent images after so many years, but Eric is not the case, He remembers most things from the time he came into this world.

"His name is Matt Augustine," Eric said, as he and Kelly Samir were on a train bound for California. Come back. I checked where he lives, I know his address in California, but I haven't been able to find him."


Eric pondered for a while, then turned his eyes to the window of the train, and the grass and trees flashed through the small window like a slide.

"My parents have emphasized in many letters not to try to find them, and they will come back after their work is done." He said softly, "Although I don't believe it, my intuition tells me that if I really go deep If I look it up, I will definitely be drawn into a whole new world, and I may have to say goodbye to my hard-won ordinary life."

He laughed self-deprecatingly.

"I've been lying to myself under the guise of my father's letters telling me to 'focus on life', but that's just self-paralysis. I should have known earlier. I can't live like this forever."

Kelly looked at him with a complicated expression, but didn't speak.

Matt Augustine's residence is not difficult to find, it is a duplex villa in the suburbs of California.The black iron gate on the periphery is already rusty, and it looks like it has been around for a long time.The garden was overgrown with weeds, the tallest of which reached the waist. A strong wind blew across the yard, making the rustling sound like an accordion.

"It looks like he's gone." Kelly frowned, as if she didn't like the weird atmosphere emanating from this old villa.

"No, the newspaper box is still in use, and today's newspaper has not been taken away." Eric said, "There are still people living there."

The lock on the black iron gate was broken, and Eric pushed open the "squeaky" iron door.The two walked through the path between the hula weeds and came to the door of the villa.

Eric pressed the doorbell for more than two minutes before the door finally opened slowly.

A man with disheveled hair like a chicken coop appeared behind the door, wearing sloppy pajamas.Although the man's face was full of marks from the years, Eric recognized him at a glance-Matt Augustine.

"Mr. Augustine."

Eric had just opened his mouth, and he didn't even have time to say a complete sentence, but the man's expression changed drastically as if he had seen a ghost, and he was about to close the door in a hurry.Eric's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he reached into the crack of the door and tried his best to pull the door panel to prevent him from closing it.

"Mr. Augustine! I am Eric Charlotte, the son of Patrick Charlotte!" When Eric shouted, he noticed the surprised look on Augustine's face, and the force coming from the door seemed to be Also got smaller.

Seeing the other party's wavering, he raised his volume and continued to ask: "What happened that night 15 years ago? Where did my dad and my mom go? You know that, right!?"

There seemed to be hesitation in Augustine's eyes, but at the same time, it seemed to be full of deep fear.

He grabbed Eric's hand suddenly, leaned forward, and said loudly in a vicious tone: "Don't bother me!"

But then, Eric heard him whispering in a voice only he could hear: "Tonight, come alone."

Eric was taken aback for a moment, and at the moment he was distracted, Augustine closed the door with a "bang", and then there was the sound of a chain locking the door inside.

Neither Eric nor Kelly noticed that a street away, a woman was sitting in the driver's seat of a black Rolls-Royce, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other answering the phone.

"Yes. He found Dr. Augustine. Well, so far it looks like the calculations." She said, ".Yes, she is with it. Well, I will keep an eye on it."

Dr. Augustine stood in front of the villa window, watching Eric and Kelly leave the villa, and his whole body sat on the ground as if his bones had been pulled out.

He held his head tightly with both hands, and inserted his fingers deeply into the disheveled black hair, which had already been mixed with a lot of silver hair.He does look a little too old for a man in his 40s.

"Your son is here, Dr. Charlotte," he whispered to himself in a trembling voice. "Maybe I'll die, but...but I must tell him the truth. That's the only thing I can do to make it up to you." Yes. Best friend. I'm sorry."

This scruffy middle-aged man held his head in pain, his body twitched uncontrollably, and seemed to be crying.

(End of this chapter)

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