Chapter 66 Cloning
New York, Queens.

The setting sun is about to fall, and the afterglow is like a layer of golden curtain covering the villas in Queens, reflecting the golden light through the glass.

Mary Jane Watson walked home along the footpath humming a ditty.

Almost at the moment when her key was turned into the keyhole, a middle-aged woman poked her head out of the room, and the bridge of her nose was slightly sunken by the square mirror frame with thick lenses.

"Mom, I'm back." Mary threw away her schoolbag and gave her mother a hug.

"Oh, Mary Jane, how are you doing today?"

"Did you watch TV, Mom?"

"no, what happened?"

"In the shopping mall, there is a lunatic with super powers."

Like all mothers, her complexion changed drastically, and she stroked her daughter's face: "Oh, my God, did it hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, I'll run home soon. Spider-Man is there, he'll take care of everything."

Mother hugged her tightly with lingering fear, as if she was the one who survived the catastrophe.

"My darling," she whispered in Mary's ear, "I hate this city, even though it had its good moments."

"That's not it." Mary smiled and comforted her mother, "Don't worry mom, I wasn't frightened or attacked, I just ran home quickly."

"You did the right thing." The mother finally gave her a warm hug again, "You are such a strong girl."

Mary returned to the bedroom, closed the door, and sat at the desk for a long time, unable to open her schoolbag to face the homework she was supposed to handle.In fact, she's thrilled, every time something involves her superhero boyfriend.It's normal, isn't it?What girl doesn't dream of having a superhero boyfriend?
She took out a bunch of keys and opened the cabinet at the bottom of the bed—that was her most private space, and even her mother, who was dependent on her, could not open the cabinet door.Inside lay a small yellow leather book, which was her diary, and every page was filled with the word "Spider-Man" since I don't know when.

She picked up the pen, lay on the bed and crossed her legs, and began to write down today's exciting experience in her diary, and even added the scene of Spider-Man beating up the lunatic in the shopping mall that she hadn't witnessed with her own eyes.She imagined more than once that it would be very interesting for her future self to read this little book.

What she didn't notice was that the door of the room opened gently, so gently that there was almost no sound.

A figure approached quietly, and its footsteps were silent on the pink velvet carpet, like a disembodied ghost.

It struck out in an instant, its movements were as quick as electricity, and a palm suddenly covered the girl's mouth.She struggled in horror, moaning indistinctly in her throat, but the man's hands were as strong as pliers, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't be shaken.

After a few minutes.

"Honey, you have some letters from Barnard."

When my mother opened the door and poked her head in, there was no one in the room.


She entered the room suspiciously.The schoolbag by the table was still open, a pen was thrown on the pink sheet, gusts of cold wind poured in from the open window, and the curtains fluttered with the wind.

Sanfei decoration, SHIELD headquarters.

"General Fury, this is Tony Stark, he is ready to connect with you."

"Stark? Get me through."

Fury pressed speakerphone and reclined in his soft black leather office chair.

"It's rare that you'd take the initiative to contact me. Is there anything I can do to help?" Fury asked.

"No, just asking a question." Tony's voice seemed a little hesitant, as if he was thinking of words.

After waiting patiently for nearly ten seconds, Fury said, "Listen, my time is tight, Stark. So if you call me for some boring reason."

"Ah, no. Well. I would like to ask what the government's attitude is towards cloning experiments?"

Fury's one eye moved, a little surprised, but he still replied: "You can watch the TV news, just like what we announced in the news. Wanquan County Chronicle, it is not allowed. Cloning technology is too controversial. Moral boundaries are blurred."

"So no one we know of does cloning research?"

"No." Fury replied firmly.

"Can you say with certainty that no one in San Fei has conducted experiments related to human cloning?"

"Why are you suddenly interested in cloning experiments, Stark?" Fury frowned, "This is not your field, Stark, there are too many variables. Maybe Stark Industries belongs to your private industry, but The prohibition of cloning experiments is clearly written in the country's legal treaty, and everyone must abide by it, and that includes you."

"Ah no, I didn't clone anything, I just... saw it in a magazine. You know, my weekly magazine."

"Well, I hope so, but mark my words, don't try to cross the line."

I don't know if Fury really believed his nonsense, but the part about SHIELD knowing nothing about clones should be true.Tony hung up the phone and blinked his eyes as hard as he could. The dark circles under his eyes were almost comparable to the giant panda, a national treasure of China.

"No progress?" Eric asked.

"Nothing," Tony said. "Furry said they had no idea, and I don't think he lied about it."

"Then what should we do now?" Peter asked anxiously, like an ant on a hot pan, unable to sit still for a second.

Tony thought for a moment. "I'd say we should wake up the clone now and see what he knows."

"No, that won't work." Peter shook his head. "God, who would do that to me? I'm going crazy."

"Calm down." Eric patted him on the shoulder, "Things can always be solved, there is always a way. You just need to take a deep breath now."

"Give me a sample of your blood." Tony showed a syringe, "By the way, how did you get superpowers?"

Peter rolled up his sleeves: "Well, I was bitten by a spider."

"Huh? What a coincidence, I was bitten too."

"I'm not kidding, it's a huge spider."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Tony drew his blood, put it into the test tube handed by the robot, and said, "And this cloned scorpion with a bad taste, hmm... the blood sample seems to be abnormal. Jarvis is already analyzing it for me, maybe Need to wait a while."

"Wait a minute? I'm out of time!" Peter panicked, "Is that time up there? I...I have to go back."

"Go back? Now?"

"If I don't come home any later, I will be banned!" He jumped to the exit of the laboratory, "My Aunt Mei said that if I don't come back by the stipulated time, I will be kicked out of the house."

"You can make a phone call."

"No, anyway, I have to hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, he jumped off the Stark Tower and walked away with a spider's thread.

Tony looked at his back: "So this kid just threw his clone here?"

Eric patted him on the shoulder: "He's a kid after all, and he needs to rest. That's up to you, Tony, I have to go see him and make sure he's okay."

"Okay, go ahead, who told me to owe you. By the way, it's paid off this time."

(End of this chapter)

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