Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 65 Who is Parker?

Chapter 65 Who is Parker?

Stark Tower, top floor.

The tallest building in New York stands tall like a city benchmark, with a majestic design style.Until last year, Stark Industries had always enjoyed the reputation of being the largest munitions supply industry in the United States. If the CEO hadn't suddenly lost his nerve and decided to withdraw from the munitions industry, this throne might not be shaken for at least the next ten years.It is for similar reasons that Stark Tower also claims to have the most advanced security measures.

The window glass on the roof of the top floor is more than 60mm bulletproof glass sandwiched with polycarbonate fiber layers. It is said that the defense power is comparable to the glass of the US armored vehicle, and ordinary armor-piercing bullets cannot penetrate it. In fact, it is already Stark's only black technology.

But in the face of today's arrogant intruders, it doesn't seem to be enough.


A thick layer of bulletproof glass was kicked by the armored Eric, and the fine debris was scattered all over the floor.The ear-piercing siren almost rang through the sky. Eric carried an unconscious giant scorpion on his shoulders, and stepped on the glass scum swaggeringly with his feet "cracking", followed by a bewildered Spider-Man.

The style of the luxuriously decorated walls and floors suddenly changed, and several gun barrels and even rocket launchers emerged from various weird corners. Eric couldn't help admiring Stark for transforming all murals, wine cabinets, sofas, etc. Became the imagination of the weapon system.In an instant, the magnificent living room transformed into a trap with a net of heaven and earth, firmly surrounding the two arrogant intruders.

"Here... seems to be Mr. Stark's house?" Spider-Man looked around like a thief, and said with a guilty conscience, "Maybe we shouldn't just break in like this? God, I think the police can check on my arrest warrant. Plus a long list."

"Relax. I'll help you out."

Although Eric kept saying that, Peter didn't relax for a second since he left the underground mall.It's no wonder, then, that if you saw a lunatic who looked exactly like you go nuts in an underground mall, you'd be on edge too.Oh, and what's worse, he's still poorly dressed.

A small pool at the end of the living room suddenly parted from the middle, and parted towards both sides with a heavy sound, revealing a secret door.Tony Stark strode out along the revolving stairs, and said loudly: "Clear the alarm."

The harsh sirens stopped abruptly, the barrels of the guns all retracted to their original places, and the living room returned to the style that a playboy should have.

"Wow, you know Iron Man?" Spider-Man asked Eric in surprise.

"Spider-Man?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it's me. Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark, you are my big fan." Spider-Man said, realizing that the other person's expression was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words, "Oh no, I mean I am your fan "

Tony turned to Eric: "So you kicked my expensive bulletproof glass and broke into my building like a burglary. You better have a worthwhile reason."

"Your smart housekeeper won't let me in, so I had to take some extraordinary measures." Eric said innocently, "In fact, I called you, but you didn't answer."

"What? You called me?"

"It's over, sir." Jarvis's voice sounded very uncoordinated, "You told me to hang up."

"Aha, there is such a thing." Tony suddenly realized.

Eric threw the scorpion on his shoulder to the floor: "Your dark circles tell me that you seem to have not slept for a long time, but I am sorry that you may have to last longer."

"It's actually 36 hours, which isn't my personal record for waking hours. So what's up with this guy?"

"The situation is a bit complicated." Eric thought for a while, and said, "He is a superhuman, and he attacked the underground shopping mall a few minutes ago. Anyway, you can see if you can figure out who this guy is. I guess there is a possibility Equipment for DNA testing?"


"But one thing, we can't let anyone else know this before we figure it out, such as people like Nick Fury." Eric said, "That's why I came to you."

Tony was a little suspicious, but still nodded: "Okay."

A moment later, in Stark's private laboratory.

The unconscious scorpion lay flat in the oval cabin, and the transparent glass cover was filled with dark orange light.The red light of several scanners scanned him back and forth, and massive amounts of data were continuously fed back to Stark's computer.

"Blood test done, sir, match found in database," Jarvis said.

Tony asked, "Who?"

"Peter Parker, 94.2% match."

Spider-Man hugged his head: "Oh, my God!"

Tony browsed the X-ray scan structure of the internal structure of the scorpion, propped his chin and said: "The mechanical device at his tail is directly grafted into the spinal cord, this is illegal biological modification. Maybe we have to wake him up and ask directly what is going on here It's something, he may remember it himself."

"No!" Spider-Man yelled.

Tony looked at him suspiciously. "You're acting weird, kid. Is he your friend or something?"

"94%?" Spider-Man didn't answer, but asked again, "What 94%?"

"DNA match. Generally speaking, DNA match will only be a complete match or no match at all. Results like this are indeed special cases for conventional medicine."

"I found the detailed files in the Aegis database, sir." Jarvis said.

"Okay, put it on the screen for me." Tony said, "Let's see Peter Parker, about 17 years old, non-mutant, some genetic damage I have never seen such damage, maybe a difference in proportion or acquired The special variation result of

"Okay, let me explain." Eric sighed and pointed to Spider-Man, "That's the problem, Tony. He is Peter Parker. So if he is Parker, the problem now is-this Who is the person?"

"What?" Spider-Man exclaimed, "Who are you? How do you know?"

"It can only be said that your secret is not as tight as you imagined. As for who I am"

While Eric was speaking, the armor on his whole body was also released simultaneously, and he returned to his back.

"Let me re-introduce, my name is Eric Charlotte." Under Spider-Man's surprised gaze, he said, "High school students are only your alumni."

(End of this chapter)

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