Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 67 The Missing Girl

Chapter 67 The Missing Girl

Today's last ray of sunshine finally disappeared in the sky, and the lonely red figure leaped from the long Brooklyn Bridge brackets with spider threads, and jumped into the dense buildings.

Today was a terrible day.First, he beat Flash for taking his place on the school basketball team on a whim, but in fact he just wanted to see Flash unhappy.Then their time with Mary Jane in the underground mall is interrupted by a green scorpion in a metal shell, and the worse part is that he now finds out that the scorpion is his own clone!

God, you ran away from that thing!You are out of control, scared, and you choose to escape.

The more Peter thought about it, the more he had a headache. Unknowingly, he had already wandered back to Queens, and fell into a mottled tree shadow.

Forget it, give yourself some time to relax.This is crazy, he thought to himself!Calm down, and when was my identity exposed in front of so many people?Just—just take a few minutes to cool off, make up some random excuse to Aunt May, then sneak away and go back and see how the clone is doing.Maybe that clone was just a bizarre side effect of the accident that gave me superpowers?
Well, Peter knew he was lying to himself.

God, there is another me with a tail in the world!As soon as he thought about it, he felt like his head was about to explode.

Hiding behind the house against the courtyard wall, he changed into civilian clothes, stuffed his uniform into his school bag, and spent several more minutes convincing himself to put on a Peter Parker smile.As he walked towards the door, he was thinking of an excuse that the math book was forgotten in the cabinet.

Before he could knock, the door swung open in front of him, startling him.

May Parker, Peter's aunt, appeared behind the door, and asked involuntarily, "Peter!? Mary isn't with you?"

"Mary? No."

"Then where have you been?"

"I-I-I went to town and went to the Daily Bugle to get my paycheck for the Spider-Man photo I did for them."

"Have you told Mary?"

Peter realized something was wrong and asked, "Aunt May? What happened?"

"Mary is missing." Aunt Mei said, "Her mother called and said that Mary had been quiet since she got home from school and entered the room. When she went in to check, there was no one there."

"I've been at the mall with her before."

Aunt Mei frowned: "But just now you said you were in the city."

"before that."

"Now you don't know where she is?"

"I don't know if I can go out and find her?"


Peter turned his head and ran away with his schoolbag in one hand.

Now, the question of human cloning is completely forgotten by the young hero.There was only one thought in his mind—nothing happened to Mary Jane, as long as she came back safely, nothing else mattered.

An ominous premonition lingered in his heart. The disappearance of the clone and Mary seemed to be tied together by an invisible thread, lingering in his mind and making him restless.

He couldn't tell where this strange premonition came from, as if animals instinctively predicted that natural disasters were coming.Distraught, he bolted at breakneck speed along the trails of Queens.


Someone stopped him on the side of the road, and he stopped abruptly, seeing Eric who had just parted with him not long ago was on the opposite side of the road.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Mary is missing!" Peter said anxiously, "I have to find her"

After finishing speaking, the hurried boy turned his head and continued to run in the previous direction, looking really anxious and lost his mind.

Mary Jane is missing?
Eric frowned.

Something was going to happen, something about Spider-Man, but he couldn't pinpoint what, and he didn't know where the enemy was coming from
Not quite.

After Parker ran away, Eric suddenly said to himself: "I know you're there. If you're staring at's time to come out, we should talk."

He turned his head, and the road behind him was empty, stretching straight out of sight, and the street lamps on both sides of the road were emitting dim white light.

A figure that was almost darker than the night sky appeared from nowhere, flipped deftly and landed lightly.

This is. Venom?

It's no wonder Eric thinks so. The shape of the uniform is very similar to the black Spiderman who was possessed by the symbiote venom in the original Spider-Man. He is dressed in a black and red uniform from head to toe, with a big white spider on his chest. .It's just that the tights of the black spiderman in front of him showed exquisite curves, and there was still a long brown hair behind the mask, and Eric didn't remember any female version of the black spiderman in his memory.

What was even more unexpected was her question.

"Where's Mary Jane?" The black and red female Spider-Man spoke in a low voice. Her voice was pleasant and gave Eric a feeling of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before. .

"Good question." Eric spread his hands, "Why do you think I'll know? Or... Maybe we should start with introducing ourselves? Who are you?"

"Don't pretend." She clenched her fists, releasing a dark hostility all over her body. "Or, maybe you prefer to answer in a more difficult way."

"I guess we have to choose a more difficult way."

Erik touched his fist, the backpack quickly unfolded, and the Almadra armor was finished.

Another place, somewhere.

When Mary Jane opened her eyes leisurely, she was almost blinded by the dazzling white light.It took her a while to adjust to the light, and realized she was inside a transparent glass enclosure.

The incandescent light came from inside the glass cover, and it was pitch black outside. Through the light, she could only vaguely see all kinds of abandoned scientific research equipment around the cover, which looked like a laboratory run over by ten buffaloes.

She fantasized that she was a guinea pig thrown into a cage for some kind of inhuman experiment, and couldn't help but flustered.She beat on the glass cover desperately, shouting loudly, hoping someone could hear her voice.

"Don't be like that, Mary." A silhouette actually appeared in the darkness, "Calm down."

She recognized the voice, so familiar and reassuring.She shouted a little excitedly: "Peter!? Is it you?"

But the shadow stood still outside the light field of the light.

She became uneasy again: "Peter? What are you doing?"

"I just finally figured out how to protect you. I should have thought of it a few years ago." He said in a low voice, "I thought of an excellent way to ensure that no one can hurt you again."

"Come on! Let me out!" cried Mary. "Where are we!?"

The man stopped talking and turned to leave.

In the deserted and abandoned laboratory building, a girl's shrill cry was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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