Chapter 553
"Are you sure he's alright?" the black goddess of death stared at Eric, who was standing there like a stone statue, and asked suspiciously.

The kind grandma laughed and said, "Don't you know grandma's ability? This kid has no consciousness left. He and that suit of armor are completely owned by the great Darkseid. The only thought left is The only thing is to be loyal to Darkseid."

The yellow goddess of nemesis chuckled: "Of course we believe in the ability of the kind grandma, but this seems a little too simple. It seems that Darkseid is so afraid of such a young boy, and now it seems nothing special."

The kind grandma shook her head and said: "Since the great Darkseid believes it, the prophecy can't be false. I think it's just that this kid is suffering from internal and external troubles, and his mental state is already very bad, so he can succeed so easily. According to the prophecy Said, this kid has a terrifying power that can subvert the entire universe, and Darkseid specifically explained not to do it lightly before he is settled, so it can be seen that he is powerful."

"But now that the threat from Almadra is gone, aren't we almost ready to do it?" asked the blue Fury.

"Haha, of course." The kindly grandma couldn't help flashing a strange light in her eyes. She was the vanguard cadre sent by Apocalypse for this invasion. Now she has not only taken down Yamozhuo, who Darkseid has paid more attention to, but also He is about to take down the entire earth in one go, and he can't wait to claim credit.

She went straight to the console and operated it, and the arch-like machine started immediately.Between the two crescent-shaped machines, a vast blue lightning was released, like thunder and lightning, and the momentum was overwhelming.The whole machine slowly accelerated and started to rotate, astonishing energy soared into the sky, broke through the ceiling, and sank into the sky, like an extremely sharp blade cutting the space.

Seeing that the dark red sky of Apocalypse is faintly visible from the space gap cut, millions of demon-like troops are already ready to go on the other side of Apocalypse.The kindly grandma's eyes widened, and she was laughing ecstatically, when she saw two fiery red lasers flashing past him and hitting the machine running at full speed.The kindly grandma's eyes were wide open, and her ecstatic smile froze on her face. Before she could react, the machine was smashed to pieces under the impact of powerful energy, and she was wrapped in dazzling electric sparks.

And the sonic boom channel in the air that was about to open up soon contracted again after losing the continuous supply of energy from the machine, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Both Goddess of Nemesis and Granny Kind turned around in amazement, seeing that the red heat on Eric's eyepiece had just dissipated a little, they couldn't help asking in surprise: "Why you why!?"

Eric didn't pay attention to it at all, and only heard another sound of "output power 100% fully charged" in the armor, and the binocular eyepieces became red hot again.Granny Cixiang's face changed suddenly, and she shouted "Stop him!", and the four goddesses of Apocalypse rushed towards Eric, but they were still a step behind.The domineering thermal vision shot out like a soaring giant sword, sweeping across all kinds of precision equipment in the base and the parts and facilities on the surrounding walls, cutting everything apart in a devastating manner.Although those instruments and equipment from Apocalypse are very advanced, how can they withstand the pouring of thermal vision?The red light is everywhere, and there are flames everywhere. In a short time, the flames converged to one place, overturned the entire warehouse and burst out.

At this moment, on the Justice League watchtower.

"A high-energy blasting reaction was detected at the metropolitan port!" The Martian hunter, who had been paying attention to the alarm message, discovered the movement at the first time, and immediately notified everyone in the alliance, "At the same time, there is still a strong space energy reaction remnant."

Since Eric left, Raven has been meditating cross-legged in the corner of the watchtower with her eyes closed, ignoring anyone who asks her questions, as if her soul is out of her body.It wasn't until now that she suddenly opened her eyes and said to everyone: "It's Eric. Hurry up, everyone. He and the Apocalypse army are already at war!"

Metropolitan Harbor.

Dazzling flames hung like a huge curtain under the night, and the pitch-black night sky was dyed the color of fire, even the moon seemed eclipsed by comparison.The stronghold that Grandma kindly built on the earth has now turned into a ruin on the coast, burning blazingly under the flames.

The four goddesses of revenge opened up the ruins and climbed up from them protecting the kind grandmother.Grandma Cixiang looked around at the burning wreckage of the building in Zhouza, and she couldn't help being so angry when she thought that her hard work had been wiped out in such an instant.She turned her head and glared at Eric, who was ten steps away, pointed at him, and asked angrily, "You, you, why!? Your thinking has obviously been erased, and there is no longer any independent thinking left. ! Why are you still defying the will of the great Darkseid!?"

Eric laughed and said, "Maybe it just means that your damn Darkseid isn't that powerful either."

In fact, Eric alone is really unable to resist Darkseid's will. In fact, under the continuous mental oppression of his kind grandmother, he has exhausted all his strength just by standing awake.But fortunately, he had already thought of this step before he came here to go to the meeting alone, so he had already prepared for it one step in advance.

With Dakseid's unique brainwashing technology, although the powerful mental sensing ability like Martian Manhunter can't interfere, Martian Manhunter is only an external force to Eric after all, and the degree of interference with his spirit is very limited.But don't forget, since a long time ago, a piece of soul fragment from Raven has been buried in Eric's body, which is completely a part split from Raven's own body, which is equivalent to the extension of her own soul.And now, this part of the soul has already been closely integrated with Eric, and has also become a part of him.In other words, Eric and Raven have been connected in a very special way at this time.

Before Eric left the watchtower, he established a spiritual link with Raven. When he went to the meeting alone and came to face the kind grandma, Raven secretly lurked in the depths of his spirit the whole time, while the main body meditated on the watchtower.And just now when Grandma Kindly tested Eric's thinking, his own thinking had indeed been hypnotized and fell into a deep sleep, but Raven was still awake and woke him up at the most critical moment.

To quote the old saying - at this moment, he is not fighting alone!
Although he still hasn't figured out how he deceived himself, his plan has been aborted after all, and the beautiful illusion just now has also been shattered.The kind grandma was furious, pointed at Eric, and ordered angrily: "Kill him! Kill him for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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