Chapter 552
Eric left the watchtower, followed the guidance of the dark consciousness in his mind, and groped his way there, and within half an hour he found his destination.

As intruders, Tianqi's group is indeed arrogant enough. If the two strongholds Eric found before were still low-key, then their new base is very ostentatious—they actually hid directly in the In a warehouse at the Metropolitan Harbor.The Port of Metropolis has a large number of abandoned warehouses and has always been a favorite of outlaws.

However, as alien invaders, they naturally have to be different from the rookie criminals on Earth.They seem to have installed a lot of sensing devices around the warehouse, and they can sense even a bug approaching them within a radius of tens of meters.At the same time, the outer layer of the warehouse is covered with an invisible barrier, which at least has the defense power of a tank gun.

But to Eric, this is not worth mentioning.He fell directly outside the warehouse. After groping outside the transparent barrier for a while, he raised his fist and slammed it down. The punch mixed with tyrannical energy smashed the structure of the barrier to pieces, and the network shattered lines were visible at a speed visible to the naked eye. It covered the entire barrier, and it crashed in an instant.

Erik strode towards the gate, and just two steps away, a large number of black figures rushed out from the surrounding shadows, flocking to him and blocking his way.Eric stopped to take a look, and saw that the monsters standing in front of him were all ugly monsters, all of them had scarlet eyes, fangs, and huge yellow wings spread out behind them, making them hideous and terrifying.

Demon-like, a biological weapon manufactured by the ruler of Apocalypse, Darkseid, captured captives from various planets in the universe. It is an endless invasion weapon of Apocalypse, and the demon army that most civilizations in the universe fear.They have no thoughts, no free will, and only exist to execute Darkseid's orders, which is extremely dangerous.

A demon took the lead and yelled, flapping its fleshy wings and swooping up, and a large group of demons behind it also responded and swooped up along with it.Eric's expression remained unchanged. He watched the group of ugly creatures rushing towards him, and took a half step back. Suddenly, the golden sword was in his hand, and a unparalleled golden light slashed across the sky. .The row of demons rushing to the front couldn't be avoided at all, they were engulfed by the sword energy on the spot and smashed into pieces in the golden light.

With only one strike of the sword, the endless power of the gods has completely shocked a large number of demons.Although these demons can't think independently, they still have a little bit of biological instinct. After realizing that the enemy's strength is vastly different from their own, they can't help but pause, showing a little fear, and they are only as good as Eric. Keeping a distance from the demonstrative roar.Eric sneered and took a step forward, the Excalibur slashed through the air, and the demons in the circle were immediately frightened and took several steps back to keep a distance from him.

"Ha, amazing!"

The warehouse door was slowly raised by itself.The kind grandma, bowed and wearing a cloak, walked out slowly, with a fake smile on her face, she couldn't help applauding and said: "My girls say you are very good, I still have doubts, so it seems that it is not true. It's an exaggeration. No wonder the great Darkseid pays so much attention to you, and it does make sense."

The moment the old lady appeared, the pressure of the dark aura in Eric's head suddenly increased several times, almost defeating his will.But he forced himself to be calm, his face remained unmoved, and he said flatly: "Even the great Darkseid paid so much attention to me, which made me flattered. I'm just a small, insignificant, stupid human being. Is it worthy of the care of the big shots of the new Protoss?"

"Humility, I like it." Grandma Cixiang smiled, and waved back, "Come in with me, we've been waiting for quite a while."

Seeing the superior's attitude, the demons on both sides naturally didn't dare to embarrass Eric anymore, so they all retreated to one side honestly and settled down.If you come here, you will be safe, and if you have already come here, you might as well go in to find out what the enemy is.Eric thought so, without ink marks, striding forward to follow.

The structure inside is almost the same as that of the underground factory that Eric saw earlier, still full of yellow columns encapsulating bound humans, and even the most subtle structure is exactly the same, as if the entire underground space was moved here. But is such a thing possible?
Seeming to see the doubts in Eric's heart, Grandma Cixiang explained with a smile: "Yes, we transferred the entire base here, thanks to the 'mother box'."

Eric understood.He also knows the mother box, a space tool made by Apocalypse Technology, which can open the "pop sound channel" to jump between any two points in space. It is a relatively famous artifact in the DC universe.If this technology is used, it does not sound very strange to realize the teleportation of the entire base.

Eric followed the kindly grandma through most of the warehouse, and didn't stop until a huge machine with a strange shape.Two huge crescent-shaped metal parts stand on both sides, like a door, and the base is equipped with various strangely shaped parts, and the structure is extremely complicated.Eric used the X-sight to check it inside and out, only to feel that the technological content of this thing is far beyond the earth's technological level. Although he doesn't know what function it has, he is already thinking in his heart whether he wants to destroy it forcibly.

"This is the 'door' made by the applied mother box technology." Before he could ask, the kindly grandma explained, "Once activated, it will open an unprecedentedly huge sonic channel and directly connect to Tianqi At that time, our endless army of apocalypse will kill the earth in mighty force, and according to calculations, within three days, the earth will completely fall!"

Eric frowned slightly, and said: "Then I assume, you deliberately invited me here to hinder this great plan of yours?"

"Oh, no, no, no," the kindly grandma said, shaking her fingers, "You came here because of the will of the great Darkseid. Darkseid personally gave the order—this time to attack the earth, The most important task besides conquering is to take you under my command."

Eric smiled lightly: "Really? That's worthy of recognition, but he is really confident. Why are you so sure that I will join you?"

Grandma Cixiang also smiled: "That's naturally don't have a choice at all."

As soon as she finished speaking, a strong sense of crisis hit her.Eric was alert, and just about to make a move, his brain suddenly sank, and his consciousness seemed to be torn apart.There was only a slight pause in the movement, and the four light cables had shot from one direction, binding him again.

The ones who made the move were naturally the four nemesis goddesses of the apocalypse. The four of them had occupied the four corners at some point, and each bound Eric with a light cord.

Severe pain came from his body, shocking Eric almost fainted.He tried to raise his head, but at the end of his memory, he saw a kind grandma squatting in front of him with a smirk, and said: "It will pass soon, boy, everything will be over, stop thinking, and entrust everything to the great Dak Seid. Then you will have the long-awaited redemption."

(Thanks to the book friend Ya Pafika for the 1000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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