Chapter 554 Pursuit
At the order of the kind grandma, the four revenge goddesses of Apocalypse immediately stepped forward and surrounded Eric from four directions.Their respective auras are very strong, and they are actually connected to each other, covering Eric like a giant net, and the pressure is terrifying.

Eric looked around, glanced at the four of them respectively, and finally paused a little on Ruth's expressionless face.In addition to probing Apocalypse's invasion plan during this trip, his other purpose is to get Ruth back.At this time, he faced the four revenge goddesses of Apocalypse with one against four, but he still didn't show any intention of retreating.

"kill him!"

Grandma Cixiang roared again, and the four goddesses of nemesis immediately attacked.Eric knew that the four of them were powerful enemies, and he had already been on guard.He saw Ruth rushing forward with her battle ax out, the yellow Nemesis echoed her profile, and at the same time, the airflow behind her was also slightly different, obviously there was also a sneak attack from behind.

He was in the center of the siege of the four goddesses, but his heart was completely calm. With the blessing of lightning speed and lightning at his feet, he withdrew and retreated with a series of afterimages. Ruth's ax almost fell half a meter in front of him. It crashed into the ground and stirred up a thick dust.Immediately afterwards, he turned sideways, and two long objects swept across the face armor. The energy sparked on his armor, and the distance was less than half a foot. The cast was extremely fast. Two light cables, one black and one blue.

Eric spun around, just stopped, and came face to face with another axe.As expected, Ruth's ability as the goddess of nemesis is not what it used to be, and her reaction is astonishingly fast.

Before Eric could react, the two light cables, black and blue, had turned around in the air and rushed to the left and right sides behind him, which was extremely annoying.Moreover, it contains the destructive energy fluctuations of the goddess of nemesis. Erik had already experienced the terrifying power of the four goddesses' joint attack earlier. Even with the defensive power of the Almazo Alpha armor, he didn't want to take it easily.

Eric is now considered to be experienced in many battles, and his mind turns very quickly when facing the enemy.He flipped his left hand, protruding out with purple chaotic magic energy, grabbed the blue light thread, and was trying to draw it away with chaotic magic, but felt a domineering impact along the shape of this energy. Rushing into the wrist, the wrist armor "cracked" and exploded, and the powerful energy of the Nemesis unexpectedly broke through the traction of the magic power of chaos.After such a pause, Ruth's battle ax had already hit her forehead.

Although he was quite confident in the defensive power of the armored helmet, he had seen the power of Ruth's ax before, and Eric didn't want to experiment with his own head, so he leaned back and kicked it up without even thinking about it. Head-to-head with the blade of the axe.When the metal boots and the sharp ax blade collided, sparks rained down, only shocking Ruth back two steps.

But after all, he couldn't find the time to deal with the light thread of the black Nemesis.The light cord containing dark energy lashed hard at the back of the armor, and the death-like icy breath penetrated into the armor with great force, shocking Eric's internal organs, and he staggered forward.But he flipped his palm, and the God Slaughter Sword appeared in the palm of his hand, turned around and slashed fiercely, sweeping across his face with the domineering sword energy.The black Nemesis was about to give chase, but seeing the golden sword energy sweeping towards her, she felt a little apprehensive, so she had to step back and avoid it.

It was not easy for Eric to fight four against one, and only relied on the power of the Godslaying Sword to grab a moment of respite.But the four of them only paused for a moment, and then followed up with a quick attack.The black Nemesis opened her mouth, and a thick cloud of black air permeated the ground. Its composition was unknown but it exuded a strong and dangerous aura.Erik took two steps back to be cautious, and jumped up, his body tall like a rocket.He was condescending, and with a flick of the divine sword, the sword split into four parts and stabbed at the four people. After the four people blocked each other, they realized that it was just a false shot, and the four sword lights merged into one again. Take the black goddess of death.

The black goddess suddenly flipped out, waved her hands, and the black mist was released from her arms towards Eric.Eric turned and turned sideways, the purple chaos magic was attached to the outside of the armor, and the whole body turned into a purple spinning top, leading the black mist to turn half a circle around the body, and rushed towards the other goddesses.At this moment, Ruth strode forward, split the thick black mist with a single axe, and the axe slashed straight at Eric.Erik spun back a few times in the air, swinging his sword at her tomahawk.The two of them fought with their feet off the ground and their swords and axes in the air for a few rounds. Eric suddenly struck out with a sword, and the golden light turned into hundreds of light bullets and swept towards Ruth like raindrops.Ruth shielded her chest with the horizontal axe, and the golden light ping-pong hit her axe, causing her to fall to the ground.

The fight between Eric and the four Nemesis became more and more fierce, and the gorgeous glare flashed continuously under the sky, and the momentum was extremely gorgeous.The water surface along the coast is reflected in a variety of colors, and it is particularly spectacular against the burning wreckage on the shore.

Grandma Cixiang watched them fight to the death, but her heart became more and more anxious.She thought that as long as she sent out the Four Goddesses of Vengeance, even a little devil like Yamozhuo would be able to catch him, but she didn't expect Eric to be so good at fighting, which completely exceeded her expectations.Judging from the current situation, even if the Furies can take him down, it must be after several days and nights of fierce fighting, and the Avengers and Justice League personnel may rush here at any time now, and by then they will be in On the contrary, they are at an absolute disadvantage. At that time, they might not even be able to escape unscathed.

If one is careless and is captured by humans as a prisoner, it will be a shame to throw it home.On the other hand, if they retreat now, even though the plan to invade the earth has failed, at least it is a credit for Darkseid to bring back an excellent new Nemesis, and Darkseid may not be difficult for her.

Thinking of this, Grandma Cixiang immediately opened the boom channel and shouted: "Forget it, let's talk about that kid next time, let's go!"

After all, she herself rushed into the passage first, and slipped out of sight.

Several Nemesis goddesses looked at each other, with the same thoughts, and jointly released an energy shock. The majestic energy turned into an iron wall and forced Eric to retreat temporarily. The four of them also took the opportunity to flash into the passage.

Seeing that the sonic boom channel had begun to shrink, Eric yelled "Wait", and at the same time, the current in his body soared, and he flew away at a super speed with the super speed force, and he squeezed in just before the channel contracted.

All of a sudden, he felt dizzy and dizzy, as if his internal organs were about to be squeezed out, and the sense of balance in his brain was even more messed up.But after only a moment, his feet fell back to the ground again, only to feel nauseated as if he was about to vomit.

It took him a while to regain his normal vision, and slowly got up, only to see the dark red sky above his head and the majestic palace below him.Wei Ran's buildings are all in the distance, and the black outline is like a monster with teeth and claws, staring at this place.

This kind of breath of death and domination is more depressive than hell. Undoubtedly, he is already on the legendary Apocalypse.

(End of this chapter)

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