Templar Sun King

Chapter 601 Knights and Magic

Chapter 601 Knights and Magic

"If there are no accidents, my future path should be a social god. Although I have mastered the two priesthood fields of magic and arcanist, what should the law of [magic] and [arcanist] look like so far? I have no clue at all, not even a prototype."

Isabella said this when Adam had integrated the entire Ocean of Light and discussed with the gods of Mount Paradise the path of the future gods.

Although Adam is already a main god, he still has difficulty defining a law called [Magic].

Unlike the law of light, the law of magic itself is one of the fundamental laws of the multiverse. It is too abstract to be fully conceptualized and legalized.

It can only be said that not all priesthoods are suitable for deduction and sublimation into laws.

Adam nodded, half agreeing and half comforting: "It stands to reason that the law of deduction is more something you should worry about when you are promoted to the rank of the true god, but... Bella, maybe you are right, the society God’s path is more suitable for you.”

Just like the God of Blacksmith, even if his wisdom is increased tenfold, he still cannot deduce a law called [Blacksmith], that is ridiculous.

But if you look at it from another angle and walk on the path of a social god, blacksmithing, forging, metal smelting, weapon manufacturing, etc. are all his priesthood fields, and the road ahead is broad and smooth.

The same is true for Isabella's magic priesthood, which easily corresponds to a professional group with the highest status on the main material plane, the Arcanist, as a belief group.

Then Adam explained to Isabella the last time the Goddess of Love and Pleasure about the perfect evolution of the priesthood to the priesthood artifact.

"As long as you evolve the magic priesthood to a perfect level, you can turn the entire magic net into a medium-sized artifact. Even if the shadow plane sweeps across and tears up the continent again, it will not be damaged."

"Well, but I don't plan to face arcanists as [gods] like the gods." Isabella plans the future path in the field of gods, "Considering that arcanists or magicians have always With a high self-esteem and a 'disdainful' attitude towards the gods, I think the positioning and image of a [Forerunner], [Guide], and [Great Mentor] on the arcane path are more appropriate."

"I guide them how to go further on the path of arcane art, how to learn a vast amount of knowledge and skills about arcane art, how to strengthen the group of arcanists, and how to make arcane art more brilliant."

Isabella's idea was somewhat unexpected to Adam, but considering the specific situation of arcanists (mages), it was difficult for even him to find a more suitable path.

They are more willing to see and accept a goddess of magic who has made great achievements on the arcane path, like a lighthouse on the sea, than a goddess of magic who is high above her head, overlooks all living beings, and rules arcanists with divine power. Isabella, the forerunner of the arcane, is like a bright light in the dark.

"It's just that, in this way, your church..."

Isabella shook her head and said with a smile: "Of course there won't be a regular church. Don't forget, Adam, if I take the path of a social god, I will inevitably destroy all groups in the main material plane who cast spells through the magic net." All included in the field of belief..."

Whether the Arcanist is willing to believe is a problem first, followed by the attitude of other gods.

The gods can tolerate a scattered group of arcanists, but they are absolutely unwilling to see a group of arcanists formed as a whole under the leadership of the goddess of magic operating in their own country of faith, which will make them instinctively feel threatened.

"So, a loose organization like the Knights of the Round Table." Adam guessed.

"Yes, like Andrew's Knights of the Round Table, you must know that my divine power comes more from the magic net than from faith. Therefore, I plan to establish a relatively loose organization in the Holy Griffin Empire, called the Nine Rings Council .”

Isabella drew in front of her fingers, outlining a nine-ringed hexagram as the symbol of the Nine-ring Council.

"Well——" Adam thought for a while, and added a suggestion, "If this is the case, Danube City, there is no place more suitable for the headquarters of the Nine Rings Council than the capital of magic. As for the loose organization, the empire has two A ready-made mage organization."

Isabella reacted: "You mean the Dimensional Tallinn and the Hanging Garden?"

"Yes, I think besides the Nine Rings Council, you can also start with these two major mage organizations and gradually practice your magic philosophy around the world. Having said that, what is your doctrine based on the magic priesthood?"

"It's very simple." Isabella coughed lightly, and explained her thoughts seriously, "Knowledge is power, and power is mystery!"

Arcanists master arcane arts, and releasing arcane arts is a process of continuous learning. The more knowledge you learn, the higher your attainments in arcane arts will be.

Although casting spells through the magic net is much less difficult than casting spells before, intelligence and knowledge are still an important factor restricting the level of an arcanist.

"Arcane is not just a means, a technique, its essence is knowledge!"

Arcanists should not only be satisfied with the existing arcane arts in the magic net, but should pursue, discover and even create brand new arcane arts with more enthusiasm.

"Arcanists are explorers and scholars, and the entire multiverse is a puzzle that will eventually be solved!"

And when Isabella declared her teachings and ideas to the multiverse, she once again obtained a priesthood domain, [knowledge].

Name: Goddess of Magic

God name: Isabella

Portfolio domains: magic, arcanist, knowledge

Rank: Weak divine power

On the second day after the opening of the Pantheon, Danube City ushered in a huge change.

The lord of the city was changed from Isabella to an arcanist named Frank. At the same time, an organization called the Council of the Nine Rings was born here.

Frank, the founder of Silver Star, is a six-ring arcanist native to Danube City.

Of course, now, he is a white-robed wizard who has received the divinity bestowed by the goddess of magic and has raised his strength to nine rings.

Danube city lord, white robe wizard Frank!
A wizard refers to an arcanist who is willing to follow the teachings of the goddess of magic and is committed to the research, creation, development and inheritance of arcane arts.

In essence, they are not priests, not much different from arcanists, except that they are more loyal to the goddess.

The Nine Rings Council is currently composed of 63 wizards, and the highest person in charge is the female wizard Moel Faye, who has been blessed with divinity like Frank, and is called the Nine Rings Witch.

The birth of the Nine Rings Council and the change of the city lord of the Danube City were certainly a major event, but due to the limitation of the Danube City, not many ordinary people knew about it.

What's more, people's attention is now focused on two other things, a series of changes caused by the knight god Andrew and the judgment angel Simon taking the road of social gods.

God Name: God of Knights

God name: Andrew
Occupation: Knight, Nobility

rank: medium power

According to the teachings and ideas of Andrew, the god of knights, knights are not just a profession, but a kind of spirit, which is endowed with more meanings.

In Andrew's view, knights are well-educated, possess outstanding strength, and follow the principles of humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, and soul. They are symbols of bravery and loyalty, and the embodiment of heroes!
On the battlefield, knights are fearless, march forward bravely, and protect their homeland with their lives.

They will never betray their country and faith, even if the price is death.

Words such as bravery, loyalty, strength, and hero made the soldiers' blood boil with excitement, and they wished that they were a majestic Mr. Knight.

But what really made chivalry spread throughout the empire and even Upler in just a few days was a suggestion made by Adam-the knights in the Holy Griffin Empire were linked to titles.

A knight can automatically obtain the title of baron (no fief) and become a nobleman, regardless of the glory and prestige brought by his strength itself.

Of course, correspondingly, the knight's requirements were raised by the empire.

Only those whose strength reaches the silver level, pass the assessment of the temple, and be recognized by the Knights of the Round Table representing the god of knights will be awarded the title of knight.

The "knights" of black iron and bronze ranks can only be called knight attendants.

And honor knights, sun knights, paladins, and Vengeance Iron Guards who have obtained the title and a higher level (gold rank) can automatically obtain the title of earl and a fief.

As for the knights who have been promoted to the legendary rank, they are already honorable nobles and high-ranking empires, who have been awarded the title of duke and can establish duchies within the empire!
Although according to the news jointly announced by the Knights of the Round Table, the First Consul and the Senate, the maximum number of principalities allowed to be established in the empire is only seven, and the title of duke is not only open to knights, but the knight attendants who heard the news were still excited. Going crazy!
Strength in today's society equals status, but no one will refuse if you can get an additional noble title, especially in the context of the fact that the title of the Holy Griffin Empire has always been rarely granted.

You must know that since the establishment of the empire, only a small number of nobles during the seven-city federation and the noble council still retain their titles of nobles, and there are very few nobles with actual fiefdoms, and even fewer newly born nobles.

From a knight to a knighthood is the third method that the people of the empire have seen to obtain a knighthood.

——The first method is to obtain enough military merits, and the second method is to make sufficient contributions and credits to the empire.

Moreover, even gold professionals cannot guarantee how far their offspring can go on the career path. There are too many variables lying in the middle, such as talent, opportunity, luck...

But if there is a title that can be hereditary for three generations, the confidence will undoubtedly be improved a lot.

Especially the establishment of the principality, what a supreme glory and great achievement!

A duke who owns a principality can obtain the title of grand duke, and the title is hereditary for three generations more than ordinary nobles, which can maintain the glory for at least 400 years, although the fiefdom will be reduced by half every generation from the fourth generation onwards.

Another person in Paradise Hills who took the road of social god is the judgment angel Simon.

Title: Angel of Judgment

God name: Simon

Portfolio Area: Judgment, Justice

Rank: Weak divine power

If it is the brand-new chivalry and chivalry system that Andrew, the god of knights, had a profound impact on the empire, then the trial angel Simon is a brand-new construction of the empire's judicial system.

The administrative power of the Holy Griffin Empire is in the charge of the Government Affairs Palace headed by the First Consul, and the legislative power is in the Senate - of course, there is also a Guangming Emperor on it.

Judicial power has not always been very clear and perfect. Sometimes it is handled by the executive department, and sometimes it is handled by the subordinate agencies of the Senate.

However, as the Judgment Angel embarks on the path of a social god as the Lord of Judgment, the judicial system will soon become another indispensable part of the Holy Griffin Empire independent of administration and legislation.

As a god whose vocation is mainly judgment, the teaching of the angel of judgment Simon is "to conduct a fair trial according to the law".

After declaring the doctrine, the Angel of Judgment obtains a new list of divine spells based on the two priesthoods of Judgment and Justice.

Among them, the more famous ones are lie detection, detection of the situation, detection of lies, conversation with the dead, insight, and the art of telling the truth to force people to tell the truth.

Just as Isabella corresponds to the arcanist, Andrew corresponds to the knight, and the goddess of earth and fertility corresponds to the farmer, the first responders to Simon are professionals engaged in trial and judgment, and groups eager to be treated fairly.

Of course, Simon is aware of the potential of [Law], [Retribution], [Punishment] and other related fields, but with Andrew and Isabella on the road of social gods, his road is undoubtedly more complicated and difficult, and he has taken the lead in the world. Promoting fair trials, punishing criminals, and maintaining fairness and justice will inevitably be met with backlash and hostility from local forces.

It can only be said that in this world where power is paramount, justice is sometimes a very extravagant thing.

But from another point of view, it just proves that the priesthood of Simon's trial has great potential and a very broad space for development.

The Holy Griffin Empire is the place where Simon took the lead in practicing the concept of priesthood.

Not only will this not divert Adam's beliefs, but it will also help the empire develop in a more orderly and perfect way, which is a great thing for ordinary people.

In fact, even if Simon diverted Adam's beliefs to a certain extent because of Simon's status as a social god of the Lord of Judges, Adam would not mind.

Because Simon is Adam's subordinate god, his strength can also be fed back to Adam to a certain extent.

After Simon turned to the social god, the Senate held an emergency meeting to revise, supplement and improve the "Griffin Code" according to the teachings of the Lord of Judges.

At the same time, the Star Chamber Tribunal, which is on the same level as the Senate, began to be established in Griffon City. According to the "Griffin Code", it will conduct trials and rulings based on the principle of fairness.

It is worth mentioning that the Star Room Court only judges secular disputes, and the right to judge by faith is reserved in the Inquisition of the Holy Church.

"This is the Ocean of Light!" A goddess in a colorful long dress flew from a distance, sighed, and entered the Ocean of Light.

She is the Goddess of Rainbow, a good friend of the Baqian Mountain God. After the Baqian Mountain God Lor moved the Kingdom of God to the elemental kingdom area where the main god, the Goddess of Earth and Plenty, lived, she finally decided to move the Kingdom of God to the Ocean of Light.

The rainbow is the confluence and sublimation of light and water. Compared with the water element, the rainbow goddess prefers rainbow light, so the ocean of light corresponding to the law of light is a good choice, and it will have great benefits for her to continue on the road of gods.

Of course, the premise is that the owner of the ocean of light, the lord of light, the Sun God, agrees to her moving the Kingdom of God in.

This may sound a little overbearing, but who told the other party to be a great main god?
Moreover, to be honest, this is not surprising at all. In fact, so far, Clock Nirvana, Void Realm, Bottomless Abyss, Unrestrained Wilderness, Ultra-Dimensional Space Tunnel, and Impermanence Realm have all ushered in a master.

Among the main gods, only the three goddesses of beauty and love and the kingdom of the main god of war remained in place, and the other main gods have entered the outer plane that suits them.

"Fortunately, I didn't move the Kingdom of God in recklessly..."

The moment she entered the Ocean of Light, the Rainbow Goddess instinctively obtained a sliver of information from this outer plane, and Adam, the lord of light, merged with the Ocean of Light.

In other words, the entire Ocean of Light can be regarded as the domain of the Sun God!

In this field, the Sun God occupies a huge geographical advantage, and can exert [-]% of his combat power.

In addition, the Ocean of Light is no longer called the Ocean of Light, and was renamed the Paradise Mountain of the Ocean of Light by the Sun God.

The towering seven-story holy mountain in front of you is Heaven Mountain, er, in the package of the ocean, the ocean is completely liquefied by light energy.

The entire Glorious Ocean has been laid down by the Sun God with special rules, and outsiders can only enter the Glory Kingdom by climbing the seven-story Heaven Mountain.

The Rainbow Goddess looked curiously at this paradise mountain surrounded by the ocean, huge, sacred, majestic, and majestic.

The top of Tiantang Mountain is a sea of ​​clouds, and a star as big as the sun can be seen faintly.

The entire ocean is slowly rotated by the stars, forming waves and ocean currents, sublimated into milky white holy brilliance at the top of Mount Paradise.

The brilliance slowly poured down from the first layer, layer by layer, into the river passing through the seven-layer holy mountain, and finally re-injected into the ocean, completing a cycle.

Even with the always picky aesthetic of the Rainbow Goddess, facing this magnificent and beautiful scenery, she couldn't say a bad word.

Before entering the Ocean of Glory, the Rainbow Goddess was a little nervous, but after arriving at the Seventh Heaven Mountain, she calmed down instead.

Not only did she calm down, she also decided to walk up the Seven Heavens Mountain and enjoy the scenery along the way.

The first floor of the Seven-Story Heaven Mountain is called the Silver Heaven, and there are countless waves tumbling, echoing with crisp and sweet sounds.

Affected by the sacred light of the sun, these waves show a beautiful silver color under the refraction of the light.

Perhaps this is the origin of the Silver Heaven, the Rainbow Goddess thought as she walked towards the second floor.

The second layer is the golden heaven, shrouded in warm and bright golden sunlight, a group of palm-sized, bare-bottomed little angels were born in the sunlight.

They instinctively yearn for the higher level of Heavenly Mountain and the divine radiance shining down from the top of Heavenly Mountain, so while singing hymns, they work very hard to absorb the light energy free in the air and sunlight to grow.

The third floor is the Pearl Paradise, where round, chubby, small celestial creatures that look like super-large milky white pearls are floating and flying everywhere.

They are envoys of the Holy Light, and usually live in the Pearl Heaven. Only when the breeding season comes, will they leave the Heaven Mountain and rush into the ocean on a large scale, devouring the light energy to split and grow the group.

The fourth floor, Green Field Paradise, is a field covered by verdant vegetation, exuding strong vigor and vitality.

Wild howls resounded in the mountainous jungles one after another. It was a medium-sized celestial creature loyal to the Lord of Radiance, the Dire Wolf Angel.

The fifth floor, Platinum Heaven.

Here, the Rainbow Goddess saw a celestial creature, the Griffin Angel, which corresponds to the totem and symbol of the Holy Griffin Empire.

Their gorgeous feathers and holy flowing flames all echo the name of Platinum Heaven.

The sixth floor, gorgeous heaven.

The little angels who were born on the second floor and have been climbing up finally completed their first transformation on this floor and became light angels with a pair of wings on their backs.

Angels of Holy Light, Angels of Dire Wolf, Angels of Griffins, Angels of Light, and Rainbow Goddess know that they are all natural believers and messengers of the Sun God, and they can be summoned by the priests of the temple to fight on the main material plane.

From the first floor to the sixth floor, the strength of the celestial beings has been improving, from the Holy Light Angel of the Black Iron Rank to the Light Angel of the Gold Rank.

I don't know what kind of creature will be on the last layer. Is it the golden dragon who took refuge in the Lord of Radiance a few years ago, or the legendary creature Feathered Serpent from the Merika continent?

The seventh floor, the splendid heaven, is full of dazzling holy light, and the light and rain are colorful and very beautiful.

What appeared in front of the Rainbow Goddess was neither a golden dragon nor a feathered serpent, but an angel with two pairs of wings on his back, one pair of feather wings and the other pair of light wings.

He was wearing a holy white robe, holding the scriptures in his hands, with straight eyebrows and a very sunny and handsome appearance.

Holy Code Divine Envoy, also known as Angel of Wisdom, Angel of Wisdom, has the strength of a legendary rank.

"His Royal Highness, by order of my lord, I am here to welcome you!"

This cherub is naturally Limanyel who was named by Adam at the beginning. After transforming with Glory Ocean, he was promoted to the legendary rank. He is the first and only cherub.

"Excuse me."

The Rainbow Goddess smiled slightly, and followed Liman Yere to the top of Mount Paradise, and then saw a brilliant sky dotted with countless white clouds and floating mist.

Of course, there is also the glorious kingdom that is famous and shining brightly.

And the seven-story heaven mountain she walked through when she came here is currently suspended in the deep ocean above her head in an upside-down posture, giving the Rainbow Goddess a huge visual impact.

(End of this chapter)

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