Templar Sun King

Chapter 602 Destroying the Jiaoyan Dynasty

Chapter 602 Destroying the Jiaoyan Dynasty
The emergence of the path of social gods has had a huge impact on the structure of the multiverse. Almost after the first Pantheon meeting ended, many gods who were frustrated on the path of natural gods chose to take this path that is easier to see the future.

After all, compared with the illusory laws, it is relatively simple to explain the concept and teachings of the priesthood to complete the priesthood, isn't it?

The more famous ones are the god of forging in the dwarf pantheon, the goddess of wealth and commerce in the kingdom of truth, the god of blacksmiths who bless Heaven Mountain, the goddess of magic, the god of knights and the angel of judgment in the heaven pantheon, and the god of assassins in the dark pantheon. god.

Among them, the god of forging and the god of blacksmiths almost completely overlapped in their belief groups after they developed into social gods—except for the dwarves in Modine Cave—and they became endless enemies.

Behind the former stands the Kingdom of Truth, and the latter has the support of Heavenly Mountain. Even the gods cannot determine who can win the final victory.

However, compared to the relatively simple concept of the two true gods competing for the priesthood of [Forging] and [Blacksmith] for blacksmiths, weapon makers and other belief groups, the teachings of the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce are much simpler and more seductive.

"Commercial transactions are the best way to get rich. All countries and regions should have free trade flow to ensure the normal operation of economic activities."

"Recite the name of the Goddess of Wealth and Business, guide to obtain greater benefits, discover wealth, and increase wealth!"

"Follow His Royal Highness Vol'jin's teachings, and enjoy the melodious sound of gold coins clinking..."

It's just a matter of blatantly expressing the very crude but popular teachings of "believe in Wojin, get gold coins" and "gold coins are omnipotent".

But it has to be said that among the social gods, Wojin's believers are the most extensive and are not restricted by region, social status and ethnic group.

Whether it's farmers, traders, fighters, thieves and other professionals, or goblins, orcs or even dragons, who doesn't like gold, silver and jewelry?
People live in the world, what is the purpose and meaning of struggling, and is it not for those jingling little cuties?
The teachings of the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce are straight to the soul, as real as they are inspiring, and instantly popular.

What puzzled the gods was that after receiving responses from an extremely large number of believers, the position of the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce in the pantheon was only moved forward a little bit symbolically, which made them puzzled.

Only the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce knows what kind of backlash she encountered after being controlled by the Soul Knight to sacrifice the Great Nanzhou through the Shadow Plane that day.

If she hadn't acted decisively with the incomplete [transaction] law deduced together with the Greedy Demon God, she would have given all her divine power and the only artifact to exchange for an equivalent exchange to offset part of the backlash of the law of order, and borrowed money from the ocean of force When a certain amount of strength is filled in, she has long been pulled into the astral world and turned into an island.

If not, when she turned to the social god and got the response of many believers, she would be directly promoted to the weak divine power and gather the priesthood crystal, instead of paying off the debt like now and still spinning with weak divine power.

Having said that, although the goddesses of wealth and commerce made a lot of noise, they are insignificant compared to the three goddesses of beauty and love and the goddesses of earth and fertility who also turned to the social gods.

Needless to say, the three goddesses of beauty and love are the main gods who ascended with the help of priesthood. It is not very unacceptable for the goddess of illusion, the god of love and the god of beauty to face all beings as social gods.

The Goddess of Earth and Plenty is the real Goddess who has obtained a Law Godhead. She is one of the most powerful and noble goddesses in the multiverse. Her behavior really makes the gods a little confused.

But no matter how much it is unknown, after seeing wisps of orange-yellow light rising from every corner of the main material plane, and getting responses from most farmers, gardeners, gardeners, and those close to nature, they all turned into envious eyes.

Vol'jin's beliefs are extensive, but most of the people she receives are general believers. The earth is different from the goddess of fertility, and the farmers are almost sincere believers. This great goddess who brings food and harvest to all living beings is completely different.

Of course, what surprised the gods the most was that the Holy Griffon Empire did not reject the belief in the Goddess of Fertility, except for the United Kingdom of Sauk, which had inherent faith in the Goddess of the Earth and the Plenty.

Correspondingly, the beliefs of Andrew, the God of Knights, Simon the Lord of Judgment, and Isabella, the Goddess of Magic, also entered the area of ​​the United Kingdom of Sauk.

The Sun God and the Goddess of the Earth and Plenty are completely allied, and they even allow each other to preach to each other!

The gods are envious. It is one thing to get a response from the faith community, but it is another thing to preach.

Not all believers are willing to dedicate their faith after hearing the doctrines and concepts of the gods for the first time. It needs to be guided and maintained, and it is a long-term and arduous task to unravel and appease when the faith is confused.

Otherwise, without the maintenance of clergy (priests, pastors), faith will easily decline, weaken or even disappear. In a word, it needs to be preached.

The gods who are aware of the problem proposed that another Pantheon meeting should be held on inter-faith countries and regional missionary matters, but they may not have the opportunity in a short time.

Because it was only on the third day after the Pantheon meeting ended that the Holy Griffin Empire, the Romano Empire, and the United Kingdom of Sauk, the three major gods of faith on the main material plane, joined forces to attack the Jiaoyan Dynasty!
The enmity between the demon gods and the Titan gods has a long history, from the contradictions of the three races of giants, dragons, and demons in the first era-finally, the giants won the victory and drove the demons into the lava field of the third underground world. ——In the second era, the first God Lord, the Lord of the Sky, was bewitched by the greedy demon god, and the second God Lord, the Mother Earth, was strangled by the demon gods and the dragon gods. The hatred was as deep as the sea.

Judging from the current military forces used by the Romano Empire and the United Kingdom of Sauk, it seems likely that the conflicts accumulated between the two eras, the two races, and the two gods will be completely settled.

As for the other empire in this war, the Holy Griffin Empire, the gods of grievances are also very clear.

On the day the Pantheon was opened, the Greedy Demon God bewitched Sergei, the most devout believer of the Sun God with the potential to become a god, stole the golden apple planted in the Garden of Eden, and turned to the enemy camp to become a fallen angel, which made the Sun God furious and personally dealt with it Greedy Demon God.

If the God of Truth hadn't intervened, the notorious Demon God of Greed might have fallen on the spot.

The Holy Griffin Empire, launch an attack from the western seas!

The Romano Empire, attack from the northeast!
Sauk United Kingdom, attack from the east.

The three major kingdoms obviously wanted to completely destroy the Jiaoyan Dynasty before the demon gods could use the shadow plane to connect the surface world with the lava field.

Of course, the reason why the gods really realized that the Pantheon meeting will not be held in a short time is that the four main gods stand behind the four major faith countries involved in this war.

Adam, the sun god of the Holy Griffin Empire, Uranus, the lord of the sky of the Romano Empire, Farisa, the goddess of earth and fertility in the United Kingdom of Sok, and Baimon, the demon god of destruction and flames of the Jiaoyan Dynasty!

Perhaps the third main god of the Titan pantheon, Heliana, the three goddesses of beauty and love, should be added.

Moreover, once the kingdom of faith of the three main gods destroys the Jiaoyan Dynasty and sweeps away the power of the demon gods in the surface world, will the war between the gods be far behind?

The three main gods are coming fiercely, and there may be a terrible battle involving the three major gods of the Titan, Demon, and Heaven gods and the five main gods in the outer plane in a short time!
"I don't know who will be pulled into the star realm by then?"

The gods sighed, guarding the kingdom of God, and turned their attention to the battlefield on the main material plane.

On July 4904, 7, the war broke out completely, and the Holy Griffin Empire, a state machine that spanned two continents, was operating at an astonishing speed!

First Griffin Legion, Second Legion, Third Legion, Knights of the Sun, Crusaders, Hand of Justice, Templars, Knights Templar, Mercenaries...

Priest, Marksman, Arcanist, Priest, Patriarch, Sun Knight, Golden Dragon, Feathered Serpent, Holy Spirit, Cross Juggernaut...

After three years, the space teleportation array that has been arranged in all directions is constantly flickering, consuming pieces of magic power crystals, and teleporting teams of imperial elites from Celtic to the two major provinces of Lyon and Duri.

On the other side, a gigantic monster wrapped in countless magic circles and shining with colorful magical auras tore apart the clouds over the sea to the west of the Jiaoyan Dynasty, descending with an absolutely domineering and condescending attitude.

The greatest and proud achievement and crystallization of the Sky Garden, the Floating City!

Unlike the Hanging Garden flying from Yasha to Celtic to flee, this time the Hanging Garden is carrying a large amount of military supplies and participating as a weapon of war. Elemental disasters and magic crystal cannons can operate at any time.

"Your Excellency, the Devil's Volcano Fortress is found ahead!"

On the floating city, an Arcanist working in the Ministry of War reported to Minister of War Garen.

Garen was the commander-in-chief of the Jiaoyan Dynasty's war, coordinating and arranging all the military forces of the empire, including the priests of the church.

"According to the plan, the first airship fleet will bomb first, and then the Golem Legion will deal with it."


Soon, an airship with a length of about 60 meters and a width of about 10 meters flew out of the floating city and descended to a height suitable for bombing.

The magic airship, one of the five magic research projects proposed by Adam, was researched by the professors of Themis School of Magic two years ago, and after a year of transformation and improvement, it became an imperial military supply and bombing weapon.

Limited by materials and cost, so far the empire has only twelve military magic airships in total.

At this time, there are six ships staying on the floating city, ready to bomb the demon fortress.

Ground, Demon Fortress.

After the blood sacrifice and transformation of the demons, the Jiaoyan Dynasty is full of scorched earth, ashes, ruins and volcanoes.

Their fortress was built on the volcano, and a team of more than 100 little devils was in charge of guarding the crater.

Holding a steel fork and dragging an arrow tail, the little devils with dark red skin soon found the airship painted with shark teeth and eyes in the sky.

According to the aesthetics of demons, airships painted with shark heads are obviously not ferocious and vicious. In fact, for demons (mainly ram horned demons) who live in lava areas and solve their problems by force, unless they directly control their lives A mighty demon, otherwise nothing deserves the word monstrous.

The little devils couldn't feel any aura that professionals should have on this huge object, but before they could doubt or react, three objects with a length of about one meter were thrown down at an astonishing speed.

Boom boom boom!
Following several intensive explosions, huge energy and shock waves mixed with fragments engraved with spell runes were released the moment the object touched the mountain, blasting the crater including the little devil, Three deep pits with a diameter of more than five meters were blasted on the volcanic body, splashing tumbling rocks and magma.

Looking at the mountain still vibrating due to the aftermath, an arcanist from the Dimensional Tallinn exclaimed, "It's unbelievable that only a few bronze warriors can use magic props to create such amazing magic effects."

With his identity as a seven-ring arcanist, it is natural to judge that the consequences of the combination of three projectiles can be comparable to an ordinary silver spell.

This kind of spell is not counted in the magic wand, magic robe, magic necklace, and magic scroll. He can release ten spells a day based on the spell slot alone, but the problem is precisely here, the use of the projectile does not occupy the spell slot.

Once mass-produced, the effect produced is amazing.

In an instant, he understood the strategic significance of the magic airship in this war.

Rune Bomb, one of the five spell research projects, the first-generation rune bomb was only the size of a fist, and a basic fire arrow technique was sealed inside. The second-generation rune bomb was improved, and the fire arrow technique became a fireball technique.

This kind of projectile with a length of about one meter is the third-generation rune bomb developed by the Sky Garden Burning Empire and spent countless efforts. The official name is Explosive Bomb.

"...Each explosive bomb contains four three-ring arcane flame fireballs, which will be detonated after being hit by a huge external force or controlled by a special rune." Hanging Garden once participated in the arcane research of rune bombs The teacher introduced in detail to everyone, "As you can see, the combined use of three explosive bombs can have an average destructive power comparable to that of five-ring arcane explosive fireballs."

It's a pity that limited by technology and means, explosive bombs are already the limit of the rune bombs that can be researched in the Sky Garden. The rune bombs that seal the silver magic bursting fireball have not even had a prototype so far, otherwise it would cause even greater damage in the war. of destructive power.

However, it is clear that the Emperor of the Empire is very satisfied with their research results. As promised by the Minister of Magic Arman, the eight-ring arcanist in the Hanging Garden who is mainly responsible for the research project of the rune bomb has obtained a rune fruit, which contains a golden spell. Burning Flame Waterfall.

The mystery about the effect of the rune fruit that has troubled many arcanists for many years was finally solved at that moment. After eating the rune fruit, one more spell slot corresponding to the burning waterfall can be permanently added.



"The demons are out!"

"Continue, intensive bombing!"

This is the first time rune bombs and magic airships have appeared in a war. In addition to combat, there are also some purposes for measuring performance and destructive power. Therefore, each magic airship is equipped with a full hundred explosive bombs, which is a sufficient number.

After the intensive bombardment of ten consecutive rounds of exactly thirty explosive bombs, the mountain of this devil fortress was basically destroyed.

Demons crawled out from the depths of the volcano bathed in magma, roared and roared angrily, and began to fight back.

"Release the golem!"

Huge shipping containers similar to shipping containers were released near the volcano fortress by three other magical airships under the protection of legendary mages.


With howls one after another, the container was torn apart by sharp claws, and three completely different golems rushed out from it.

The most numerous are wolf-shaped golems made of metal inscribed with spell runes, with a round of spikes growing from their backs.

Number One Ripper!
Once released, they formed a torrent of steel and rushed towards the demons.

The second type is the No. [-] obsidian golem with a height of more than three meters and holding a steel knife. Although its strength is only black iron and its moving speed is slow, relying on its tall size and terrifying strength, it is hard to fight against the little devils. Standing still under the siege.

The one with the least number is a huge mechanical squid. The body is not big, but it has a total of twelve tentacles with a length of more than ten meters and made entirely of magic metal. It has bronze combat power.

Their tentacles can be bent at will, and they are so powerful that they can easily penetrate a succubus that has not had time to show its charm.

It is worth mentioning that their Guangming Emperor may have regarded the Jiaoyan Dynasty as a great enemy from the very beginning, so these three types of golems are engraved with the sacred symbols provided by the patriarch of the temple in addition to the regular runes. Classic scriptures and sacred symbols, with the holy power to cause extra damage and restraint to demons.

Even the obsidian golem made of obsidian has a platinum color. Even if the body is stained red by the blood of the devil, it still reveals the ferocity in the holiness without showing blood, and it has the taste of a teacher of justice.

In less than 10 minutes, the demon fortress was cleared—the only Balrog with a golden rank was purified by the patriarch—the magic airship returned to the floating city, and the golem army was recovered.

A few minutes later, a team of around 100 led by an eight-ringed arcanist appeared near the Devil's Fortress.

"Although our Themis School of Magic can graduate after completing the third grade and passing the exam, in fact the real learning has just begun in the fourth grade." The male professor named Mars said to the students , "Fourth grade to sixth grade, corresponding to the bronze rank, that is, three-ring and four-ring arcanist."

"All fourth graders, regardless of their age, need to participate in a one-year military service as an exercise. As the school's first batch of trial teaching students and the most expected little arcanists, you are fortunate to experience it in advance in the third grade .”

"Considering the harshness and danger of the battlefield, your task is very simple, clean the battlefield. Now, in a group of ten, clean the demon fortress that was just destroyed by the magic airship and the golem army, and report to me in time if you find any problems."

As a mage of the Hanging Garden who grew up in the struggle against the Percy Empire and the Kingdom of Babel, Mars was dismissive of the very gentle teaching philosophy of Themis School of Magic.

Even the exploration and adventure in the second grade and the magical battle in the third grade were too idealistic in his opinion, until the military service in the fourth grade appeared.

As a matter of fact, the specific grades for military service on duty have not been fully determined until now. Themis Magic School itself has not been fully determined. It is the result of Mars's efforts to bring 100 students here this time.

The little arcanists are already 14 years old, they can be called teenagers, and they should go outside to experience the world, let alone the relatively safe rear of the battlefield.

"Yes, Professor!"

The little arcanists quickly divided into ten groups and began to clean the battlefield.

It wasn't difficult, except that the strong smell of blood and fragmented corpses made some young arcanists, especially the female students, a little sick.

In order to divert Watcent's attention, the blond boy Igor found a good topic: "I heard that the three major magic organizations of Hanging Garden, Dimensional Tallinn, and Silver White Illuminati are also involved in this war against the Jiaoyan Dynasty. Come."

"It's not unusual, isn't it? You must know that the empire just granted special titles to the leaders of the three major magic organizations a week ago."

The little girl recalled the three arcanists who were conferred by the empire seven days ago, and she really forgot the disgusting feeling.

The land lord Grande of the Sky Garden received the title of [Duke of Elements], and this title will also serve as the inherited title of the leaders of the Sky Garden in the past.

Dimensional Tallinn was awarded the title by the legendary mage Lime who was the first to express his surrender to Adam. He was awarded the most noble title of space mages, [Supreme Mage].

As for the president of the Silver White Illuminati, Basel, although he only has the strength of a high-level gold, he still has the title of [Holy Mage].

"However, let me tell you that the one who is most likely to receive the duke title at the knighting ceremony on the second day of the National Day is His Excellency Galen the Spear of Vengeance."

Looking at Watson's eyes that were almost glowing, Igor was a little apprehensive, but he had to admit that Galen, who was awarded the title of [Spear of Vengeance], was definitely one of the most outstanding fighters in the empire in recent years.

This cartel descendant successfully obtained the third alienation ability after being promoted to legend, but it is not the victory spear of the traditional cartel family, nor is it the holy sword strike improved by the Church of Dawn, but a spear, a name For the spear of vengeance.

It is worth mentioning that Galen was the commander of the Holy Griffin Empire's attack on the Jiaoyan Dynasty from the Durui region in the south.

"Your Excellency Galen participated in the Lyon War with His Royal Highness Simon, and made great contributions to the empire in taking over France. He is very likely to become the first duke with real power to establish a duchy in the empire."

"Are you that sure?" A suspicious voice asked.

"Of course, I also know that if there is such a day in the future, considering the family crest of the Cartel family with the greyhound as the symbol, the name of the principality is probably the Greyhound Principality!"

 * Regarding the size, cost, cost, effect, etc. of the research results of spells such as rune bombs and magic airships, the scumbag author did not go into too much depth when writing. After all, military rookies, if there are any bugs, just jump over them happily.

  *In the previous chapter, the name of the white-robed wizard Gryon was the same as the name of the previous supporting role, which has been changed to Frank, which comes from the middle name of Christopher Lee, the actor who plays Saruman in the Lord of the Rings.

  *There will be some business in the company tomorrow, and the update time will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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