Templar Sun King

Chapter 600 2 Outer Planes

Chapter 600 Twelve Outer Planes
The construction of the plane of the kingdom of God and the oath of the Styx in Adam's mouth refer to the changes that occurred after the first pantheon meeting ended, and the gods each left an incarnation of will in the pantheon to leave.

At the moment when the Pantheon disappeared into the void, the Chaos Sea reappeared on the outer plane, revealing twelve regions (the part of the central circle corresponding to the world tree did not appear).

This time, the twelve areas were not simply opened for a short time, but part of them were separated and permanently left on the outer plane, forming twelve extremely special areas.

These twelve areas are connected into a circle in the order of Ocean of Light, Unrestrained Wilderness, Garden of Everything, Realm of Impermanence, Nirvana of Clocks and Clocks, Realm of Nothingness, Realm of Eternal Nether, Bottomless Abyss, Hall of Souls, Ultra-Dimensional Space Tunnel, and Quantum Chaos , and the center is the element kingdom corresponding to the four elements.

Before Adam complained that the Ocean of Light was next to the Quantum Chaos corresponding to the law of chaos, a river that seemed to be deep and swift but also stagnant flowed slowly from the void, passing through the bottomless abyss, the palace of souls, the realm of nothingness and the eternal realm in an instant. Then it sank into the void again and disappeared without a trace.

Only in the Bottomless Abyss, the Hall of Souls, the Realm of Nothingness, and the Eternal Nether Realm, can one see the four sections of this river that are respectively glowing dark red, deep purple, dark gray, and dark black.


When the river was born and disappeared, the gods naturally knew its name. It was a river of oaths and a river of souls.

The river of oaths refers to the gods of any rank who swear or sign a contract with the Styx River. Those who violate it will be polluted by the Styx River, deprived of their divine clergy for 3000 years, or even fall directly into the Styx River. It cannot be violated, and there is no way to circumvent it.

As for the river of souls, it is because the souls of the entire multiverse, except for devout believers who can directly go to the kingdom of God to be reborn with a strong enough faith channel after death, other souls will be attracted by the river of Styx.

If you can't get salvation in time, you will gradually become a part of it and return to the origin of the world.

Now, some souls have already fallen into the River Styx under the blowing of the wind blowing from nowhere, struggling in the river.

The weak soul will soon be unable to hold on, and will be decomposed into the most original particles and return to heaven and earth.

Having a strong soul is not necessarily a good thing, because soon, while they are struggling, they also need to be prepared to avoid being caught and devoured by the Balrogs and dark elements wandering on both sides of the River Styx.

In the Kingdom of Destiny, the three goddesses of Fate looked at the Styx that started from the void and then submerged into the void, with an inexplicably ugly expression:
"This is the manifestation of the two laws of order and soul. Damn it! I didn't expect the creation of Styx to appear after the opening of the Pantheon! If we were given a little more time, the river of fate should run through the outer plane, and It is the Wall of Unbelief that consumes the soul."

The gods didn't know how the three goddesses of destiny in the Kingdom of Destiny viewed Styx. They admired the extraordinary binding force of Styx and the distinctive rules of the twelve distinct regions.

Twelve areas corresponding to the law are everywhere, reflecting the traces of the fundamental law, quoting the exclamation of a true god at that time:

"From today onwards, the outer plane is no longer one plane, but a total of twelve outer planes, twelve completely different but orderly outer planes!"

An incarnation of Adam's will entered the quantum chaos next to the Ocean of Light and found that everything there was determined by probability.

If there is a battle between a warrior and a magical creature in the quantum chaos, can the warrior's sword be able to strike smoothly?

Can you hit magical creatures?
Is it possible to cut through the scales that cover the skin of magical creatures?

How much damage does a sword do to magical creatures?
Was it minor, bleeding, moderate, severe or fatal?

Everything is determined by random probability, which is both weird and magical.

Another example is the bottomless abyss. This outer plane corresponding to the law of destruction is composed of countless flat, dead, dilapidated, and fragmented spaces that are stacked together, layer by layer, as if there is no end in sight, chaotic and disorderly, Everywhere is full of killing and brutality.

Because the twelve regions are permanently outside and part of the Outer Planes, their planar properties are changing rapidly.

The characteristics belonging to the material plane are suppressed, and the parts belonging to divine power and spirit are constantly enlarged.

If it weren't for a boundary similar to a crystal wall separating the Twelve Regions from the real Outer Plane, the remaining characteristics of the Material Plane would be completely assimilated.

While the high elves living in the unrestrained wilderness, the dark elements in the void, the Balrogs in the bottomless abyss, and the light elements in the ocean of light, the nature of life has also undergone tremendous changes while the characteristics of the planes have changed.

It is unknown to Adam how the high elves, dark elements, and Balrogs have changed, but Adam has seen the changes in light elements. It is an evolutionary direction that surprises Adam.

Therefore, when the changes in the Ocean of Light were not completely over, Adam used most of the three major arms of the Holy Cross Sun Scepter, Yaoling, Silverback Wolf, and Royal Griffin to summon them to transform with the Ocean of Light.

When the Ocean of Light completely became part of the outer plane and completed the adjustment of the plane's characteristics, Genesis automatically jumped out of Adam's arms, opened it, and stayed on one page.

? ? ? (Please name the Lord of Heaven Mountain): Small celestial creatures, bright magic creatures, evolved from the basic unit of the temple, the Light Spirit (Yao Ling), generally have the strength of black iron ranks, and have the spells of light, healing, and purification , Holy Shield, Dispel, Sun Beam.

? ? ? (Please name it from the Lord of Heaven Mountain): Medium-sized celestial creatures, monsters, evolved from the Timberwolves (Silverback Wolf), the basic unit of the temple, generally have the strength of the bronze rank, and have the special specialty of hunger.

? ? ? (Please name it from the Lord of Heaven Mountain): Large-scale celestial creatures, epic creatures, evolved from the Griffin (Royal Griffin), an elite soldier in the temple, generally have the strength of silver ranks, and some Royal Griffins with rich combat experience can be promoted To the golden rank, with special specialties Killing Machine and Judgment Spear.

Adam looked at the three evolutionary arms, and Yaoling's appearance didn't change much, and because of becoming a celestial creature, the number of spells in the spell list dropped sharply to six related to the Holy Light.

The silverback wolf and the royal griffin are the ones that have changed the most. The former is covered with a thick layer of milky white fluorescent fur, with a shoulder height of more than one meter and a body length of nearly two meters. It is very majestic and heroic.

The latter's feathers and hair all turned brilliant gold and platinum, and there were sacred flames flowing on the wings.

The adult royal griffin is even bigger, three meters long, with a wingspan of more than seven meters, and a pair of eyes that are as dazzling as jewels.

Adam stretched out his fingers, and filled in [God of Holy Light], [God of Dire Wolf], and [God of Griffin] in the places where there were question marks in Genesis.

As for the light element, they would grow a pair of light wings after being promoted to the legendary rank after Adam's intervention. After obtaining the throne bestowed by him through the ceremony, they can be called the throne angel, or the throne angel for short.

Now, without Adam's intervention, they have been officially established as a medium-sized celestial creature that needs to go through the black iron to the legendary five ranks.

There are four levels from black iron to gold. This medium-sized celestial creature is not much different from light angels. The only difference is that the wings of the former are feather wings, while the wings of the latter are light wings.

From gold to legend, the evolution direction of the former is no longer to represent the Lord of Light to patrol the kingdom of faith, but to spread the glory of the Lord of Radiance and preach.

Similar to Throne Angels getting a Throne, they get a Holy Book.

"Since this is the case, your names should no longer be Light Elements, but a brand-new family name, [Holy Code God Envoy]!"

The holy envoy, also known as the angel of wisdom, is referred to as the angel of wisdom.

Quan Angel (two pairs of wings), Zhi Angel (one pair of wings, one pair of light wings), seat angel (two pairs of light wings, elemental creatures, spirit bodies), all three have two pairs of wings and have legendary ranks Angel of strength.

The angel of power holds a scepter, representing God's "authority";
The throne of angels hangs high, representing the "throne" of God;
The cherubs hold the scriptures in their hands, representing God's "wisdom"!
"It's a pity that the golden dragon and feathered snake can't be summoned together for a while, otherwise there will be two more super-large celestial creatures. But it doesn't matter, you can let some golden dragons and feathered snakes live in the ocean of light. Slowly become a brand new celestial creature."

After the twelve special areas became part of the outer planes, the gods couldn't wait to move the Kingdom of God into the twelve outer planes according to the corresponding attributes, camps, or possible hostile relationships in the future social god path.

For example, the two gods of the ocean gods, the goddess of the sea and the fish god, moved their respective kingdoms of gods to the area corresponding to the water element in the kingdom of elements.

There, they can better comprehend the laws and priesthood related to 【Water】.

Arlos and Scarlett of the death pantheon moved the Kingdom of God into the Eternal Underworld where the River Styx flows.

Apart from ordinary demigods and true gods, the one who is really busy is the main god who is in charge of the major laws. Adam's body is now moving the sacred mountain of heaven, which lost the first layer, to the ocean of light.

boom!With a bang, Mount Paradise finally stops where the ocean meets the sky.

Above Tiantang Mountain, there is a sparkling ocean, and below Tiantang Mountain, there is a sky shrouded in mist and clouds, which is spectacular from a distance.

But Adam is not satisfied with this. As the main god in charge of the law of light and the sun god who has control over the ocean of light, he has grander plans.

In fact, it is not grand, because basically every main god does this.

"Make the entire Ocean of Light an extension of the Kingdom of Glory?" Isabella asked.

"It can be understood in this way, but to be precise, it is to make the Ocean of Light a part of Paradise Mountain."

Adam quickly thought about the way to build the Ocean of Light, and soon came up with an idea.

With a wave of his hand, Adam sent all the envoys of Holy Light, Dire Wolf, Griffin, and Holy Code to the third floor of Heavenly Mountain, and then said to Isabella and the others: "Stay back, I will It is necessary to carry out a transformation on the entire Ocean of Light."

Adam took out the sun scepter and triggered the law of light, and his whole body was bathed in divine light, which was extremely dazzling.

Then he pointed at the vast and deep ocean above his head, and the whole ocean suddenly rolled violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment, which was very terrifying.

Circles of holy light spread in the ocean, and in Isabella's view, a huge mountain with a wide top and a small bottom, completely upside down, and completely solidified by light energy was born in the middle of the ocean.

The huge mountain pushed away the seawater and pressed down from the sky. If it wasn't for Adam's full trust, Isabella was really afraid that the sudden appearance of the mountain would cause the ocean to pour down directly.

I saw that this huge mountain is divided into seven layers. From the bottom - of course, from Isabella's point of view, this layer is now the deepest part of the ocean, which is the first layer - to the upper layer, you need to go along Only by climbing to the peak along the ridge can we successfully enter the sixth floor.

Afterwards, the mysterious runes danced in the entire Ocean of Light with the sacred radiance, laying down various rules of the Kingdom of God like the defense system of the Kingdom of God.

Adam looked left and right, felt that it was not enough, and rushed out of the body with the vast fundamental will.

It was a group of sacred radiance like a platinum flame, which quickly broke through the sky, passed through the ocean, continued to go deep, and entered a place similar to void and chaos.

Adam knew that this was the core of the ocean of light. It was gray, with no distinction between top and bottom, left and right, without a trace of light.

"Let there be light!" Adam didn't even think about it, and directly merged and devoured the ocean of light with his will.

Isabella felt the entire Ocean of Light vibrate violently with a huge roar, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of her eyes, with dazzling brilliance everywhere, filled with a very familiar but quite strange will.

At the moment when the first ray of holy light pierced the void, dispelled the darkness, and illuminated the chaos, Adam's will was completely connected with the entire ocean of light, becoming one without distinction.


Countless beams of light surged like tides and returned from all directions, converging on Adam again.

Isabella looked at Adam carefully for a long time before confirming: "In my eyes, you seem to be united with the Ocean of Light every moment. Has your strength improved again?"

"As I said just now, the Ocean of Light has become part of Mount Paradise. And, yes."

The moment Adam merged the Ocean of Light, he finally raised his professional level to 45, the last level of the main god rank.

(End of this chapter)

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