Chapter 599
"I always think it's not a good idea to jointly take over the Shadow Plane."

The time is now the first minute after the Pantheon meeting ended, and the place is a temporary meeting space that Adam applied to the Pantheon.

The space is absolutely safe and confidential. Except for Adam, the Goddess of Life, the Lord God of Space, and the Goddess of Earth and Fertility, there is no fifth person who can spy on the content of the meeting, not even the Three Goddesses of Fate and the God of Truth. This is the protection of rules from the Pantheon itself. .

"You mean that the division of the Shadow Plane was too smooth?" asked the Lord God of Space.

After the three goddesses of fate proposed to jointly supervise the shadow plane and let him act as the advisor of the gods, the space god was the first to respond.

For the Lord God of Space who is in charge of the laws of space, there is no more tempting proposal than the Shadow Plane.

Comprehension and analysis of the birth, development and spatial characteristics of the Shadow Plane will be of indescribable benefits to him on his journey as the master of the laws of space.

The Lord God of Space really couldn't find any reason to refuse to convince himself, so after only a second of hesitation, he and the three goddesses of fate stood in the same camp on the shadow plane.

"Of course not!" Adam glanced at the Lord God of Space who was still immersed in joy until now, and said depressingly, "I mean that the gods may have been used as guns by the three goddesses of destiny."

Perhaps from the very beginning, the real purpose of the three goddesses of destiny was to gain control of part of the shadow plane. As for whether the creatures of Great Nanzhou were really sacrificed by the God of Truth, they didn't care at all.

"But the temptation to obtain the right to control part of the shadow plane is too great."

The Goddess of Earth and Plenty remembered how the gods wanted to nod but were afraid to do so because of the strength of the God of Truth.

Under the rare joint implementation of the will of the main gods of the multiverse, and the joint attack of the gods through the Great Nanzhou incident, even the God of Truth can only hand over part of the control of the shadow plane to be distributed by the gods.

Currently, the only continents that merge with the Shadow Plane are Yasha and Dananzhou, but once they gain partial control, the gods can allow the Shadow Plane to merge with the mainland within a specific area.

For example, Destruction and Flame Demon God can completely connect the Shadow Plane with a volcano in the Jiaoyan Dynasty, and then connect it with a volcano in the lava area, thus constructing a brand new channel connecting the surface world and the lava area.

The demons can reach the surface world in a short time by passing through two volcanoes.

More importantly, compared with the large amount of rare materials consumed by the traditional space teleportation array, the teleportation through the shadow plane does not need to consume materials, and he uses the power of the entire shadow plane!
Therefore, in the face of the proposal of the three goddesses of fate, the gods knew the serious consequences that might be caused by the shadow plane, but in the end it was still difficult to let go of this piece of fat.

It has to be said that the three goddesses of fate found a good excuse to unite with the gods to give the god of truth a fatal blow.

"I agree with His Majesty Adam's point of view. To be honest, it's not just the three goddesses of fate, but also the God of truth. No matter what they decide, I will subconsciously suspect whether it is another conspiracy." The goddess of life frowned.

In this regard, Adam couldn't agree more. The God of Truth used the Pantheon to open the gods and was trapped in the mirror space to attack the main god. This hand was played too beautifully, and it was so unexpected.

"Your Majesty Adam, as the first Lord God to fight against the God of Truth after becoming the Lord God of Time, what do you think is his strength?" the Lord God of Space calmed down and asked very solemnly.

"It is conservatively estimated that without the cooperation of the four main gods, it would be difficult to restrain the God of truth. As for the severe injury or even the fall, I am afraid that two more main gods will have to be added." Adam's face was very serious, "The law of time is too weird. If it wasn't for me at the time The speed of the divine brilliance has reached the limit and breaks through the time constraints, and it will be wiped out in a few seconds."

This is not counting the damage caused by the counterattack before the fall of the God of Truth.

"But looking on the bright side, at least the first enemy of the God of Truth is the three goddesses of fate and not us." The Lord God of Space admits that he can't see through the three goddesses of destiny and the god of truth.

"The priesthood of chaos... the priesthood of time..."

Adam murmured, but in the end he didn't ask questions like 'how did the God of Truth comprehend the law of time while becoming the master of the laws of chaos', but chose to skip this somewhat heavy topic.

"Speaking of priesthood, what do your majesties think about the behavior of the god who just killed?"

"I can only talk about the magic of fate. Last second, the God of Slaughter was an unlucky guy who lost all his believers and hovered on the verge of falling. Who would have thought that the next second he would become the first person in the multiverse to verify the path of social priesthood and open the social god system. the gods."

The goddess of earth and fertility recalled the situation at that time: "I have to say that he gave me a lot of new inspiration and inspiration."

It happened when the Pantheon meeting was over and the gods were preparing to leave the Pantheon.

The God of Slaughter suddenly stood up from his seat and declared to the world: "I am Kira, the God of Slaughter, embracing killing without fear of death!"

"Killing is the key to death, the end of life, the death of all things..."

"All fights, murders, and fights in the world belong to the category of killing!"

"Anyone who believes in the God of Slaughter will draw strength from fighting and blood..."

The gods reacted immediately, and the God of Slaughter, who was almost at the end of the road, quickly interpreted the priesthood of killing he held after receiving the information fed back from the Pantheon, and embarked on another path.

As the voice of the God of Slaughter resounded in the hearts of all beings, the God of Slaughter himself also underwent corresponding changes.

The gods could clearly see a divine fire wrapped in priesthood crystal rising from the back of the killing god's head, burning blazingly.

Two brand-new priestly crystals were born in the divine fire almost immediately, with a dark red luster, smaller than the original killing priestly crystals.

Murder priesthood!

Killer priesthood!
At the same time, the information representing the position of the God of Slaughter was exposed to the gods naked because the other party did not hide it, and it was changing rapidly.

God Name: God of Slaughter

God name: Kira

Portfolio: Slay, Murder, Killer

Rank: Weak divine power

Beliefs gathered sparsely from all directions, poured into the fire of the God of Slaughter, and transformed into divine power, gradually filling the opponent's divine power that was gradually drying up due to the death of believers.

Although not much, it is a completely earth-shaking change compared to the bleak situation of Shenhuo just now.

Among these beliefs, the vast majority are killers and assassins who wander in the gray and dark areas, and the others are fighters who recognize the idea of ​​the God of Slaughter and enjoy the pleasure of killing and desire to fight.

When the God of Slaughter declared his clergy philosophy and teachings and became the first true social god in the multiverse, a new wave of information was mapped into the minds of the gods.

That's it!

Adam carefully sorted out the information given by the multiverse, and knew that his guess just now was not wrong. The God of Slaughter is now embarking on another path to ascend to the Lord God with the priesthood, that is, the God of Humanity and Society.

The opposite of the social god is the natural god of heaven and nature who ascended to the main god by law and obtained the godhead of law, like Adam.

Whether the social gods are powerful or not depends on their understanding of the nature of priesthood and the size of their belief groups.

As the first social god, the God of Slaughter, who has just embarked on this brand-new path, immediately gathered two new priesthoods [Conspiracy] and [Assassin] with the support of the cosmic force after announcing to the whole world, and gained some killers. , The response of the assassin group, choose him as a belief.

Because as far as the concept is concerned, the God of Slaughter and the killers and assassins walking in the dark resonate in terms of thought and behavior. They grow up in killing and draw strength from blood and death.

Killers and assassins who believe in the God of Slaughter, or other warriors, even have a chance (rarely) to be selected by the God of Slaughter to become a priest when their belief level reaches a certain level, a priest who can release some divine spells but is a power-type profession!
Seeing this message, the first thing that popped into Adam's mind was not Glory Fighting Qi and Templars, but the Priest of the Lord of War.

Odin's priests are all strong and powerful fighters, but they have a relatively small number of divine arts compared with normal priests.

Obviously, the Lord God of War may have touched this path a long time ago, but it was not perfect enough.

It is foreseeable that in the multiverse future there will be more types of occupations based on the field of gods and clergy, just like the templars in the temple, which are between spell occupations and strength occupations.

The topic returned to the God of Slaughter. The more people who recognized the concept and behavior of the God of Slaughter, the stronger the group of believers of the God of Slaughter would be, and the more faith and divine power they could obtain.

But on the other hand, compared with natural gods, social gods are more constrained by faith than natural gods while being bound by their own ideas and teachings!
In other words, because they can only draw divine power from Xinyang and priesthood, social gods are more dependent on sentient beings, and their strength will fluctuate due to the strengthening and weakening of beliefs.

——Social gods will basically not have godheads, because godheads are the product of condensed laws, and when gods take the path of social gods, they will probably never touch the laws again.

If a god of killing one day does not advocate killing as a means of resolving conflicts, does not practice killing, and violates the concept of priesthood, then it will not be far from the collapse of the priesthood crystal, the decline of the god's rank, and even the collapse of the divine fire.

In addition, social gods are more likely to trigger god wars due to conflicts in camps and ideas.

This is not difficult to understand. Assuming that the peace knight in the kingdom of truth is also on the path of a social god, then only by quelling wars, eliminating killings, and bringing peace can she gain new beliefs and divine powers.

In this way, the God of Slaughter, who advocates killing, is fundamentally in conflict with the Knight of Peace.

The two can coexist, but there must be a trade-off relationship.

If the killing in the world has the upper hand, the killing force will increase, the killing god will grow stronger, and the peace knight's divine power will be weakened, and vice versa.

In fact, there is no need to take the Knight of Peace as an example. There is a god in the pantheon who casts a resentful look at the God of Slaughter when the gods are happy because they have a new path and have the God of Slaughter as a reference—the God of Darkness. The God of Assassins.

As the professional god of the assassin group, the belief groups of the God of Assassins and the God of Slaughter overlap to a large extent.

At the moment when the God of Slaughter became a god of society, the God of Assassins felt the loss and weakening of faith, and the belief group was diverted by the God of Slaughter.

But the God of Slaughter obviously doesn't care about this, because he prefers to face the hostility of an Assassin God than to die after his divine power is exhausted.

What's more, he still maintains the rank of true god, which is a whole rank higher than the god of assassins. In the social god system, he is called a weak god.

Just like natural gods are divided into three ranks: demigod, true god, and main god from the moment they ignite the fire, social gods also have their own division method, and it is more detailed. From low to high, they are divided into weak divine power, weak divine power, medium divine power, There are five kinds of powerful divine power and great divine power.

Among them, weak divine power corresponds to demigods, weak divine power, medium divine power, and strong divine power correspond to true gods—the rank of true gods is the stage where social gods are most frequently affected by belief constraints—great divine power corresponds to main gods.

As for whether the powerful divine power is the end and the end of the social god, Adam can clearly say no, because according to the information he obtained, or the information obtained by the main gods present, there is a supreme divine power above the powerful divine power, Corresponding to the king of gods.

The goddess of earth and abundance looked at Adam, the goddess of life, and the main god of space. Among the four main gods present, only her law of the earth was not among the top ten laws, and she missed the throne of the god king.

But the Goddesses of Earth and Fertility are not gods who give up easily: "I currently hold two priesthoods, Earth and Harvest, which correspond to natural priesthood and social priesthood respectively. Therefore, I wonder if I can achieve great divine power as a social god , just like obtaining the second main god position."

As the main god, the goddess of earth and abundance is fully qualified.

"I have to say this is a good idea, Your Majesty Farisa! You must know that once you take the path of a social god based on the priesthood of Harvest, your believers will definitely be the largest group in the entire main material plane!"

Harvest, agriculture, the corresponding believers are naturally farmers.

Although they are at the bottom of society, they are the most widely distributed professional group on the main material plane, with a large number.

If the Goddess of Earth and Fertility can incorporate the huge group of farmers into the belief system, Adam feels that it will be much easier for Farisa to obtain powerful divine power than to obtain the Lord of Destruction.

The goddess of life nodded in agreement: "Indeed, compared to the potential of the priesthood of harvest, my priesthood of life is developing towards the direction of a social god, which is probably related to fertility, women, reproduction, species, evolution, plants, animals, forests, etc."

"It looks interesting, but considering the fact that I'm trying to get a second main god, maybe it can make Vera develop in this regard."

Vera is the follower of the goddess of life, Vera, the god of reproduction, used to be the high priest of life, and became a god after eating a golden apple.

"It's very difficult for me to develop my space priesthood in the direction of a social god." The space master really can't think of any connection between space and society.

"No, in fact there are."

"Your Majesty Adam, what did you think of?"

"Transportation, travel, shipping, and space teleportation."

"Hmm—" Space Lord God thought about it, and there was indeed some truth to it.

But it’s just a matter of pondering. The space lord god himself walked the path of being the lord of laws. It is definitely a smooth path in terms of whether he can hit the throne of the god king. Unlike the earth and the goddess of abundance, he needs to combine the social god and the natural god himself. explore.

Therefore, he had no intention of developing the space priesthood in the direction of a social god, but thought of another suggestion.

"As the main god in charge of the laws of space, I think I can help ignite the fire of legends who intend to develop in the fields of transportation, travel, etc., and re-establish the space god system by the way."

A pantheon based on priestly authority is quite different from a pantheon based on race (the Titan pantheon) or energy attributes (the dark pantheon).

"Looking forward to the coming of that day." Adam sincerely wished, and then looked at the goddess of the earth and fertility, "Your Majesty Farisa, I have an idea about your obtaining powerful divine power based on the priesthood of harvest..."

"Of course, Your Majesty Adam, I'm listening."

"I will let the Holy Church come forward to assist the Harvest Church to promote your achievements and beliefs as the Harvest Goddess in the Holy Griffin Empire."

The faces of the Goddess of Earth and Plenty, the Goddess of Life, and the Lord of Space changed at the same time: "Your Majesty Adam, this—"

They have never seen anyone who personally introduced foreign beliefs into the country of their own beliefs.

"I know this sounds exaggerated, but with the growth of the social god group, the pattern of dividing beliefs by country and region will inevitably be broken, and the goals of belief groups will be more carefully divided. Of course, we can intervene through the church, However, this is the inevitable result of the development of the multiverse, and the trend of the times can stop hundreds of years and thousands of years, but absolutely cannot exceed one era."

"Your Majesty Adam means that instead of passively accepting it, why not spread the faith within our alliance?" the Goddess of Life guessed.

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to say."

Although Adam's sun priesthood can develop a series of social priesthoods such as hope, light, and dawn, but like the goddess of life, his goal is to destroy the priesthood, and there is no reason to take the path of social gods.

But if he doesn't leave, it doesn't mean that there are no gods in the heavenly pantheon to develop in this direction, such as Andrew, the god of knights, Isabella, the goddess of magic, and even Raphael, the angel of evangelism, and Simon, the angel of judgment.

"I can only say that I took advantage, His Majesty Adam. I have no objection!" The Goddess of Earth and Plenty gave Adam a thankful look.

"Of course I have no objection. In the future, Naque and Vera will need the care of the three majesties."

The space lord shrugged: "What else can I say? Although it is the most disadvantaged one, but--I will join!"

"Okay!" Adam showed a happy smile, "Then it's settled. After completing the construction of our respective divine kingdom planes, let's conclude a contract with the Styx oath."

 The remaining 4000 are still in yards, it is a bit late, I suggest you look at it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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