Templar Sun King

Chapter 47 Silver Paladin

Chapter 47 Silver Paladin

No one thought that this knight who obeyed Adam's order would advance to the next level after killing Emma!
It's too sudden, although many people like the scene of breaking through in combat and then escaping from the enemy or even killing the opponent outright.

But it is precisely because such things rarely happen in reality that everyone will talk about it and feel great satisfaction.

Now such an example is vividly appearing in front of them.

Bit recalled the situation when he himself was promoted from the bronze rank to the silver rank. He stayed in the bronze rank for four full years, and he didn't know how much effort it took to become a silver powerhouse.

Judging from Andrew's previous performance, his strength has indeed reached the bronze level.

But after stabbing Emma to death with a sword, he was promoted without warning, and Bit was a little dazed, whether his talent was not enough or Andrew's talent was too scary.

Could it be that if he had stabbed Emma to death with a single sword just now, he would have been promoted to the gold rank logically?

Bit descended from the sky, throwing out the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

Before Andrew was promoted to the silver rank, he had the strength of a high-level bronze. Even in Falcon City, he could be regarded as a high-level combat power. This can be seen from the fact that he can fight Emma for a period of time.

What's more, he himself is a knight.

Knights have always been a noble profession, and training a knight is not like ordinary warriors that can be trained casually.

In addition to mastering the basic martial arts of warriors, they also need to learn various knowledge such as military law, strategy, and etiquette.

It must be extraordinary to be able to cultivate a knight like Andrew, not to mention that such an excellent knight is just a guardian knight of the black iron mage!

Oh, fortunately, this black iron mage has now broken through to the first level of bronze, but even so, isn't it a bit overkill to have a silver knight follow him closely to do things?

You must know which silver rank professional in Falcon City does not have enough status and power.

Bit, the lord of Falcon City, Emma, ​​the deputy lord of Falcon City, and of course the president of the Mage Union, a silver earth mage.

James, who had just fought with them on the field, holds the title of bishop in the Church of Dawn, with a high position and authority.Only Andrew, just a guardian knight!
Not to mention the knowledgeable onlookers, such as Martin and Pepin, even Bit felt a bit absurd in such a situation.

Did the faction that Adam belonged to take a Silver Knight too seriously, so he casually arranged a position similar to that of a follower?

Under everyone's complicated gazes, streaks of milky white fighting spirit emerged from Andrew's body, wrapping his whole body in a layer of unusually holy looking fighting spirit.

The president and Bit found that the vindictiveness emanating from Andrew was the same as the holy light used by Adam and Yaoling, full of a sacred aura. This kind of spell and vindictive effect in the same line made them more fully affirmed that the power behind Adam was very powerful. strong.

In addition to the fact that Andrew advanced to the silver rank itself made them feel sideways, Andrew was able to use his fighting spirit to protect himself the moment he advanced to the silver rank, which was a very terrifying talent.

Just after Andrew killed Emma with a single sword just now, Adam immediately received a reminder from the holy space to increase his career level.

At the same time as his professional level was raised, the level of the first hero Andrew was also raised from level 10 to level 11, officially entering the silver rank.

What's more important is that after Andrew's professional level became level 11, the fighting energy seeds in his body that were originally condensed from glory fighting energy grew instantly, and dense branches were born to swim in Andrew's body, transmitting the fighting energy to the body in every muscle, every bone.

At the same time, starting from the powerful Dou Qi seeds, the Glory Dou Qi has all advanced into milky white Glorious Dou Qi.

Andrew held a big sword in his hand, and the sword was also covered with a layer of faintly glowing milky white fighting spirit, brilliant fighting spirit.

"The vindictive attribute has also been developed!" Some female adventurers stared dazedly at the tall, mature and handsome knight in the arena, and felt their breaths become short of breath.

In the bronze stage, Andrew only had a small group of fighting qi seeds formed by the glorious fighting qi in his body, which could only slightly increase his physical fitness, tap his physical potential, and initially master extraordinary power.

After reaching the silver level, Andrew's control and utilization of fighting energy reached an unprecedented level, and the deeper effects of fighting energy gradually emerged.

Dou Qi is attached to the weapon to increase the power of the weapon to attack, or emerge from the body to resist the spell attack of the caster. These are the basic functions of Dou Qi after being promoted to the silver rank.

However, ordinary silver fighters basically stay at the level of fighting spirit protection and increasing the power of weapons, because the deeper effects have higher requirements on the level of fighting spirit and training methods.

The real meaning of fighting qi in the silver stage is to obtain energy attributes, and even to alienate the body to obtain various incredible abilities.

This is the real means by which strength-type fighters can compete with spell-type casters.

After ordinary fighters enter the silver rank, their potential has basically been tapped. Coupled with the restrictions of background and other aspects, the level of grudge is not high, and the deep-seated effects will naturally not be manifested.

But Andrew was different. After his level reached level 11, he immediately advanced all Glory Fighting Qi to Radiant Fighting Qi, and immediately developed the attributes of Glorious Fighting Qi.

In fact, judging from the name of Guanghui Dou Qi, it is easy to draw the conclusion that he is of the light attribute.

After the grudge acquires an attribute, it will also carry the essence of this attribute.

The light energy embodied in the glorious grudge is defense and healing, which is the fundamental reason why the Paladin profession is called a defense master.

As for alienation, Andrew has not yet reached this level, and needs to continue to improve his professional level to show it.

Now, Andrew knew that he was sure to deal with anyone on the field. He was also in the silver rank, and he was good at defense. Even if he faced the spellcaster who was best at long-range attacks, he would not be as powerless and embarrassed as before.

Andrew nodded to Bit and the president. If Bit hadn't shot at a critical moment just now, he and Adam would still be in danger now.

The field was very quiet for a while, except for the sound of Andrew's footsteps walking to Adam's side.

The Yaoling flying in the air has long been hovering around Adam, laying down one after another holy shields around him to protect Adam's safety.

A Yaoling rested on Andrew's shoulder, communicating with Andrew through means unknown to outsiders.

Adam has never been so clear about the bright energy floating in the air as he is now.

The perception of energy and elements by the black iron step and the bronze step is completely different. Before, he just simply sensed the existence of elements and energy.

Now the whole world has become six colors, white of light energy, black of dark energy, red of fire element, yellow of earth element, blue of water element, and blue of air element, like a huge graffiti board.

The four elements and the two energies of light and darkness are so clearly displayed in front of him, and the light energy wraps around his body in the form of holy light visible to the naked eye, making him look extraordinarily sacred and majestic.

A ball of milky white holy light shone in the heart, and at the outermost periphery of the spherical holy light, six different runes were flying rapidly according to their respective tracks.The bright energy from the outside world continues to gather into the holy light at the heart, making this holy light even bigger.

He is obviously not a priest of any god, but in the eyes of the president, Bit and the bishop, Adam, shrouded in holy light, is more authentic than any priest!
First, Andrew advanced from bronze to silver, and now the mage Adam advanced from black iron to bronze. They seemed to have negotiated, perhaps as a way to celebrate killing Emma.

Feeling the bright energy surrounding him, Adam knew that he had finally become a Bronze rank mage!

Since there is Andrew, the guardian of the silver paladin, he can't wait to take this opportunity to put all his consciousness into the sanctuary space.

(End of this chapter)

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