Templar Sun King

Chapter 48 Level 6

Chapter 48 Level 6

The moment Adam's consciousness came to the sanctuary space, he found that the sanctuary space had undergone tremendous changes.

First of all, the space of the sanctuary has been expanded by more than two times, and the distance between buildings has been further separated, leaving a large grass field in the middle.

Whether it is a farm, a sun garden or a wolf forest, their building area will also expand after the space of the sanctuary expands.

Looking from a distance, the farm is a large stretch of crops with excellent growth, and the castle that existed at the beginning looks even more magnificent now, with various spiers reaching into the sky, which is very spectacular and beautiful.

The militiamen had an orderly division of labor. Some practiced martial arts in the open space in front of the castle, some stood guard on the castle, and some patrolled in groups of three, full of vitality.

Seven newborn Yaolings are flying happily in the sun garden, and the Timberwolves are shuttling through the larger wolf forest.

Adam also saw a group of Timberwolves sitting on the top of the mountain, howling towards the sky, and the entire sanctuary looked so beautiful and full of vitality.

The bigger change came from the top of the sanctuary space, where a huge ball of light appeared, which looked like a sun exclusive to the sanctuary space, emitting huge light and heat.

Adam even felt a breeze blowing, which was very comfortable and refreshing.

The sanctuary space is becoming more and more like a real world!

"Your occupation level has been raised to 6!"

"Level up, automatically learn spell blessing!"

"Level up, get 1 action point!"

"Level up, Militia +7, Yaoling +7, Timberwolves +7!"

As before, a brand new spell appears on the skill bar on the right after the occupation level is upgraded, the last spell among the three basic spells, Blessing!
Blessing: release a ray of holy light to increase the positive state of the designated target, and respectively increase strength, endurance, speed, defense, and spirit. The current spell effect is to increase strength.

After the complete blessing technique is released, it can boost the target in five aspects at the same time, from physical quality to mental and spiritual.

Judging from Adam's current level 6 priest's professional level, he can only increase the target's power after releasing the blessing, which is only one-fifth of the effect of the full blessing, but it is still very practical. Auxiliary spells.

This may not seem to be very powerful, but the effect reflected in the battle is obvious.

Especially when Adam recalled that in the game, a large group of priests bless the soldiers rushing forward with blessings, the significantly improved combat power can make the enemy feel terrified.

After Adam raised his career level to 6, the effect and power of the previously learned basic spells also had a breakthrough growth.

In the battle just now, Adam's sacred shield was breached by James in one fell swoop. One reason was that the opponent's strength was too high, and the crushing effect was very obvious.

Another reason is that the holy shield released by Adam's level 5 priest at that time was too reluctant to defend against the attack of a silver bishop.

But when Adam successfully advanced to the bronze rank, the magic effect of the holy shield also increased. Although it cannot be said that James' attack can be blocked, at least the time he can last under his attack has increased a little.

Click on the building list. In addition to the farm that can be upgraded now, there is also a brand new shiny building, the barracks!
Barracks: The building of the core arms, the place where the temple trains fighters, every time the occupation level increases, you can summon sentry*5.

After Adam became a level 6 priest, he finally gained the ability to build core arms buildings, which also meant that Adam could start summoning core arms in addition to the three basic arms of militia, Yaoling, and Timberwolves.

It is worth noting that when summoning basic arms, each upgrade can summon 7 units of arms.

In the core unit building, only 5 units of units can be summoned per upgrade.

This is also something that cannot be helped. It is not unacceptable that the number of units that can be summoned each time drops from the basic variant to the core unit.

Adam pointed at the icon of the barracks and gave the order to build it.

A soft holy light descended from the sky and landed behind the Hall of Heroes.The area originally shrouded in fog gradually dissipated, revealing a large open space.Soon, a brand new building appeared on the clearing.

The building is about the size of three football fields. The main body is made of stone that Adam can't name.

The gate of the barracks opened slowly, and five sentry guards walked out from inside.

They hold long swords in their left hands and shields in their right hands. They are very majestic and mighty in silver armor.

On their shields and armor, there is a very obvious animal pattern printed, it is a monster with the body and claws of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle.

Adam knew that this animal was called a griffin, and it was one of the elite units in the sanctuary space, and it was also one of the symbols of the sanctuary.

The sentinel walked up to Adam, knelt down on one knee and saluted in an orderly manner.

Sentinel: The core unit, a strictly trained Templar warrior, possesses a standard fighting spirit and a glorious fighting spirit. It is the first line of defense of the temple.

Shield Guards: Sentry guards with strict discipline and tacit cooperation can use their shields to effectively defend against long-range attacks including spells.

Just as Adam thought, the sentinel of the core unit already possessed fighting spirit at the beginning of its birth, which is equivalent to the bronze rank in this world.

Moreover, after being recruited, sentry guards have a skill, shield guard, a defensive skill, which has never appeared in basic arms before.

"From now on, your name will be Hunter."

In the past, his opponent was only at the bronze rank, but now there are five sentry guards of the same strength all of a sudden, and Adam feels very satisfied.

Click on the character interface, the shading of the first hero icon next to the projection of the Adam character turns into a beautiful silver color, and even Andrew's profile picture on it looks more mature and handsome.

Name: Andrew
Occupation: Paladin (brilliant grudge)
Rating: 11
Feats: Natural Leader, Defense Mastery

Adam felt that the biggest advantage brought about by the promotion of the professional level this time was that Andrew became a level 11 paladin. In terms of the strength division of this world, he was promoted to the silver rank.

When facing the bronze enemy before, Adam didn't feel much pressure. As long as he operated properly, the troops from the sanctuary space could defeat them with crowd tactics.

When the enemy changed to a silver rank, Adam found that everything was different.

This is even more obvious when facing Emma. Despite the help of the bronze high-ranking first hero Andrew, Adam still feels very powerless.

He can summon enough units, but if his strength is not strong enough, no amount of them will be futile.

Fortunately, both he and Andrew have raised their professional level to a new stage, so even if he encounters a silver-ranked enemy again, he won't feel helpless.

At this time, Adam's own information on the character interface has also become like this:

Name: Adam Weaving
Occupation: The first authorized owner of the sanctuary space, priest

Rating: 6
Arms: Militia (42), Yaoling (35), Timberwolves (28), Sentry (5)

Looking at the gradually increasing number of arms on the information, Adam knew it was time to go out and deal with Silver Bishop James.

What makes Adam feel funny is that when he first came to this world and heard about the Church of Dawn, he was still regretting why he didn't go to the Church of Dawn. In that case, as a white mage, he might still be able to achieve a good status and achievements in the noble council .

But the world is impermanent, and it didn't take long for a group of priests of the Church of Dawn to die because of him, and now he has to deal with a silver bishop!
This church that believed in the Lord of the Dawn seemed to be completely offended.

(End of this chapter)

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