Chapter 46

If anyone doesn't know what shock is, it's the look on Emma's face.

A high-ranking bronze knight actually smashed her winter halo with the power of fighting spirit, which has never happened before!
The Yaolings dutifully added healing spells to Bit and Andrew to treat their injuries.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Adam raised his wand, facing Emma with a beam of sun flames.

The intense beam of bright energy came to Emma almost the moment Adam raised his wand.

Emma wanted to activate the spell defense, but there was no extra time, so she could only hide aside.

But the ray of yang flame still brushed away her shoulder, leaving a wound on her shoulder.

The sneak attack was successful!

Andrew lived up to the opportunity created by Adam, quickly came to Emma's side, raised his big sword and chopped down.

At the critical moment, a frost shield appeared in front of Emma.

Crash!The Frost Aegis was shattered by Andrew's full blow, and the great sword cut a huge wound on Emma's body.If it wasn't for the Frost Aegis to block it at a critical point, this sword could have killed Emma.

After being injured, Emma let out a cry of pain. After realizing the unprecedented danger, Emma used the flying technique to fly into the air before Andrew's second sword attacked.

This time, no matter how hard Andrew tried, he couldn’t hurt Emma.

But Adam did not give up. On the contrary, the injured Emma was not flying fast at all, and quickly released another beam of sun flames.

"Ah!" Emma screamed and placed three Frost Aegis in front of her, one of which was broken by Adam's continuous attacks.

Then, furious, she waved her wand quickly, and a powerful airflow formed with Emma as the center, and snowflakes appeared in the air with the rotation of the airflow.

In just one minute, the originally sunny weather disappeared, thick clouds appeared in the sky, and snowflakes as big as palms fell down one after another.

"Silver tier frost spell, Blizzard!" A mage watching called out the name of the spell that Emma was casting.

After entering the silver level, the spellcaster can truly gain the ability to cast group attack spells, and the spell that can change the sky like Blizzard is the best among them.

Within the enveloped range of the blizzard, all targets will be hit by indiscriminate spells.And the target designated by the spell master is attacked by a powerful frost effect.

Everyone within a diameter of 200 meters from Emma felt like winter was coming, and the temperature dropped sharply. These were just the aftermath of this blizzard spell.

Really in the center are Andrew and Adam.

After all, Andrew possessed a fighting spirit body shield. Although his body felt stiff, he could barely protect himself.Adam was not so lucky. He almost lost consciousness and almost fell to the ground.

"She must be stopped, or it will be bad."

Right now, the Blizzard spell is still in the making. If it waits until it is fully formed, Adam feels that he can almost say goodbye to this world.

At this time, another person appeared in front of Emma, ​​with a khaki-colored grudge wrapped in a long sword and slashed at Emma!

It's bit!
Adam showed an excited look, and Bit seized this opportunity to make a move!
Generally speaking, when the caster is at the bronze level, he can rely on the levitation technique to float in the air, although the movement speed will not be much faster than running, at least he can gain the ability to fight in the air.

If a Bronze caster is determined to float in the air and attack a warrior, unless his opponent is an archer, there is basically nothing he can do except cry and run.

And after reaching the silver level, the ability of the spellcaster can go a step further, and you can learn the very practical spell of flying.After learning it, spellcasters can truly fly freely like birds in the sky.

Before the silver rank, fighters did not have any means of flying, but after advancing to the silver rank, they could finally fly in the air by relying on the gradually growing fighting spirit in their bodies.

Now Bit is flying to Emma's side to attack Emma when she casts a group attack spell Blizzard.

The more powerful the spell, the longer it takes to prepare, and the magic backlash received after being interrupted is also more powerful.That's what Beetle played.

Emma, ​​in a rage, didn't realize Bit's coming when he slashed at her, with a horrified expression on her face, but she couldn't do anything about it.She wanted to use the flying technique to leave this place quickly and escape from Bit's attack range.

But all her magic power and spiritual power are used on the powerful frost spell of blizzard, and being able to maintain the floating effect of the flying spell is already her ultimate.

If you want to leave at this time, unless you give up the spell of blizzard immediately.

But God knows that she hasn't fully mastered the Blizzard spell herself, because she was hurt by Adam's sun beam and was dazzled by anger, so she wanted to release it to teach Adam a lesson.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the end.

The only person on the court who had a chance to help her was James, and he actually did.

In his opinion, Emma and he are in the same camp, and once Emma changes, he will become a weak person.A volley of fireballs shot from his scepter, attacking Bit.

This is an advanced version of the silver-level fire spell, Lianzhu Fireball, and Fireball.

It is in such a situation that a person intervenes in this battle.His target is James, the silver bishop of the Church of Dawn.


A faint voice came from a distance. James obviously knew who the owner of the voice was, but his body had been torn by a huge force, and he could no longer keep floating in the air and fell to the ground.

James' face was flushed red, the gravitational force from the earth was artificially amplified five times, and all the magic power in his body was used to fight against this huge force, but he still heard the sound of bones breaking in his body.

Under the sneak attack of the opponent, he was injured, and the injury was not serious.

James healed himself with healing spells while looking forward. At this moment, he finally sensed the person who attacked him there.

A middle-aged mage came slowly not far away, wearing a gray magic robe and a mustache. Some mages recognized him as the president of their own mage union.

A silver-ranked earth mage stepped in!

At the same time, Bit's great sword fell!

The two Frost Aegis defending in front of Emma were as fragile as glass in front of Bit's vindictive sword, and an arm holding a wand was cut off from Emma.

Emma let out a violent scream. Whether it was the physical injury or the spell backlash caused by the interruption, she could no longer use the flying technique to fly in the sky and fall to the ground.

It is not at all surprising that such a result will take a long time. Bit's strength is already above Emma's, and has basically reached the silver level.

If Emma hadn't taken advantage of the battle between Bit and Stuart to attack him, she wouldn't have hurt him.Now Bit does the same thing—sneak attack, chopping off one of Emma's arms.

"Kill her, Andrew!" Adam ordered.

Whatever the reason, Emma must die.

Emma didn't die when she fell to the ground, she just rolled and howled on the ground.

The backlash from the spell blizzard began to appear on her body, her skin turned a strange blue in the ultra-low temperature, and a faint layer of frost appeared on her face.

Regarding Adam's order, Andrew did not hesitate at all. He raised his sword and quickly arrived in front of Emma, ​​stabbing at Emma's heart with his sword.

Silver Frost Mage, Emma was stabbed to death with a sword.

Just after Andrew stabbed Emma to death, the three silver professional presidents present, Bit and James noticed milky white vindictiveness visible to the naked eye coming out of this high-ranking bronze knight!

This knight advanced in battle! ?

Wait, not only this knight has been promoted, even the white mage named Adam has also been promoted at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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