Templar Sun King

Chapter 155 Life Absorption (1)

Chapter 155 Life Absorption (1)

When Adam woke up from a coma, he found himself thrown on a soft sofa. He blinked, facing the beautiful oil paintings and ornaments on the wall facing him, the aristocratic atmosphere was overwhelming.

Considering that he was caught by the mummy in the sarcophagus before he passed out, Adam immediately became alert.

"Wake up." A cold voice came from behind.

Adam quickly sat up from the sofa and looked at the place where he was now.This is a magnificently decorated living room, and there are two people sitting not far away from him. A black-haired young man is bare|naked from the upper body, revealing his strong muscles, and a middle-aged man is covered in a black magic robe.

Adam, who is covered in magic robes all over his body, knows that he is Burns, the great mage of Babel, who is famous for his greed.

Then another person...

Adam's eyes fell on the topless young man: this is a man who looks very difficult to get along with, with no expression on his face, and a pair of gray-blue pupils that are cold and inorganic.Adam couldn't feel any sense of being human in him, as if the young man sitting not far from him was a puppet without emotion.

He remembered that the hand protruding from the sarcophagus when he left Auction House No. [-] was not much better than a mummy, but it was very strange that a man who appeared in front of him now turned out to be quite normal.

"Wake up." Adam said dryly.

At the same time, he tried to put his consciousness into the sanctuary space, and this time it went very smoothly, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that as long as he wanted, he could send his body into the sanctuary space together.

In the sanctuary space, everything looked very peaceful.Various arms are trained in their respective buildings, or patrolling in the castle, full of vitality.

At present, the awareness of the five major arms in the sanctuary space, militia Fox, Yaoling Shane, silverback wolf Fenrir, guard Hunter, and sharpshooter Henry, has gradually grown with the growth of their respective arms.Suddenly they heard a loud voice from the sky: Tell Andrew and Simon, I am safe for the time being.

They are the masters of the sanctuary space, and they are also the ones who created them. The five consciousnesses react instantly!

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

One day has passed, and the five people from Isabella, Andrew, Simon, and the Harvest Church have found nothing.

Ever since Adam was caught by the huge yellow wind palm last night, the owner of the palm disappeared into the sky in a piece of yellow wind, and they couldn't catch up at all.

As time passed, Gilderoy could feel that the patience of Andrew and Simon was running out, which could be seen from Simon who was getting more and more irritable and wanted to anger Auction House No. [-].This old man with white hair and white beard has been shrouded in a strong and unstable light energy, as long as there is a stimulus, it will burst out in an instant.

Compared with Simon's irascibility, Andrew seemed a little calmer.

Gildero didn't know where Andrew had brought back a soldier wearing pale gold armor—he felt that soldier should be used to describe this warrior most appropriately—and there was a magical creature on the armor that he couldn't name , with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.From their conversation, Gildero learned that this soldier also belonged to the Weaving family, and now he is also looking for Adam, but he also found nothing.

Is Adam's arrest related to his origin?
Such a thought flashed through his mind. He could understand Andrew's anxiety, but Simon, the priest who claims to be the sun god...

He couldn't understand how a priest and a high-ranking silver bishop would be so anxious about a secular person being taken away.

He swapped his identities with Simon's for a moment and thought about it. If he wanted to become as anxious as Simon, the only thing he could deduce was that there must be something wrong with the Harvest Church.The only goddess who can make him become like this!
Could it be that Adam is an important figure in the Church of the Sun God?
How can it be?Gilder immediately denied this speculation.

After this period of contact, he can be very sure that Adam is a pure white mage and has nothing to do with any church. Perhaps he can add the special situation of "666 people on the blacklist of the Church of Dawn".

And Bella...

Gildero set his sights on the young and beautiful female mage in the team. After Adam was taken away, the beautiful female mage who made Prince Sauk dream about seemed listless all day long.

Yeah, they're already in that relationship, no wonder.

If it weren't for the current occasion, he really wanted to ask Bella why she fell in love with Adam?Shouldn't a powerful and arrogant female mage like Bella prefer that kind of powerful mage?But Adam is just a high-level bronze mage.

Guidero sighed, attracting Simon's glare.

"No offense intended." He quickly raised his hands in apology.Gildero can say with certainty that if he hadn't apologized quickly, Simon, the priest of the sun god who was on the verge of going berserk, would have issued an attack spell in the first second.

Maybe there is really no hope.

He thought maybe he would accompany them to search for another day today, and give up the next day. After all, they came out this time to track down Zoe and her treasure.

"My lord!" Gildero had seen the soldier in pale gold armor running from a distance before, and he looked very excited. Did he find news about Adam?
The appearance of this soldier immediately attracted the attention of Andrew, Simon, and Isabella, including the five people from the Harvest Church.

"The young master said that he is safe for the time being."

"Great!" Isabella finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Just be safe."

God knows how tormented she was after seeing Adam being taken away by Huang Feng's palm. Even Alice rolling and acting cute in front of her couldn't make her feel any better.

"You stay by my side and report to me immediately if you have any news." Andrew let go of his hanging heart, at least Adam is safe so far.As heroes in the sanctuary space, both Andrew and Simon have the authority to summon troops to the sanctuary space, although they cannot summon all of them like Adam.After Adam was captured, Andrew summoned the guards to get the message Adam sent to the sanctuary space.

This is the best way when Adam's specific location cannot be known.Sure enough, the news finally came!

"Yes, my lord." The guard saluted and accepted the order.

"Where did you get the news from? If it's convenient..." Gildero was interrupted by Dai Luogu before he finished speaking.

He explained embarrassingly: "It's just curiosity, pure curiosity, haha, I'm glad to hear that Adam is safe."

Saying so, Gildero always felt that this incident was weird, and there must be something he didn't know happened.

"What exactly do you want?" In the living room, Burns who was caught looked at the weird young man in front of him and said very vigilantly.

He still hasn't recovered from the huge blow. Yes, a golden archmage can basically walk sideways in Uppler and Yasha, but just yesterday he was caught by this man who looked less than thirty The young man grabbed it.

There was indeed someone in this world who could defeat him so easily, and Burns had no doubt about it, but it must be someone as powerful as the Grand Duke of Magic.But the black-haired young man in front of him...

He is so young, God knows how he got so powerful.

Burns had no idea that the black-haired young man sitting in front of him was a mummy lying in a sarcophagus the day before, otherwise he would never have thought of him so simply.

As before, the black-haired youth didn't respond to his question at all.

While Adam was in a coma, Burns had already tried to get some news from the black-haired young man through conversation, but the other party completely ignored him from the beginning to the end, closing his eyes and not knowing what he was doing.

Patience, patience, there will always be a way.Burns said to himself in his heart, no matter how powerful a mage is, he will always be negligent. As long as he waits patiently, he will always seize the opportunity to escape from here, and even launch a counterattack!

Just when Burns finished encouraging himself and began to wonder if the young man was dumb, the young mage who was arrested with him woke up, and he finally heard the first words spoken by the young man.

"Now that we're awake, let's start." Burns said when he saw the black-haired youth open his eyes and looked at Adam.

Those were a pair of cold eyes, without the slightest emotion, more frightening than demons.Burns had fought against the big demons of the golden rank, and at least there was madness and tyranny in their eyes. There was no emotion or fluctuation in the eyes of the black-haired young man in front of him. From the coldness of the soul.

start, start what?Burns suddenly had a bad feeling. He glanced at the young mage sitting on the sofa, and the other party's eyes were also confused.

"What are you..." Burns cleared his throat, planning to stand up from the chair.

The next moment, a huge force pressed his body firmly against the chair, unable to move.

Burns' ominous feeling grew stronger.

"What do you... want to do..." Under the suppression of this huge force, he found that even asking a question was a hundred times more difficult than usual.


healing?What did Healing bring me here for?

Burns suddenly widened his eyes, and he understood what the dark-haired young man in front of him was planning to do.As a black mage, he knows a lot of spells that use other people's bodies, blood, and souls to heal injuries, but he never thought that one day he would become the raw material for one of the spells.

Burns struggled violently, mobilizing the remaining magic power and mental power to release black magic to counterattack.

Something that frightened him happened, and the dark energy floating in the air that he could clearly feel did not respond, like a pool of stagnant water.

The mana is spent, the spell model is built, but the dark energy does not respond, and the spell fails.

This kind of failure is the first time he has encountered in his 30 years of life.

On the other side of him, the black-haired young man had stretched out his right hand and stretched his five fingers towards his head. Immediately afterwards, a strong suction came from the black-haired young man's palm.

(End of this chapter)

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