Templar Sun King

Chapter 154 Catch (2)

Chapter 154 Catch (2)

Adam uttered a swear word. He usually seldom swears, especially in front of Isabella, but seeing Burns, the archmage, easily grabbed by the huge palm, he couldn't help but say .

He didn't know how far away the golden rank was. He had to upgrade to at least level 6 to officially enter the golden rank, and there was a whole silver rank in the middle.But now a genuine golden mage from Babel was caught in front of him!
Whether it was Wendla, Isabella, or the five members of the Harvest Church, their expressions were no different from Adam's at this moment: except shock or shock.

If Burns can be caught so easily, does that mean that the archbishop of the church will have the same fate when facing this mummy.

A thought flashed through Gilderoy's mind, and he immediately dismissed it from his mind: Goddess, he shouldn't be so rude to the venerable archbishop of the church.

"Run!" Someone in the quiet city was the first to yell, and the whole city was enveloped in cries.This bustling city has not been so chaotic for many years.The city's self-defense army looked at the weapons in their hands, and then at the strange yellow wind that easily defeated a golden archmage in the air. They decided that it would be better not to rush forward and die.

However, for Adam, what happened today was just the beginning.Because the next moment, after grabbing Burns, the huge palm actually grabbed Burns in his direction!
In the next two seconds, Adam once thought he was hallucinating, and the big hand made of yellow wind tornado actually attacked them.

It wasn't until Andrew and Simon grabbed one of Adam's arms and accelerated their flight that he realized: They were really attacked!

But do they have any reason to be attacked?
No, not at all!
Adam couldn't understand it, and Isabella and others couldn't understand it either.

"Wait, he's attacking us!" Gildero exclaimed, "Goddess!"

While shouting, he issued a defensive spell to stop him, trying to buy some time for his escape.

But the speed of the palm was faster than any golden wizard he had ever seen. Almost before his defensive spell was completed, the palm was already in front of him.

"Goddess, your devout servant is coming to meet you." Gildero knew there was no way, after all, a golden archmage was easily captured just ten seconds ago, let alone him.So Gildero simply gave up resistance, and prayed to the goddess of fertility in his heart: I just hope that when I die, it will not be too painful.

The whining wind blew past Gildero's ears, and he didn't feel any signs of his body being deserted.

Gildero opened his eyes strangely, and Sybil and the others looked at him with the same look: Huang Feng's palm just passed them by, and even the aftermath didn't attack them.

To be more precise: the target of Huang Feng's palm was not them from the beginning.

The real target is Adam!

This time Adam really uttered a series of swear words, he just went to the auction house to sit for a while, he didn't do anything at all, why is he now the target of Huang Feng's palm.

Andrew and Simon were flying with Adam very fast, but Huang Feng's palm was even faster!

In less than three seconds, Huang Feng's palm was above the three of them, and his five fingers gradually spread.A ball is suspended in the palm of the hand, and inside the ball is Burns who is imprisoned in it.

Hide in the sanctuary space immediately, or there will be no chance!

At this time, Adam didn't care about Isabella being by his side. If he didn't even have his own life, then it would be useless to hide the secret of the sanctuary space no matter how good it was.

Milky white radiance emanated from both Andrew and Simon. The former was radiant fighting spirit, while the latter was purely attracting the surrounding light energy.

"Just fly away?" The surviving people in the city saw Huang Feng's palm chasing a group of people in the night sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky.They cried and shouted excitedly, and hugged the people around them tightly, regardless of whether they knew each other or what their identities were. At this moment, they escaped from the scythe of death together.

Sybil watched the palm fly over her head and grabbed Adam: "Shall we make a move?" Adam was one of the partners Isabella brought to track Zoe.

"It doesn't have much effect." This was the voice of Dai Luogu. In front of Huang Feng's palm, even the Golden Archmage was no match. What's the point of their group of silver being unable to make a move?

Gildero wanted to nod, but suddenly shook his head: "After all, we are partners who work together."

The five bishops of the Harvest Church exchanged views with the knights quickly, and then acted together, although the knights could not play a big role at this time.

At the same time, Simon, the silver high-ranking holy inquisitor, also made a move.

He tapped his huge magic wand twice behind him, and platinum-gold raging flames emerged from the void, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames, separating them from Huang Feng's palm.

Immediately afterwards, the hot and dazzling white light gathered behind Simon, and finally turned into a three-meter-long spear wrapped with platinum lightning bolts.

Templar Spell: Spear of Judgment!
Huang Feng pressed down with his palm, and the sacred flame was broken first.These platinum flames, which can ignite all the dark energy, were instantly frozen, unable to jump, and then the color changed from platinum to yellowish brown, blending into the palm of the hand.

The Judgment Spear rushed through the blockade of the five fingers with great force, made a strong piercing sound in the air, and pierced the palm, where the skinny youth was.

"Good opportunity!" Gildero yelled, releasing Gravity together with Sybil.The two seven-fold gravity spells combined to attack Huang Feng's palm.

At the same time, Su also released an attacking divine spell, trying to buy some time for Adam and the others.

It is unrealistic to completely block Huang Feng's palm. Buying them some time is the only thing they can do, and this requires a huge risk.

The skinny young man felt the strange gravity, he just let out a puzzled "hmm", then stretched out a finger as if nothing was affected, and held down the Judgment Spear that had rushed to the palm of his hand.

The three-meter-long Judgment Spear entwined with white-gold lightning shook violently, and then began to disintegrate into sand from the tip of the spear. In less than three seconds, the entire Judgment Spear turned into yellow sand and disappeared.

At this time, Adam's face was covered with sweat, not because flying consumed too much magic power, but because he found that under the cover of Huang Feng's palm, the whole space seemed to be blocked, and he could feel the existence of the sanctuary space, but Just can't get in!

Since Adam came to this world, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation, it was simply extraordinary!
"Adam, run!"

Isabella took out a fiery red feather from her bosom, activated it, and threw it at Huang Feng's palm.

Adam knew that a gold level fire spell was sealed in that fiery red feather: Meteor Fire Rain.

The city people who survived the disaster raised their heads at this moment, looking at the corner of the night sky that was suddenly dyed red.

Groups of huge fireballs fell from the sky, dragging their long tails, densely packed, illuminating half of the sky.

People with better eyesight can even see a huge yellow palm in the place illuminated by the fire, and that palm just grabbed a golden archmage.

Apparently, fighting continues in faraway places.

"Meteor shower!" Lande called out the name of the spell Isabella cast.

The magical spell released by the three bishops just now did not have the desired effect on Huang Feng's palm at all. It has been a long time since they have encountered such a difficult situation since they became high-ranking bishops of Baiyin.

The five of them hurried out of the attacking range of Meteor Fire Rain. The golden spell Meteor Fire Rain of this fire faction is known for its powerful attack and destructive power.Even if it is only Isabella, a high-ranking silver mage, who is triggering this spell now, it should not be underestimated.

But the skinny young man in Huang Feng obviously didn't have such thoughts. Huang Feng finally changed the gesture of grabbing Adam with his palm, flipped up, and grabbed at the massive and dense fireballs. Countless huge fireballs dragged a long path in the air. The tails all fall to the palms.

Not only did the skinny young man not avoid the gold-level meteor fire shower, but he put on an appearance of welcoming it.

The first fireball fell into the palm of his hand, and immediately turned into a ball of yellow sand and blended into it.Then came the second, third...

In less than half a minute, the golden spell of meteor fire rain disappeared completely in the sky.

Was it broken so simply?

This is a gold-level spell!
The five members of the Harvest Church watched the dark night sky return, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

When Burns' evil dark cloud was swallowed just now, they just watched from a distance, but now the meteor fire rain was literally broken in front of them, and they were shocked beyond measure.

After the meteor fire rain was broken, Huang Feng's palm grew stronger again, and every finger was comparable to that of Huang Feng's tornado at the beginning.The deafening whine and strong suction made it difficult for Adam to fly through the air.

The palm passed over the head of Isabella, who had not fully recovered from the meteor fire shower, and grabbed Adam.

"Be careful!" Andrew shouted anxiously, drew out his long sword and slashed at the palm that had reached the top of his head!
The skinny young man looked coldly at Andrew who was attacking, and flicked Andrew with a huge yellow wind finger, all the glorious fighting spirit protecting Andrew turned into sand, and he fell to the ground.


Then he flicked his finger at Simon next to Adam again, and the spear of judgment that Simon sent out for the second time was sanded, and his body was also thrown to the ground.

Before losing consciousness, Adam saw Isabella's anxious face and the overwhelming yellow wind.

(End of this chapter)

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