Templar Sun King

Chapter 156 Life Absorption (2)

Chapter 156 Life Absorption (2)

When the black-haired young man uttered the word "healing", Adam had an ominous premonition. Sure enough, the next moment he saw Burns imprisoned in a chair, unable to move, and then the black-haired young man opened his hands to him. .

A little bit of faint yellow light escaped from Burns, was pulled into hundreds of slender bands of light, and finally gathered in the open palm of the black-haired youth.

Adam didn't know what it was, and the only thing that was certain was that the yellow light was taken out of his body, which did a lot of damage to Burns.

In front of his eyes, Burns' body was undergoing changes visible to the naked eye: the hair lost its luster, became dull and gradually turned into white hair, the tight and healthy skin slowly slackened and developed age spots, and the light in the eyes spread out...

Burns, who was still struggling violently at the beginning, changed from a middle-aged man to a white-haired and skinny old man in less than a minute, and he continued to age.

Even the aura unique to the golden rank that Burns naturally exudes is rapidly weakening.

In this way, a golden-ranked archmage was turned into a white-haired old man with one foot who had entered the kingdom of death by the dark-haired youth in front of Adam.

Healing, this is healing!

When Burns, the archmage, turned into an old man slumped on the chair without much breath, Adam finally understood what the black-haired youth said about healing: absorbing something similar to life force from someone to replenish himself.

The black-haired young man withdrew his open right hand, and the yellow light gathered in his palm slowly merged into his body.

Adam took a closer look at the black-haired young man, and found that there were not many signs of injury on the other party's body, at least from the outside.

"Who are you... Anyway, let me... know your name..." The power that imprisoned Burns has been released, and asking this question consumes his remaining strength. It can be said that even the most ordinary child can He can be dealt with easily.He slumped on the chair, staring at the black-haired young man with slightly dilated pupils.

That was reconciliation, even if you looked at Adam from a distance, you could feel it.

"Allos Dean." The black-haired young man said coldly, "When you see Death, don't forget to say hello to her for me."

After speaking, Arlos stretched out his right hand again and grabbed Burns. The other party instantly turned into a stone statue, and then rustled into a pile of sand and fell in the living room.

The Golden Archmage, Burns, dies.

Adam swallowed, and just asked the troops in the sanctuary to report safety to Andrew and Simon, but he didn't expect to fall into a new crisis so soon.

Burns, the golden mage from Babel, was sucked out of all his vitality in front of Arlos without any resistance.Not to mention his high-level bronze mage Bai.If there is no accident, he will turn into a pile of sand like Burns in less than 1 minute, no, even less than 1 minute, half a minute is enough to be sucked into a pile of yellow sand by Arlos.

"So, I'm next?" Adam asked.

If Allos' answer is "yes", he will immediately choose to enter the sanctuary space, and then stay there for ten days and a half months without coming out.It was the only way he could do to keep himself safe right now.

"Thinking too much, I just want you to help me heal my injury by arresting you."

I don’t know why, but I can clearly hear the other party’s disdain for me—Adam thinks that maybe he is not strong enough, and his vitality is not as strong as Burns—but when he knows that his vitality will not be sucked away like Burns just now After turning into a pile of sand, Adam breathed a sigh of relief and felt a burst of happiness.

Adam adjusted his sitting position on the sofa to make himself more comfortable: "I don't understand."

The first-level alarm is lifted, and the danger is still there.

He looked him up and down again, but found no signs of injury.As a priest who is proficient in the magic of the temple, he thinks he still has a little insight on this point.

Allos snorted coldly, and then an incredible change occurred in his body.

There was a hideous wound on his strong naked|naked upper body: this wound happened to be at the position of the left heart, and six shiny golden nails—Adam guessed that they should be nails—were nailed to his heart from different parts .

The flesh and blood squirmed and healed where the nails were nailed, and the golden light from the nails washed away the flesh and blood that was about to heal, turning it into a wound again.In the short half a minute that Adam observed the injury on Arlos' chest, this cycle has continued three times.

The six glittering golden nails exude a strong aura of light. There is no doubt that they are definitely very high-grade white magic items.The positions of these six nails are joined together to form a hexagram, which is printed on Allos' heart.

Adam gasped. If such an injury were placed on an ordinary professional, the target would have already been sent to the Kingdom of Death. Even a gold-level professional would be fatal if he suffered a heart injury. How could he receive treatment.

Before today, Adam was quite confident in the healing of the sanctuary space spell, but after seeing the injuries on Arlos, he was a little shaken.

Can such an injury healing technique really heal?It may be necessary to advance to the silver rank.

"You can try first."

"Okay, okay." For the sake of his own life, Adam quickly agreed.Now it seems that the other party has no intention of hurting him, but who can guarantee that Allos will not explode in the next moment.Do you want to switch to other attack spells to help the six nails suppress Allos with all your strength?
Adam could feel that the six nails on Allos' body had been absorbing the light energy floating in the air, causing huge trauma to Allos' body.

This may also be the reason why the opponent absorbed Burns' life, to suppress the injury and prevent it from getting worse.

"If you dare to use other spells except healing, you will die."

"No, no, I will definitely use the healing technique, wait!" Adam hurriedly waved his hands to indicate that he would not mess around.Just kidding, the person sitting in front of him is a strong man who can't even resist the Golden Archmage, so he will definitely not be too reckless.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly realized that since he saw the sarcophagus in the No. [-] auction house, he had never mentioned the healing spell. How did Arlos know about it.

Is it mind reading?No no no, how is it possible, this is ridiculous.

"Not at all ridiculous."

Adam seemed to have been doused with cold water, and then he immediately calmed down, cleared all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and entered a state of high meditation—this is a method for mages to exercise their spiritual power.

Allos glanced at Adam - Adam wasn't sure if there was a little approval in that look just now - and said in the same cold tone as before: "Much better than others, at least now I can't see what you are thinking .”

After the others realized Arros's mind reading, their first reaction was fear, and then panic.The more you panic, the less you can concentrate, and the more you can't concentrate, the more your mind opens to him. This is an endless loop.In this way, any thoughts deep in their hearts will be spied on by him.

The young man in front of him looks like an insignificant white mage on the surface, but his mentality is much stronger than others. After realizing his ability, he immediately guards his mind and enters a high-level meditation state. That is the only way to defend against his mind-reading ability .

For a moment, Adam felt as if he was stripped naked and standing in front of Arlos. This kind of nakedness from the spiritual level made him feel extremely frightened.Just imagine, no matter what you are thinking, it is naked|exposed to the other person naked, without any secrets at all, it is very scary.

"Can you stop using mind reading, so I can't do my best to help you heal." Adam didn't lie, maintaining a high state of meditation, thinking of nothing in the mind is a very difficult thing, and a lot of mental power is consumed.

I don't know what else he saw...

No, don't think about it.

Adam's secrets, especially the secrets of the sanctuary space, made him very nervous for a while, and he couldn't help flashing such an idea in his empty mind again.

"Don't worry, I only know what temple spells you know, and I haven't seen the others."

That's good, Adam was relieved, and then he realized that just now his mind had been seen by mind reading again.

Damn it, Adam finally knew what it was like to dare to be angry and dare not speak up. The other party was a big man who could easily kill even the Golden Archmage, and he had nothing to do.This kind of weakness and powerlessness in the face of absolute power made him wish he could raise his professional level to level 16 or even higher right now.

Because he was afraid that more thoughts would be revealed by accident, Adam stopped thinking and speaking, and stared at Arlos with a pair of eyes.

"Cancelled, let's get started."

Hehe, put away these six nails later, and find a good day to seal you up again!Adam tempted and cursed in his heart.

Arlos on the opposite side didn't respond at all, just sat and watched him.

A sun beam sends you to death!

"Are you ready? When I pull out the nail, you can use the healing technique to maintain the power balance of the six-pointed star. Do you understand?"

Seems like mind reading isn't really being used anymore, Adam thought.

"it is good."

Arlos stretched out his right hand and pressed it on a nail in the heart.

"Wait..." Adam yelled.

"what happened again?"

"Can I understand that after treating your injury, I can leave and leave safely?"

"Exactly." Allos looked at Adam impatiently while grabbing a nail, "Any other questions?"


"That's good."

As soon as the words fell, Adam saw Arlos grabbing one of the nails and slowly pulling it out of his heart. The gurgling sound of the nail rubbing against the flesh fell in Adam's ears, making his skin crawl.You can feel the pain just thinking about it, not to mention pulling out the nail with your own hands.

"Spell preparation!"

Arlos yelled when a golden nail as long as five centimeters and as thick as an index finger was about to be pulled out of his heart.A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead, even for Arlos, it was not an easy task to pull out the nail from the heart with his own hands.

Holding a wand in his hand, Adam released a healing spell on Arlos' wound.

(End of this chapter)

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