urban small world

Chapter 1122 Disappointment

Chapter 1122 Disappointment
Those who have just stepped up the steps feel that the environment around them has changed as soon as they come up. Why are they still on the steps?

Each of them came to a different place, and there were many people around. The scene was so real that many of them were stunned.What's going on.Why did they come to another place as soon as they climbed the steps?

Unfortunately, no one can give them an answer.

Originally, before these people went up the steps, they made an agreement with some people who had a good relationship. Once they went up, they would come down and talk to them about the situation above.Even if it's okay, they also talked to those on the same side.

It's a pity that they stopped moving as soon as they went up.It took the first group of two people six or seven hours to move, and I don't know how long it will take for them to move.

In this way, those who waited for the news below were also depressed.Are they going to spend the first day of the new year here waiting?

This is a result that many people don't want, but unfortunately, at this time, they can't change anything. If they don't want to wait any longer, they have only the last way to go.That is to go up by yourself.In this way, they will know what happened above.

Of course, they could turn around and leave if they wanted to.As long as they are patient and want to come, within a few days, news will come back.In this way, a lot of time can be left to spend the New Year with the family.

Of course, if they choose the last path, it means that if there are benefits in the palace, they will be insulated in a few books.

After all, the opportunity was there, but they didn't seize it.

This is like, Li Qingyun heard a joke before.A man fell into the ocean.He just prayed there, God is merciful and will definitely come to save him.

Sure enough, after a while, a boat came, but the man refused to get on the boat, because he felt that the merciful God would not give up on him, and would definitely come to rescue him.

After a while, another boat came, but the man still didn't get on the boat. He thought that God would come to rescue him.Then they drowned.

When he arrived in heaven, he questioned God, I believe in you so much, why didn't you save me.

But God said, I sent a boat to rescue you first, but you didn’t get on, so I sent another boat, but you still couldn’t get on, who can blame it?
Obviously others gave him two chances to live, but he himself failed to seize them. No one can save such a person.

And the situation is much the same now.The palace is there, and the chance may also be in it. It's all like this. If they still dare not fight, then they can only blame themselves for saying that they can't find a chance all day long.

The opportunity is here, if they didn't seize it themselves, then no one else can blame it.

The next day, that is, the second day of junior high school, Li Qingyun and his family finally returned to the Wulin Continent.

On the night of Li Qingyun's thirties, he finished refining the Heart Palace, so he stopped paying attention to the situation there.

So the first thing he did when he returned to the Wulin Continent was to take a look at the situation in the Heart Refining Hall.

I don't know if a day has passed, and if anyone has entered the Hall of Refining Hearts.

Li Qingyun is still very concerned about this.

Others don't know what the Heart Refining Palace is, but Li Qingyun does.Because that's what he did.

With a sweep of Li Qingyun's consciousness, he immediately realized that at this time, there were actually five or six thousand people walking up the steps.

Unfortunately, no one has reached the Hall of Refining Heart yet.

Even most of the people are still staying on the bottom twenty steps.

Of course.This is because most of the steps are filled with martial arts fighters.

There are a dozen or so who have climbed more than fifty steps.

Obviously, Li Qingyun was also very disappointed by this.

You know, his steps are not too many, just three thousand steps.Corresponding to Dao Sanqian.

And if you want to go up to the Temple of Refining Mind, you can only go up through the steps.And only after completing those steps can one enter the Hall of Refining Hearts.Otherwise, if you go in directly, you may be hurt, which is not what Li Qingyun wants to see.

The Hall of Refining Hearts is the place where Li Qingyun used to improve the mental state of those warriors.And the steps below are not simple, each step is covered by a phantom array.Only by walking out of the phantom formation can one enter the next level.

Li Qingyun found that after one day, the one who went to the highest level only reached more than 70 levels.

To be honest, Li Qingyun was very disappointed by this.He knew that because of him, those people in the Wulin Continent generally had a low state of mind, but he never thought that they would be so poor.

You know, for the first five hundred steps, Li Qingyun didn't have much power at all.

Seeing such results, Li Qingyun felt like a father looking at his son's report card.

I expected them to score 40 points, even if they didn't score [-] points.You also need to score ninety points.But on the report card, it says [-] points.It's not a good feeling.

Well, Li Qingyun also knew that the people on the steps could not represent everyone.after all.At this time, most of those powerful people have not yet dispatched.

After all, after a day, none of the people above came down.This makes them want to find answers from them, but there is no way.Although they also sent people up.It's a pity that those people have not yet reported back.

How did they know that those people, although they only walked a few steps, it might only be a day outside, but in the feeling of those people, they don't know how long it has passed.

Some people even feel that they have spent decades.Where do you still remember to pass the news back?

Although what they experienced was just an illusion, the feeling was very real.And it is precisely because of the truth that they will have more feelings.

Only in this way can their state of mind be improved.

So those people below are doomed to be disappointed.In this way, those people did not dare to easily send out their trump cards.

After all, they don't know what they will encounter after climbing the steps, so it's normal for them to be cautious.

And there are still many masters in the Wulin Continent. At this time, they are not in the Wulin Continent at all.Some of them went home to celebrate the New Year, and some family members went to Wulin Mainland to celebrate the New Year.

On the first and second day of the new year, they can't leave their families behind and run to climb the steps.Even if they are willing, their family members do not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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