urban small world

Chapter 1123 Laying the Foundation

Chapter 1123 Laying the Foundation

The most important thing is that none of those who climbed the steps came down yet.Can't get in touch.It seems that after going up, those people have contacted the people of this world.Can't even get through the phone.

Therefore, those people will not run over in front of their families.Isn't this intentionally scary.

Didn't see that at the foot of the mountain of the Temple of Refining Heart, there are many family members waiting anxiously there.

Some people even feel sad.

It is precisely because of this that many powerful people have not yet been dispatched.

On the contrary, among these thousands of people, 90.00% of them are casual practitioners.

Even most people don’t have family members by their side, and it’s boring for them to spend New Year’s Eve alone, so it’s time to go up the mountain.

Although he knew about these situations, Li Qingyun was still depressed about the results of those people.Do you want to be so miserable?

You know, there are still a lot of warriors in the pill-holding realm.

However, Li Qingyun discovered that the one who climbed the highest was not a martial artist in the Baodan state, but he was only a mid-transformation state martial artist.

Obviously, strength and state of mind are not equal.Many fighters in the Baodan realm, they were also promoted to the current realm in a daze a year ago. They may have been Huajin warriors before, and some of them had never practiced. After one night, they became Baodan warriors. Alchemy warrior.

For such a person, there is also a huge gap in their mental state and cultivation base.

For such a result, Li Qingyun was not surprised either.Because this is all Li Qingyun's fault.If it wasn't for him, let those people practice step by step. Perhaps at this time, their strength will be much lower than now, but their foundation may be more solid.

But it's a pity that Li Qingyun made such a move.A lot of them.The foundation is not solid, so after they reach a certain level, it will be very strenuous to practice.If you want to improve, it will become more difficult.

This is like repairing a house and laying the foundation. If the foundation is not laid well.The higher one cultivates, the more dangerous it becomes.There is even a risk of collapse.

And if the base is solid.It may be slower in the early stage, but it will be much easier to fix later.

Of course, Li Qingyun would not admit that it was his fault.

After all, the strength of those humans in the Wulin Continent couldn't keep up with the development, so he stepped in to help.

And the people who were affected at that time were only a small number after all.

After all, there are still many people who are willing to become a master in advance.As long as they work hard, they can also go the other way and improve the foundation.

For example, Xu Fei, he also broke through to the Baodan state by merging with the aura of chaos.

But then he got an adventure, and through his own efforts, he successfully restored the foundation.Otherwise, it was impossible for him to get the top ten of the Wulin Continent's Baodan group.

But people like Xu Fei are just an example after all.What's more, he was lucky enough to have a good master, or in other words, he had a good uncle.It was precisely because of Li Qingyun that his foundation was restored so quickly.

But many people do not have such an opportunity.They can only rely on themselves.

But many people have not realized this yet.Such a person may have very limited achievements in the future.

On the contrary, there are some people who cultivated by their own ability, and they are very likely to surpass the present sons of heaven in the near future.

Yes, those warriors who broke through to the Baodan realm inexplicably have a unified nickname, they are called Sons of Heaven.

This must have been called out by some jealous people.

After all, those people are lucky and don't need to work hard at all to become warriors in the Baodan realm. Their strength seems to be a gift from God, so there is such a name.

But when they were envious of those people, they didn't know that a large part of them were actually poor people.Poor outcast.If there is no accident, their achievements will not be very high.

They can only temporarily enjoy a few years.In a few years, many of them may disappear in the vast crowd.

Of course, it would be different if they could get Li Qingyun's continued help.But Li Qingyun will not help those people for no reason.

They are not someone from Li Qingyun.How could Li Qingyun help them?

Of course, for some people who have a good relationship with Li Qingyun, Li Qingyun will definitely help them.For example, Lin Guangwei and Tan Jingrou.What kind of qualifications they have, this point, Lin Qingwei knows best.If it wasn't for Li Qingyun's help, they would have been able to cultivate to the point where Li Qingyun would have looked at them highly.

Therefore, without Li Qingyun's help, people like them would have no chance to become warriors in the Baodan realm.

And Lao Wu, he also became a martial artist in the Baodan realm because of Li Qingyun.I really thought he was a 60-year-old man.You can cultivate to Baodan state.What a heaven-defying aptitude that is.Unfortunately, he doesn't have that qualification.

Of course, only a small number of those warriors in the Baodan realm were able to integrate the chaotic aura because of Li Qingyun's selfishness, but most of them could only say that they were lucky enough to integrate themselves.

For those people, Li Qingyun didn't feel sorry for them.Or in other words, something related to them.

In the world of cultivation, everything depends on oneself.Always thinking about other people's charity, it will not go far.

And now Li Qingyun has brought out the Hall of Refining Hearts, the purpose is to give them a chance to make amends.If they can seize this opportunity, it is possible to make up for the foundation.If he couldn't seize the opportunity, then Li Qingyun couldn't save them either.

Sometimes the opportunity is there, and many people even see it.They didn't even catch them. Even if the gods come, they can't save such a person.

Although Li Qingyun was very disappointed by this, Li Qingyun quickly calmed down.

Anyway, the Temple of Refining Heart is placed there.It will always be there in the future.

Those people in the Wulin Continent can only see how far they can go in the end.

After returning home, Xixi and Hanghang were not happy.For them, there is no dislike for the countryside.

And they also like to play there.

There are many children in the village.Most of those children usually live in the Wulin Continent, and this time they also returned to the village to celebrate the New Year just like Li Qingyun and the others.

Children, they always like to play with children.

Moreover, these children living in the Wulin Continent are also very smart, and they can also play together.

After returning to the Wulin Continent, no one played with them anymore.So, of course the two little guys are not happy.

And in the village, Li Qingyun's grandparents treated these two great-granddaughters very well.Let them do everything.This made the two little guys very happy.

Now back home, they can only play with siblings.They wanted Li Qingyun to play with them, but Li Qingyun didn't accompany them because he wanted to watch the matter of the Heart Refining Palace.

And Lin Qingwei and Li Qingjing also went to exercise, saying that they ate too much these days and gained weight, and they wanted to exercise more to lose weight.

Even Li Qingyun didn't believe their excuse.As far as their strength is concerned, no matter how much they eat, it is impossible to gain weight.Unless they want to gain weight themselves.

Just kidding, no matter how much they eat, it can be refined into energy.Even they can lose weight wherever they want.Wherever you want to gain weight, you can grow meat.For cultivators, this is a very easy task.

This is why, in the cultivation world, there are handsome men and beautiful women everywhere.

In the cultivation world, as long as one has the strength, everything is not a problem.

As long as they are willing, it is not difficult to grow up to look like a fairy sister.

And they made this excuse at this time because they didn't want to play with the two little guys.

If it is another child, they may still be willing to play with the child.After all, being stupid and cute is also very fun, okay, and the cutest.

Although Xixi and Hanghang are young, they are not ordinary children.At this time, they are like ordinary children when they are about ten years old, when they are the most disobedient and rebellious.Sometimes, I just want to slap him to death.

Moreover, Xixi and Hanghang are also overly active at this time.Most people really can't keep up with their rhythm.Li Qingjing had already suffered from them.Of course I don't want to play with them.

Fortunately, on this day, not long after Li Qingyun and the others came back, Li Qingsong and the others came over.

Li Qingsong and the others spent Chinese New Year in Wulin Continent.

I heard that Li Qingyun and the others are back.Li Qingsong also brought Ying Er over.As for their parents, they must have returned to the village by this time.

After all, Li Qingyun's grandparents are still there, if they don't go back during the Chinese New Year, they will be gossiped by others in the future.

And Li Qingsong will take Yinger back later.

The reason why they came to Li Qingyun's place was because Li Qingsong also heard about the Heart Refining Palace.He wanted to come over and ask Li Qingyun if he knew the situation.

But Yinger likes to play with Xixi and Hanghang very much.Not only are they very beautiful and handsome, but the two little guys are also very kind to her.Always come up with something she has never seen to play with her.

I don't know if it's because she didn't have a childhood, and she didn't even play with toys. At this time, she is also very interested in children's toys.

Even because of this, Li Qingjing and the others would tease her from time to time, saying that if they liked children, they would make them themselves.

Yinger is very embarrassed every time she does it.

But they don't have this plan yet, after all, she and Li Qingsong still have half a year to graduate.

(End of this chapter)

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