Chapter 1121

But in this world, there will always be some people who are foolish and bold.Isn't it just a contribution point?They can still afford it.So, pretty soon, someone paid to walk up the steps.

However, when he stepped up, he stood on the steps, motionless, like a statue.

The people below didn't know what happened.

Seeing him not moving for a long time, the people below also called him loudly.Unfortunately, the man didn't respond at all.

In this way, there are some people who want to pull him, but unfortunately, no one can cross that line without paying.

However, who can come here to play, who doesn't have a few friends.So, after a while, someone stepped up after paying the contribution points.

Originally, that person's original intention was to make some contributions, and then go up and pull him back.

But soon, everyone saw that the person who stepped up the steps immediately settled there, just like the person in front, motionless.

This time, it frightened the spectators around.

What kind of place is this?But one thing they can be sure of is that for a long time to come, this place may become a holy place for many warriors.

And they don't believe it, this is a place to spend money to find death.That's not in line with common sense.

So, there must be some reasons they don't know.

And the two people who were trapped may not have been killed as some people imagined.

Of course, although many people know this, but at this time, with two role models there, no one dares to go up.

Because they didn't know what happened to them, so they went up so recklessly, wasting a little contribution, and if they were really injured, it would be bad.Although the possibility of this is not great, it is just in case.It would be bad if they were wrong.

After all, there is only one life, who dares to use his own life to prove to others whether there is danger here.

Therefore, even at this time, there were already some warriors in the Baodan realm coming over, but they did not act easily.

They are all prepared to wait.See if the two people on the steps are still moving.

As they waited, half a day passed.

It takes half a day to say whether it is long or not, and half a day is enough for everyone in the Wulin Continent to know what is going on here.

After all, in this world, as long as a second person knows about anything, it is no longer a secret, and it is very likely that it will be known to the whole world.

What's more, there is so much movement here today.It has already attracted the attention of many people.

It doesn't take half a day at all, it's just two hours. People who should know and people who shouldn't know will know.

But many people who heard the news later, they also know that the palace is not so easy to enter.

There are already pioneers set on it.Therefore, many people are not in a hurry.After all, today is the first day of the new year, and many of them are still with their families.

After all, many of their family members do not usually live in the Wulin Continent. This time, they finally took advantage of the Chinese New Year to visit them here. Of course, they had to spend some time with them.

Therefore, after those people heard about the situation here, they were not in a hurry.They are going to wait for news.

Therefore, although many people went to the arena, many people also left at the same time.

Some people also left after taking a look at the situation. Obviously, they were all waiting for news.

It would be better if the two people on that step could come down.That way they can also ask them what happened to them on the steps so they can take action accordingly.

It's just a pity that until noon, neither of those two people moved at all.They still stood there in that position, motionless.

Ordinary people, standing still for such a long time, would not be able to bear it long ago, even many warriors would feel uncomfortable if they were asked to stand still like this.

But the two of them didn't seem to feel anything at all.This is frustrating.

At noon, more people left here.

There is no way, the palace cannot be entered, and if one wants to reach the palace, one can only climb up the steps step by step.Even some of their fighters in the pill-holding realm can't fly here.

And the steps are so wicked.Many people will not take risks until they have figured out the situation.So at this time, many people left here and went back to eat.

After all, today is the first day of the new year.If it was another time, it would not be a big deal to them if they didn't eat a meal.But today is different.

Of course, those who left all had family members in the Wulin Continent, and many people had no family members in the Wulin Continent at all. For such people, it doesn’t matter if they eat or not, so there are also many people who choose to stay here yes.

Finally, at around three o'clock in the afternoon, the eyes of some people who stayed here suddenly lit up.

Because they found that the person who first went up the steps moved.Yes, he moved.He actually shook his head there, probably because he had been standing for a long time and his neck felt a little uncomfortable.But this is good news for the people below.At least it shows that he is not dead.

Although I don't know why he stood there for so long just now.But knowing that there is no danger here is enough for many people.

Seeing that person move, the people below started to shout.Because many of them want to know what is going on here, and if they want to know this, the fastest way is to call that person down, even if they contribute a little as the fee for inquiring about the news, for many As far as people are concerned, they all recognize it.

But no matter how loud they shouted.The person who was less than one meter away from them didn't seem to hear it either.He didn't look back, he looked up at the steps above, and then stepped up.

"No, brother, come down quickly, I will help you contribute points, you can go up again. Brother, come down first, okay?"

Although the person below shouted very loudly, it seemed that the person didn't hear it.Straight up.Then he stood there motionless again.

It's a pity that that person never looked back, so he didn't see those people below.Otherwise, he might be taken aback.

There are so many people below, what are they doing there? Such a good opportunity, if they don’t rush up the steps, what are they wasting their time there for?

Of course, he didn't look back, so he didn't know that at this time, many people behind saw him continue to go up, and they all wanted to eat him.

Only those who have really stood on the steps will know that this contribution point is really worth it.

After all, it was the first time for that person to come up, and he hadn't even figured out the rules here, nor did he know how long the contribution points he gave would allow him to stay here.

If time is limited, he doesn't want to waste it here.That's why he went straight up as soon as he woke up.

And in his heart, there must be many people rushing to such a good place. If his speed is slow, he may be left behind by others. People, who has no self-motivated mind?

But when he came like this, the people below who were waiting for the news were depressed to death.What are you doing so fast?No one is going to kill you.Why don't you come down and talk to us.

It's a pity that the steps and the outside seem to be two different worlds.Although they can see the people on the steps, but they are here, but they can't affect the people above, even if they speak loudly, the people above can't hear them.

In this way, those people below will be depressed.

Can't you go up the stairs?It's a tough choice.Go ahead, there may be some benefits, but who knows.

Although they saw the man continue to go up just now, but what is the situation, before it is confirmed, no one can guarantee that there is no danger.

If not, the danger will of course be much smaller, but if there is no danger, there are benefits.They are so timid, when the time comes, the benefits will not be taken by others. If this is the case, then they will definitely regret it.

There are not a few people who have such thoughts now.

People are so contradictory sometimes.

But they are very contradictory.But the people on the steps did not have conflicts in their hearts.

After another half an hour, the second person also went up to the second step, and then continued to stay there.

Well, with the example of the first person, those below who also did not call it down are not so disappointed.

Since there is no way to get news from others.Then I had to find the answer myself.Isn't it just a little contribution?

Many of them can still afford it.

The most important thing is that they don't want the opportunity to lie here, but they miss it because they hesitate here.If such a thing really happened, they don't know how many people will regret it to death.

Therefore, when the second person also stepped up the second step, in less than a minute, a dozen or so people stepped up the step one after another.

Of course, when they went up, they stayed there motionless just like the two people in front, not knowing what happened to them.

Anyway, in the eyes of the people below, they were all in a daze.

But at this time, for those who stepped up the steps, it was a different feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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