Chapter 621 Decisive Battle at Hangu Pass

I don't know when it started, a terrible rumor spread from the land of Shenzhou.

The Han court condoned the Five Dou Rice Sect and studied the cruel blood curse. The conditions for casting this blood curse are very harsh, and the production process is also devoid of conscience.After using it, there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, until the sun comes out, killing without stopping within twelve hours.

The skulls of hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people were brought back directly and piled up outside Shouchun to form a Jingguan.This Jingguan has bones of all ages, men, women, and children, and it is directly up a pyramid, which looks very embarrassing.At night, the night wind passed through the Jingguan, bringing out bursts of shrill cries, which frightened the people so much that they dare not walk at night.

More and more people came to watch this Jingguan, and then scolded the Han court for being against humanity, for actually researching such insane spells.Even some merchants in Bashu and Guanzhong couldn't help but worry after seeing this Jingguan and hearing the rumor. If one day the imperial court uses this spell in Guanzhong, or if there is a problem with the research, then how many people will die? people?Thinking of this, I immediately shuddered.

The Emperor of Chu, Li Ming officially issued an order: Liu Ting, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was not in the right position, and his methods were brutal, and his methods became more and more serious with the passage of time. To this day, he has begun to study this kind of magic technique that violates the harmony of heaven. If it continues, it will be Huaxia The catastrophe of the world, the catastrophe of the human race!At this point, I call on the heroes of the world to condemn the big man together!

People of insight, do not serve as officials in the Han court; merchants, do not enter Bashu and Guanzhong to trade; appeal to the people in Guanzhong, for your safety, you should move to Dachu for [-] yuan!As for the Han court, please destroy the blood curse, and destroy all research materials, and kill all the personnel involved in the research!
It has to be said that after the announcement was made, it did have some effect.Among other things, in 206 A.D., the year when Li Ming was 40 years old, the number of business travelers entering Guanzhong in the first half of the year decreased by 80% compared with last year.Except for some merchants who really needed to make a living, or could not bear the profits of Silk Road commodities, and ventured into Guanzhong, most of them expressed their support for the imperial court and refused to do business with Guanzhong!

This year, in the imperial examination held by the Han court, the number of participants from poor families was less than 200; the number of participants from aristocratic families also decreased. The key point is that the number of candidates in the past under the rule of Great Chu dropped by 99% compared to the previous one.The final result was that the Han court did not even have the three ranks of Jinshi in the imperial examination.

A large number of Silk Road products were unsalable, and fiscal revenue was directly halved.If there is no way to change this situation in the second half of the year, it will be an absolute fatal blow to Han Ting.To be honest, whether it is Guanzhong, Liangzhou, or even Bingzhou, the food production is not high, and it is even difficult to rely on local production to meet the needs of the local people. Importing is the mainstream.

Bashu can provide part of it, and now it can be said that Bashu is already the main grain producing area of ​​the Han Dynasty.But the problem is that there is still 40% of the gap that needs to be imported from Dachu.But now Da Chu would rather lose money than let a grain of rice pass by. Immediately, it became a problem for many people to eat, and the price of food has increased by 50%. This situation is estimated to be further aggravated.

Therefore, the officials of the Han court, excluding a few of Liu Ting's confidantes, united for the first time, regardless of civil or military, and wrote letters one after another, requesting to agree to Li Ming's announcement and stop studying the blood curse.Yes, they are definitely for the people of the big man, and they are definitely not worried about losing control during the research process of the blood curse, which will cause incalculable consequences.

Especially the officials of the Yizhou department are worried. After all, they probably know that the research base is in Hanzhong.Both Guanghan County and Berkshire are in the radiation range, and even Chang'an is in danger.

Finally, at Chen Qun's suggestion, Liu Ting personally burned the so-called "research materials" under the witness of everyone, and at the same time, more than 200 people dressed as Taoists were pushed out of the vegetable market and beheaded for public display.Now, many people felt a little relieved, but there were still many people who thought that Liu Ting did not destroy the 'real' materials, or that Liu Ting kept a copy.

As for whether Liu Ting did that, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom.To be honest, the officials are also very clear that it is a good thing for the country to have such a powerful spell.But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, such as the prosperity of the country, sometimes personal safety is put at the forefront.

"Li Ming, you don't want me to live, and I won't let you live either!" Seeing that the effect didn't meet the expectations, Liu Ting was also depressed to death.However, as many people guessed, the data was not destroyed, but transferred to a more hidden place.

The next step of research is how to make the Gorefiend recognize the enemy and ensure that it only attacks the enemy.Even how to make the Gorefiend last longer is also a subject of research.

At first, this research was developed by Wu Dou Mijiao. Later, Zhuge Liang suggested that this research must be in the hands of the imperial court, at least under the supervision of the imperial court. Joint research.Three points check and supervise each other to avoid leakage of research content.

However, Li Ming was immediately annoyed by making such a big battle and putting him in such a passive environment.

"It's just that it's not good to use the Blood Curse anymore, otherwise the previous actions will make the court completely lose the trust among the people." Chen Qun stepped forward to persuade.

"I know, we don't have the ability to actively attack them at all, and it will take at least nine years!" Liu Ting was even more depressed when he heard that Cao Cao had already brought back as many slaves as he was poisoned.And in a short period of time, these slaves have helped them do a lot of rough work, and made a lot of contributions to local construction and ore mining.

Even so, the cultivation of warriors, as well as the training of soldiers, cannot be accomplished overnight.

"In terms of logistics, Zhuge Aiqing provided the 'wooden cattle and horses', which saved a lot of trouble, but the source of soldiers is still scarce..." Liu Ting is also very painful. If he continues to recruit young people to join the army, then it will really be out of ten. empty.

"Report! The front line sends back emergency documents!" At this moment, a constant attendant shouted outside.

"Xuan!" Liu Ting shouted immediately after hearing the words.

Not long after, a messenger ran in in a panic and saluted naturally when he saw Liu Ting.When asked what urgent document it was, he immediately handed a document to Liu Ting.

"What!?" Liu Ting opened it and was surprised, then handed the document to the other four curious babies.

"Li Ming actually intends to make an agreement with us to fight to the death at Hangu Pass next year? Hehe, if he wants to die, I'll make him happy!" Liu Ting said with great interest. If he just fights alone, Li Ming is not his opponent.The key point is that Zhang Yan has gradually perfected the means to deal with Li Ming's existence.

In the end, it's fine if he doesn't come, if he comes, Liu Ting will only tell him to come and never return!

"Liu Ting is nothing to worry about!" Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and said, "The real question is whether the other party will launch an all-out war!"

"It's not possible, but it must be launched! The grain reserves of Dachu are increasing, and many railways have been built this year. At the same time, 10 people have been recruited into the army. There are 20 people from Nanzhong alone. The tribes, the Wuxi Man tribe and the Pengyue tribe's barbarians are watching, so we must guard against them!" Sima Yi knew the situation better, so he hurriedly stepped forward to remind him.

 The climax of the first part of the decisive battle is coming. As for "Blood Curse", I don't know if anyone can see it?That's actually a reference to the forbidden curse of the Blood God in "Zombie 3".

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(End of this chapter)

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