We want revenge

The news came back to Shouchun three days later, and Li Ming was stunned for a minute after seeing the battle report. For a moment, he really thought he had read it wrong?
It feels good to put it this way... It's like the computer can only predict that the threat level of the NPC enemy is low-level, and then after launching a war, although it is defeated, it actually puts all its wealth into it, and it may even affect the subsequent strategic deployment. Immediately, I felt a chill in my heart.

"What's the situation on the front line?" Li Ming was about to scold his mother, how much painstaking effort did it take to cultivate the [-] elite?Now the fuck is telling him that the entire army of the [-] elite was wiped out, and Gongsun Zan was also killed? !
"General Zhengbei University and the military adviser have already gone to check the situation, and maybe new information will be delivered in a few days." The soldier in charge of delivering the letter was trembling, for fear that Li Ming would push him out and chop him up if he was upset.

"Wait, I want to see what's going on!" Li Ming roared angrily.

"Your Majesty!" Zhu Jun came out, "Wang Yu is not the kind of person who is greedy for merit, and Xu Huang has led the army for many years. In the past, [-] troops were able to defeat Xianbei and Wuhuan's [-] troops. I'm afraid something will go wrong!"

"I know, that's why I said we have to wait... But it is a fact that [-] soldiers died in battle, and we must do a good job of appeasement. Speaking of which, if Chong'er hadn't been transferred back to my side, I'm afraid he would have gone north with the army. ? This can be regarded as escaped." Li Ming sighed.

"The crown prince's fortune is as high as the sky, so he will turn danger into good luck." Zhang Zhao came out and said with a smile.

The matter was suppressed temporarily, but the compensation was carried out immediately. The compensation for [-] soldiers in one breath was already the casualties of a major battle.The logistics department also worked overtime. Xun Biao, who was in charge of the Ministry of Finance, drank for two days.

Three days later, a follow-up report from Wang Yu came back.Seeing the description of the Gorefiend curse inside, Li Ming also felt his scalp go numb.It doesn't matter that the preparation of this curse is very cruel, but the power is so terrifying after it is activated.He even suspected that if someone intentionally launched this curse in Shouchun, then...

Nearly a million people in Shouchun and the surrounding areas of Shouchun died overnight, comparable to the Zhao soldiers who were murdered by Bai Qi back then.

"Your Majesty, the military advisor has already researched the blazing sun talisman, which can eliminate the blood demons. The military advisor also suggested that a blazing sun formation can be arranged in key cities such as Shouchun through formations, so as to at least kill the blood demons within the city limits. But for this vicious curse, it should be eradicated from the source, and it is better not to let it be passed down!" The messenger hurriedly reported.

"Very good, the military master made a great contribution! Go back and tell him that I will give him the title of Marquis on the day the Fierce Sun Formation is established!" Li Ming nodded. With Xi Zhicai's contribution so far, the title of Marquis is more than enough.

"Here!" The messenger already knew that his mission was completed, so he hurriedly said his goodbyes and went back to his command.

"My loves!" Li Ming turned his eyes to the ministers, "I think everyone has the same idea, that is, this curse should not exist in this world! Now it can be preliminarily determined that this curse has nothing to do with the Five Dou Rice Sect. Related, this has been affirmed by Zhang Ning, the leader of the Taiping Sect! I have already sent someone to invite the head of the Dunjia Sect to come to further judge this curse, but now, I will ask everyone, if this curse is really related to the big man , what should you do?"

"There is no need to think about it!" Zhang Zhao walked out, "Order the big man to destroy this curse, otherwise we will make them pay for it! Don't dare to say anything else, morality is on our side this time!"

"This needs to be publicized. After all, most people have never seen this curse at all, and they don't understand its power and destructive power. Besides, Xianbei has never used this curse before, and the people may not believe it. Dahan Over there, it can also be inferred that it was developed by Xianbei people!" Xun Biao added.

Li Ming thought about it, and said slowly: "To be honest, I am still very moved when I know there is such a curse. If only 500 people can be sacrificed, 10 people can be killed. Then this deal is very cost-effective. I think that instead of letting the other party destroy this curse, it is better to order the other party to hand over a copy to us to study the way to crack it. The key is to use publicity, from a moral point of view, if the other party wants to Use it openly and aboveboard, but you have to worry about it."

Just like bacterial weapons, they all despise Unit 731's research on bacterial weapons. As a result, they all divided up the research materials after the war.In the end, everyone has this thing in their hands, but no one dares to use it, just like a nuclear bomb.

"Your Majesty is more considerate!" Xun Biao smiled, satisfied with Li Ming's inference.Li Ming came from a poor family, but now that he thinks about it, he looks more and more like a successful ruler.

Li Ming passed a letter of credence to the big man, and the other party replied, saying, "I don't know about this matter, and I haven't developed a similar curse, please don't blame me casually, the big man reserves the right to appeal"... Cough, anyway, it's probably this mean.

"This is an intention to openly play tricks!" Li Ming directly slammed the letter of credentials that the big man replied on the hall.Then he looked angrily at Zuo Ci, "Master Zuomen, how is your research on this blood curse?"

"The basic principle, Pindao has already analyzed it clearly. If we want to make it, we probably need to experiment. It's just that this thing is too sinister, and I'm afraid it will hurt the harmony of the world." Zuo Ci said compassionately.

"No matter what era, there are always some people who can't win the battle openly, but take crooked ways to attack the existence of the enemy. If we don't study, they will only go further and further down this road. One day when we don't have the ability to deal with it, say To put it bluntly, that is the day when our country will be subjugated. In my opinion, even if it hurts peace, for the prosperity of the country, the strength on the bright side needs to be developed, and the strength on the dark side also needs to be developed!" Li Ming pinched Said with a fist.

"I would like to share your worries for His Majesty!" On the side of the Taiping Sect, several Taoist priests immediately stepped forward to plead for orders.

"Officer Jia is fully responsible for this matter, and the research institute will be established from now on. Since you guys are so enthusiastic, let's study under him!" Li Ming said slowly.

"Follow the order!" Several Taoist priests took orders after hearing the words, they knew very well that this might be their chance to stand out.

"Hey, in this way, there will be no peace for the people of the world!" Zuo Ci only sighed after hearing this.In fact, he still approves of Li Ming's words, and he can only blame him, the first guy who researched this stuff.

At the same time, Zhang Lu, who was in Hanzhong, sneezed and looked around inexplicably.

"East Xianbei has been beaten and disabled, leaving only the Budugen Group in Western Xianbei. I have no intention of leaving the land that has been laid down. In the short term, I will select five places where cities can be built. The huge grassland is divided into several counties, and several counties have been established. From now on, I will make these places our territory forever!" Li Ming said solemnly.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Today is different from the past. The emergence of kangs, padded jackets, down jackets, and coal stoves allows people to live in the north.For Li Ming's opinion, most civil servants still agree.

"Besides, we can't take advantage of the big man like this! Pass on the order to attack the big man with all our strength next year!" Li Ming announced immediately.

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(End of this chapter)

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