Chapter 622 The Desperate Gap

In the autumn of 206 A.D., Li Ming led an army of [-] and marched in the direction of Hangu Pass.

During the stay in Luoyang, seeing Luoyang slowly regaining its vitality, the people have begun to recognize the rule of Dachu, and they are naturally extremely relieved.At the same time, a large amount of materials began to be transported across the country from Yizhou, Jiaozhou, Xuzhou and Yangzhou, and even Wa Island and Jeju Island.

If you want to get rich, build roads first, Li Ming put out this slogan openly.Encourage local aristocratic families and merchants to join forces to build roads. People who take this road within ten to 15 years have to pay a symbolic copper coin as a toll.The focus is still on caravans and carriages, the fees are slightly more expensive, and they are mainly used to maintain the road surface.

Even so, a large amount of reinforced concrete has been invested to make the ground very solid. The only problem is that the engraving of the anti-skid line requires a lot of labor, but the labor these days is really worthless.

It is conceivable that more than a dozen joint-stock aristocratic families dispatched more than 3000 servants to carve even ten lines a day, and then lengthen the distance. It does not take long for a road to be completely engraved with anti-skid lines. Two meals a day cost next to nothing, and you can't get a better deal.

The real biggest expense is the patrolling personnel that are needed for surveillance.There are always people who say they don’t want to go this way, but end up walking halfway and sneaking this way again. The reason is that no one will find them.Therefore, at night, someone has to patrol the road back and forth to ensure that every penny is not wasted.

Later, the government came forward and imposed a fine of [-] times on the violators, and also took a public parade in the streets.Anyway, there is no humanitarianism these days, and the cost of trampling on the dignity of the people is too low.However, most of the common people think that it is beneficial to punish those who violate the law and discipline severely, and there will be a farce of "security crackdown" in the follow-up. However, the stability of the law and order in the rear is a good thing for the soldiers on the front line.

When the road is built, the aristocratic families involved in the road construction will naturally make a lot of money.Li Ming also has official roads that can go directly to the front line, not only cement concrete roads, but also a dozen railways, which are driven by a few horses and change horses to rest along the way.In this way, the entire Great Chu is even more connected, the connection between the north and the south is closer, and the transportation of materials has become more convenient.

Finally, based on eleven places including Panyu, Yuzhang, Shanyin, Shouchun, Pengcheng, Beihai, Wan, Chenliu, Puyang, Yecheng and Ji, the traffic situation developed rapidly.Before Li Ming's expedition in autumn, it only took two days to travel from Shouchun to Panyu; it only took about three days to travel from Shouchun to Jixian.In the past, it may not be possible to arrive in less than seven or eight days.

The railway also promotes the transportation of logistics, and a large amount of materials are transported from south to north by railway.A large amount of weapons and equipment, as well as food and daily necessities, and even medicines, were successively transported to the Southern Army and the Northern Army.

The reform of grain varieties has further increased the grain output; the large-scale breeding base has also made all kinds of meat no shortage at all; at the same time, there is also a herbal medicine cultivation base, where the varieties of herbal medicines are constantly being improved to optimize the efficacy of medicines; In the hospital, a large number of military doctors enter the army every year, and surgical operations, as well as medical conditioning, acupuncture and other techniques are constantly being researched.

The larger the territory, the more resources Li Ming can control.It is advocated by the state, the general environment is good, and the aristocratic family has also begun to cultivate in traditional farming, and has begun to move towards a scientific research-based agricultural economy, and even the road of doing business or industrial technology research.Li Ming attaches great importance to the protection of patents. Infringers are easily beheaded, most seriously by the barbarians, so the aristocratic families can rest assured to research technology and make profits with the technology in their hands.

Now he has enough ability to launch a war with all his strength, and this war has a great chance of winning.It only takes about ten days to confront the imperial army at Hangu Pass, then the overall situation can be settled, and Bingzhou and Berkshire will definitely fall into his hands.

This is the conclusion reached by the shadow guard after considering the specific situation of the big man, and after in-depth analysis by Guo Jia and others.

The big man is militaristic, and he only relies on the Silk Road and his original background for development.In addition, Emperor Liu Ting of the Han Dynasty was an ancient man, and his thinking was not so advanced. Even if he sent spies, he kept collecting the policies of Dachu.In the end, in Liu Ting's view, these things are all things that know what they are but don't know why.

In the end, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi joined forces to decipher Li Ming's complete ruling philosophy.The whole idea came to him almost when he served as the prefect of Kuaiji, and all the policies were connected in series.Even so, the two of them can only admit that at most they understand all the ideas at this stage and so far, but they can't make up their minds about how to develop in the future.

In the final analysis, it is the lack of experience and accumulated knowledge, and it is very difficult to catch up with Li Ming's ideas.If he wanted to surpass, Zhuge Liang felt that he had to continue to study hard for a few years, and even read some books from Da Chu's side, so that he could thoroughly understand it.On Sima Yi's side, it's almost the same meaning.

A large number of conscriptions eventually led to the weakening of the background of the big man.Up to now, the tax revenue has shrunk even further. What Liu Ting can do now is to concentrate superior forces and make a breakthrough at a certain point. The time left for him is only about ten days. After ten days, the whole army is about to Facing the embarrassment of food shortage.

Troops from other places cannot be mobilized at all, and the roads are difficult to walk. If you support a place over a long distance, a batch of food will be consumed in the process of transportation every day.The key is the process of transportation, and it will not be fast.It can be said that if soldiers from Bingzhou or even Jiangzhou plan to come to support, then I am afraid that the food and grass will be enough for three days at most, and if they can't win in three days, there is no need to fight.

Just when Li Ming came to Luoyang, he was in the Han Palace.

After listening to Sima Yi's words, Liu Ting paced back and forth in the main hall: "To be honest, I really envy Li Ming. Why is Da Chu getting richer and richer? The amount of money and food in his hand is so much that I can't even count it. The annual food production is also increasing, and the price of meat is affordable even by ordinary people. The key is that the transportation of materials is so fast, and there is not much food consumed during the period. Without this foundation, he can't fight on multiple fronts!"

"Then make a breakthrough at one point! Your Majesty doesn't need to be depressed. It may not be a good thing that they have built the road so well! As long as they make a breakthrough, our army can drive straight in. Their road has instead become a channel for us to quickly expand our achievements. We even We can just feed on the enemy, and when the time comes to fight all the way, I'll see what they can do to stop us!" Zhuge Liang said leisurely, in his opinion the situation is not that bad.

The real key lies in how to do it, one click to break!As long as you break through a hole, a hole is fine!
"I want to fight in person!" Liu Ting was silent for three seconds, and then said resolutely, "Anyway, if you can't beat the opponent after ten days, the big man will inevitably be precarious, and may even be determined by the opponent! In this case, Then what else do I have to worry about! Either defend my great Han country and die, or my great Han will be revived!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Hearing the words, the four present did not expect Liu Ting to go all out, but after thinking about it carefully, this might not be the best result. Looking at the big man, the strongest is him.

Liu Ting, on the other hand, thought of Shen Ye's last exhortation.Cao Cao has already established a city in Shendu, where is the last retreat of the big man, if not, send Xing'er (the prince of the big man) there? !
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(End of this chapter)

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